Friday, February 11, 2011

What Men Find Irresistable

How many opportunities at love and happiness did you miss last year?  I'd like you to resolve to STOP making dating mistakes this year, and learn the secrets to becoming more attractive, more seductive, and more irresistible to the men you meet!

We're well into the New Year. How are you doing in the dating-and-relationships part of things so far?
No matter how well or how badly you're doing, I'd like you to stick with me, and resolve to reduce the things you do that make men run, and instead learn the skills you need to ATTRACT them into your life!

Yes, I'm talking about becoming absolutely, completely IRRESISTIBLE to the men you meet.  I want you to become so fantastically attractive that it doesn't matter who you meet -- they can't help but feel SMITTEN by your seductive charm!

And to get started, I'd like you to make these 3 "New Year's Resolutions" that are practically guaranteed to make you more attractive INSTANTLY.


These days, it seems like we women are "wired" to play mind games with the men in our lives.  It's like dating and relationships have their own brand of "politics!"  For instance, whenever we feel neglected
by our men, we try to make him jealous-- such as by meeting new men and having them text, call, or post on our Facebook walls.

Ladies, I'd like you to stop playing these mind games. They may be fun sometimes, and they may swing things in your favor for a short while.  But they never work for the long-term, no matter how well you play these games!  Trust me -- when you keep playing mind games, you'll either end up with a weak,
immature man who gets manipulated too easily, or you'll watch helplessly as he stops putting up with your games and walks away, leaving you utterly alone and miserable!


You know what men find REALLY irresistible? It's a woman who's strong, confident, and independent.
These are the women who can take care of themselves, living fabulous lives with or without a man in the picture.  And, yes, I want you to be one!

Strong, confident, and independent women are a rarity these days -- which is basically why they're so in-demand.  Men absolutely LOVE being with women who don't need to be "handled with care."  They love spending less time babying you, and more time building the relationship!

To become stronger, more confident, and more independent, I suggest you start small. Take note of the challenges that come your way this year, whether it's at work, at home, or in dating.  And as they come, instead of complaining or feeling weak, resolve to stand up and face them -- and come out stronger on
the other side!


I'm sure there are times when you want to be "in charge" of things in your relationship. And when things aren't going too well in the relationship, you point it out to your boyfriend and tell him how things are "supposed to be done."  Or sometimes, it's the other way around -- you let your boyfriend "take charge"
of things, but when you feel he's not doing a good enough job, you call him out.

Ladies, criticism almost never works for the better in a relationship.  It puts him under pressure, it makes him feel less of a man, and it doesn't fix the problem.   So I suggest you take a different approach. Instead of accusing him of doing and being things he's not supposed to be, start treating him like the man you want him to be!


JY, a friend of mine, once told me that she had high standards for her "ideal boyfriend" -- tall, handsome, lean, smart, hardworking, and successful. "But most of all," she said, "he has to accept me for who I am."

That's when I asked her, "Don't you think you should accept him for who he is, too?"
Everyone -- you, me, the people we meet, everyone -- has their quirks!  And if you don't tolerate the quirks of the men you meet, then it's likely they're not going to tolerate your own quirks, as well -- and you'll never see eye-to-eye.

But when you know he's not perfect -- but you say, "I love him anyway" – guys LOVE that! And they'll love you for that, too.  And the more you respect him for who he is, the more compelled he'll feel to be
a good partner and take good care of the relationship!


Here's a trap that many of us fall into -- once we settle into a "good" relationship, we struggle to keep things the way we want them to be.  We resist any change to the routines we've gotten used to with our
boyfriends.  In other words, we settle into a "comfort zone" of sorts.

And comfort zones never serve you well.  In business, for instance, it's been predicted that the skills that keep money flowing into your life today will be obsolete four years from now.  And the only way to keep pace with the growing world is to grow with it!

The same thing goes for dating and relationships.  If you don't grow – if you don't learn new things and rise to the challenges that come your way -- then you tend to get rancid.

Your boyfriend will grow tired of taking care of you, and he'll start looking for a way out. Trust me, yo do NOT want that to happen this year!


One of the simplest and easiest ways to be irresistible to the men you meet is to always, always bring new things to the table.  Trust me -- it's fun learning new "dating game techniques," and then actually going out there and trying them out for yourself.  And, yes, it's fun for the men you meet, too!

When you constantly get better at the dating game, you'll also constantly meet better and better men.
And eventually, there will be a time when you finally find the best one in the bunch -- one who's actually willing to sit down and talk about the future with you!


It depends! If you keep getting better at the dating game, and if you keep meeting new and better men every single week, then yes -- I'm pretty sure you'll meet "the one" this year!

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