Showing posts with label Woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Woman. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2013

Happy Woman's Day

Happy Woman's Day..Let's celebrate our womanhood:)

Some say that a woman is for sleeping with
Long winter nights..
Some say that a woman is for play-like
Like a sexy dancer on a green harvest ground
To make her dance with nine-castanets…
Some say she is my spouse..
Some say she is the spiritual debt
That I carry around my neck
Some say; she’s the one who leavens my bread,
Some say; she’s one who gives my children birth…
She’s neither this nor that, not a sexy dancer, not a spouse, not a debt, none of that!
She is my arms and my legs and my head..
My mother, my wife, my sister, my lover-confidant
She is My Lifelong Bosom Friend...

~ Nazım Hikmet

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Letter To The Unfulfilled Wife.

I may not know you. I may not know your name, where you come from, or where you live. But I know what you’re going through.

I’ve been there. I know you just want to be happy. You just want your marriage, your husband, your home life to be…better. Happier. Easier.

I know you are tired of being sad. Tired of being unfulfilled. Tired of settling. Tired of wanting more. Tired of trying to make yourself stop caring.

I know sometimes you look up and wonder, “What happened to the ME I used to be?” You’ve bent, suppressed, and given up so much of yourself. Sometimes you wonder, “What am I doing here? What’s the point? Maybe my life would be better if/when/ there…”

I know you feel unnoticed and unappreciated. You can’t get rid of the headaches, your eyes are tired, your hair needs attention, your hands are rough, your body is sore, your feet are cracked but most importantly, your heart feels empty.

But you know what? It’s going to be okay.

You know how you start to compare your then and now? You wonder why you were happier and why you felt your Imaan back then? You wonder, “What happened? What changed?”
Yeah, your situation changed…You had that thing, the issues were different, etc. but you changed too. You let your circumstances determine your happiness.

And if you keep doing that, you’ll always be up and down, because that’s how life is. But I don’t want that for you. I want you to get to a place where you can say, “You know what? It’s ok. It’s not worth the arguing, the pain, the tears, and the inner turmoil.”

We think happiness is always when and if. We think happiness is somewhere outside of us…somewhere outside of our current situation. But that’s not true. Your happiness is up to you.

You can “choose” happiness. You don’t have to wait until someone or something makes you happy. Instead of waiting for that one big change to bring joy and sunshine into your life, pay attention to the small drops of delight that abound throughout your day.

Everything will never be exactly the way you want. And if it is, it won’t last long. That’s just how life is. And that’s ok. We have ups and we have downs. The good thing about the downs is that
they tell us to slow down. To pray. To be grateful. To feel empathy for those who have it worse. I saw a quote the other day…”When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.” And that’s what you have to do sometimes. You just hold on.

I know what it’s like to reach that point where you feel like you’re going to break. You’re tired of going through the motions and you know you can’t keep living like this. It’s scary. It’s scary because you don’t know what’s going to happen or what to do next but you know something has to change. And sooner or later, you realize, it’s you. It’s you that has to change. Because at this point, you know that nothing external will make it better. Getting a maid won’t make it better. Having more money or even getting that divorce. You would still be unhappy. And that’s how you know it’s your heart. And so you give in. And you throw in the towel and turn back to where you should’ve been the whole time…with Allah.

You know, your marriage isn’t the center of your life. The reality is you won’t always feel the love, the happiness and fulfillment. I know you didn’t get married to have a roommate and sometimes you feel like your marriage isn’t benefitting you the way it’s supposed to.

But don’t spend too much time being sad. And don’t let anyone stand in between you and your relationship with Allah. Not even your own self. You couldn’t read Quran because you were
just too upset. You couldn’t pray because you couldn’t concentrate. Or you couldn’t sit and do your adhkar because your mind was everywhere.

But you know how you feel better after you take that first step back to Allah? That time you decided to pick up the Quran, maybe because you figured it’s been a while. That time you couldn't stop crying in prayer. And then when you finished, you felt lighter. Well this time, keep going.

Remember the last time YOU did something and it made YOU feel happy? Or the other day when you laughed out loud, for a pretty long time, and you thought, “Wow, I can’t remember the
last time I laughed like that.” Go do it again (assuming it's within the confines of Shari'ah :))

And then smile at yourself. Smile because it’s going to be okay. You may not have everything you want and your relationship with your husband may not be where you want it to be, but Allah sees you. Allah knows you're trying.

And one more thing, don't lose yourself in your marriage, trying to morph yourself into the perfect wife. Keep a little bit of yourself just for you. Because you need YOU.

And remember, you’re not alone.

Thank you.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone" (Johann von Goethe)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

To A Very Special Mother


Terima kasih, karena selalu siap disana. Tidak ikut campur. Tidak menuntut, hanya berada disana.
Selalu siap kapan saja untuk memberi nasihat mengenai batuk, mengeja, buku bagus, kotoran, Mozart, hadiah untuk teman, perpustakaan, isi TTS.  Semuanya.

Terima kasih karena dengan lengkap dan siap datang bila diperlukan. Dengan segera.
Tempat mengadu.  Seseorang tempat menceritakan berita baru.
Seseorang untuk mentertawakan cerita lucu.
Seseorang yang memiliki persediaan cinta yang tak pernah habis.
Apapun yang telah kulakukan.  Selalu..

Monday, December 31, 2012

Hanya Seorang Ibu..

Ibu tahu apabila kau berpura-pura.

Hanya ibu yang bisa mengirimkan pelukan lewat surat.

Ibu bisa memperbaiki masalah terus menerus 
tanpa henti.

Hanya seorang ibu yang bisa membentuk sebuah keluarga dari
campuran individu-individu yang berbeda.

Hanya ibu yang bisa belajar melihat melalui mata anak-anak.
Jika ia tidak bisa, ia tak akan mampu bertahan melewati dinginnya musim dingin.

Ibu adalah satu-satunya orang yang mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya kepadamu
walaupun itu bisa menyakitkanmu.

Hanya ibu yang memiliki daftar.  Daftar yang bersemai, dan terus berkembang.

Ibu adalah orang yang akan berteriak apabila kau melupakan hal-hal yang tidak
seharusnya kau lupakan

Ibu selalu siap siaga..

Thursday, November 29, 2012


The most beautiful word on the lips of mankind is the word "Mother," and the most beautiful call is the call of "My mother." It is a word full of hope and love, a sweet and kind word coming from the depths of the heart. The mother is everything -- she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness..

Kahlil Gibran... ♥

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Compassion burns in her eternally enflamed world
She has grown cold and dark in her undertones
She breathes friendliness though her heart.
For everything she has seen has wronged her innocent world
Pulled the security rug from under her f
During her most shattering moments
The tears were dry for none would form
Her numbness took over
She wanted to let go of the world that captivated her soul
So she danced the pagan dance
To the beats of the drumming of her heart
The breaths blowing her
Trying to knock away her steadiness
Yet she stood strong
Stood proud
She was in control now
No one else mattered
Everything fadesaway
the colors
S w i r l s
Haunting laughter cries
The smell of happiness
The breath of freedom
Breaking the chains of intoxication
She begins to l i v e......


Rendah hati padahal cantik,
mendahulukan kebahagiaan laki-lakinya,
menyemangati laki-lakinya untuk mencapai kehebatan,
mengajukan laki-lakinya untuk kedudukan yang tinggi,
memelihara keindahan tubuh, tapi tidak khawatir tubuhnya berubah sementara untuk mengandung anak-anak dari laki-laki kecintaannya,
berpendidikan tinggi bukan untuk menjauhkan diri dari keluarga untuk mengejar tambahan uang, tapi untuk menghebatkan karir suaminya dan pendidikan anak-anaknya,

menemukan kebahagiaan dalam kedekatan yang mesra dengan laki-lakinya,
dan membuat laki-lakinya bertarung dalam kemapanan hati karena ada wanita hebat yang akan merawat luka-luka dan mendamaikan hatinya.

Mario Teguh – Loving you all as always

Friday, September 28, 2012

Real Muslim Women

Surat Terbuka Dari Ibunda..

Teriang-ngiang selalu ucapan Ibundaku :

Anakku sayang, Ingat satu hal dalam hidupmu ..
Ibu tidak butuh anak yang hanya pintar saja.....

Ibu lebih butuh dan sangat butuh anak yang bisa mendo'akan ibu,
yang sering menengok ibu, yang bisa mengingat ibu kala hidup maupun mati ..

Ibu lebih tidak butuh lagi anak yang pintar tapi sombong
Sombong kepada ibu, sombong kepada saudara,
apalagi sombong kepada ALLAH..
Dipanggil ibu tidak menyahut, dipanggil Allah juga tidak nyahut.

Ibu senang kalau melihat anak memegang Al Qur'an, membaca Al Qur'an, dan dekat dengan Al Qur'an.

Kalau nanti ibu meninggal, ibu bangga sekali melihat anak-anak ibu jadi anak-anak yang dekat dengan Al Qur'an, sayang kepada Allah..

Ibu ridha dengan anak yang seperti ini ,
Ibu tidak butuh materi.. Ibu sudah ada Allah.
Tapi ibu butuh kamu.. butuh kamu supaya selamat.
Jadi tidak merepotkan ibu

Dengan selamat saja ibu sudah tidak akan repot.
Di dunia repot dengan polisi,
Di akhirat repot lagi berurusan dengan malaikat Allah.
Astaghfirullah, semoga kita dijauhkan dengan urusan yang demikian.

Kalau ingin sekolah yang tinggi, silahkan
Tapi jangan lupa mengaji. Pentingkan shalat dan mengaji.
Kalo ingin sekolah tinggi, kerja tinggi, usaha tinggi, silahkan..
Tapi shalat nomor satu,
Dengan orang tua sayang, Dengan guru sayang,
Dengan saudara, dan orang-orang yang tidak punya juga sayang

Buat apa tinggi hidup, kalo merendahkan urusan akhirat.

Jika kejar dunia, nanti dunia tidak akan dapat, dunia akan habis,
Akhirat juga rugi, tidak dapat apa-apa

Rabbana aatina fid dunyaa hasanah wafil aakhiroti hasanah waqinaa 'adzaabannar ..