Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's love. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Love Will Prevail

It is easy to love when loved, and hurt those who hurt. But if you can love the ones who hurt you, you will overcome all obstacles. Love is the greatest power you can possess.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

No matter what happens to you, you always have freedom of mind

That means you always have freedom to choose the path of virtue over the path of suffering, to choose being one with God over being alone.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Turn Your Cellphone Off Please..

Aku membaca sebuah twit mengenai seorang pramugari Sriwijaya Air yang di pukul oleh seorang 'pejabat' dari Bangka Belitung karena menegurnya yang masih menyalakan phonecell di dalam pesawat.  Dan konon, ditengah cekcok antara pramugari dan si pejabat kampungan ini, si pejabat mengatakan bahwa, "penumpang adalah raja".  Wow! hebat banget komentarnya!  Memangnya dia ini siapa? Pejabat kok tidak tahu diri seperti itu?  Dia ini pejabat pintar atau bodoh sih? Memangnya dia tidak tahu dampak fatal dari menyalakan cellular di dalam pesawat? Such a dumb ass isn't he?

Yah maaf maaf saja ya bloggers, bagiku sih orang yang tidak tahu peraturan penerbangan dan masih suka sok-sokan mengaktifkan handphonenya di dalam pesawat adalah kampungan, alias OKB banget.  Sudah jelas-jelas the rules are the rules man!  Meskipun Anda pejabat atau orang sipil, kita semua bertanggung jawab atas keselamatan diri sendiri dan juga orang banyak.  Konsumen adalah raja itu memang benar, tapi dalam hal peraturan keselamatan transportasi tidak ada istilah itu.  Whether you are an official or not, you gotta followed the rules.  Jika karena kelalaian seseorang/kita dapat menyebabkan bahaya yang fatal, kitalah yang menanggung dosanya.

Ingat kecelakaan pesawat Sukhoi? Ternyata salah satu faktor penyebabnya adalah ponsel dari salah seorang penumpang yang masih aktif saat terbang.  Jangan dianggap remeh loh..Sinyal ponsel dapat mengganggu sistem komunikasi penerbangan.  Jika bloggers sering menonton acara "Air Crash Investigation" di National Geographic atau Discovery Channel, mata kita pasti terbuka betapa mengerikannya kecelakaan transportasi udara itu.  

Katanya transportasi udara itu adalah yang paling aman di dunia? Bullshit..Kita bisa lihat berapa banyak kecelakaan penerbangan dimana-mana.  Dan mungkin yang paling sering kita dengar ya yang ada di Indonesia.  Makanya aku termasuk orang yang paling tidak suka berada di atas sana hehehe..Maksudku berada di atas ketinggian ribuan kaki diatas bumi didalam sebuah pesawat. Dan aku paling benci melihat penumpang yang masih dengan santainya mengutak atik handphonenya di dalam pesawat.  Uukhh..rasanya pingin ku tonjok dia!  Secara langsung dia membahayakan kita sesama penumpang.  Oh..sungguh perjalanan yang menegangkan buatku.  

Mungkin kita juga harus lebih assertive bila melihat penumpang yang seperti itu.  Dalam arti kata, yah kita harus punya guts untuk menegur mereka atau mungkin mengingatkan untuk mematikan handphonenya selama perjalanan.  So bloggers..Mari jadikan diri sendiri sebagai contoh penumpang yang baik, yang tahu aturan, penumpang elit beneran bukan OKB atau elit-elitan yang kampungan.  Malu dong kalau kita disamakan dengan orang kampung yang baru tau naik pesawat? hehehe..  Yah..semoga tulisanku bisa menjadi sumber inspirasi untuk kemajuan keselamatan penumpang di udara.

It's Ok To Be There For Yourself

Amidst all the expectations, demands, requests, take some time to ground yourself in God. Take some time for yourself.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Truth Has A Life Of Its Own

There will come a time when your yearnings become so strong and powerful that you will have no choice but to let them become reality.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

God Is There In The Midst Of The Chaos

When everything in life turns upside down, remember that you are in the hands of the Creator. Look to God, and you'll always know which way is up

Sunday, May 19, 2013

If You Would Rather Live Than Die, All Is In Your Hands

Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It Is Important To Care For The Temple Of Your Body

Even more important is your spirit, which is the light within that temple. A beautiful temple may attract others, but it is the light that will touch hearts.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

You Can't Rid The World Of Sorrow, But You Can Choose To Live In Joy

Sorrow is with us not because we are bad at stopping it, but simply because it's part of being human. What matters is not whether good or bad things happen - both will, but your relationship to them. Just think back over the last 24 hours, - what had you taken hard that you could have taken lightly?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

It's Ok tTo Ask For Help

You are not here to do it all alone. That would be crazy! Do you know how to grow rice, spin yard or make electricity? No one does it all alone. That's why people have each other. Relying on and supporting each other is what makes the world go round. Don't be shy about asking for help.

Friday, May 3, 2013

You Have So Much To Offer To The World.

There is no limit to the love you can share, to the happiness you can inspire, to the peace you can bring.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Ability Of Human Skin

 ''Allah dropped down the best of speech (the Quran), where it makes the skins of those who fear Him soften towards His remembrance as well as their hearts. Thats Allah's guidance, He guides whom He wishes, and the one who's misguided will have no one to guide him.'' Al-Zumar 39:23

A recent study in Canada discovered that human skin has the ability to hear. The experiment involved participants listening to certain syllables whilst puffing air on to their skin. The results indicated that our brains could receive information from our skins in order to form a picture, a sense or a feeling that describes the surrounding environment.

Allah the Almighty already told us of this discovery more than 1400 years ago. He describes in the verse above that when a person is in a spiritual state, fearing or engaged in His remembrance, He causes their skin to shiver and react to His divine words, and the heart to soften in peace and tranquility.

In other words 'Goose-bumps' are a result of our skin listening and interacting with what's around us and Allah clearly mentioned that in His holy book before any scientist can discover it.

Allah is our only creator and He has the keys to the unseen within ourselves and the universe around us. He gave us this sign to reflect upon the way He created us, only to worship and remember Him. So lets reflect, learn, believe and engage in His remembrance in our day-to-day life.


Further info:

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

To People Who Worship On Fajr

It's Time You Remembered Who You Really Are

You are not your wallet, your job, your kids, your house. You are not your activities or your worries or the labels other people give you. Like an actor you play these roles, and like a good actor you sometimes forget who you really are. Time to wake up now, and remember that you are a being of immense power and breathtaking beauty created in the image of God.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

There Is A Meaning To All This

No one can see beyond the horizon of their own lives. We are threads in the great tapestry of time. Have faith. Every stitch has a reason.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Faith Soothes All Suffering

Nothing is that difficult when you have God on your side

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Focus On What Really Matters

 a lot of things you think are important, are just urgent, but not important. Focus on what really matters.

A phone call for example is always urgent - it rings only a few times and is gone, but is often not important. If you are in the middle of something truly important - playing with kids, being present with your loved one, - do not stop just because a silly phone rings. Stay present with what's important now.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Not Everything In Life Can Be Known

Stop seeking all the answers, relax, and enjoy the ride into the unknown.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Life You Are Having Is The Life You Are Creating

Even when this seems paradoxical on the surface, - how could you ever possibly want anything but happiness, - on a deeper level, there is something in you that is making it so. To transform your life you first must understand what is keeping it the way it is.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

God Is Everywhere

 when you look into the heavens, it is good to remember God.
But God also resides in all the creations of this Earth. Wherever you look, you are seeing a part of God. Tread gently. Speak with reverence. God is everywhere.