Monday, July 18, 2011

What I Learn Today

aku harus belajar untuk melambat, to slow down a little bit more. Belajar untuk go with the flow. Selama ini pikiranku, berjalan terlalu cepat, ambisi-ambisiku harus tercapai, aku selalu ingin menjadi apa yang aku inginkan. Tapi kenyataannya semua berjalan sangat lambat. Hal ini sering membuatku merasa frustrasi. Karena aku tidak sabaran.

Everything seems to walk slow, people and dreams. So I'm the one who start to learn and do things slowly. Have to remind myself to take it easy in every situations I'm facing. Take a break, and just enjoy what you have today. Don't think about the future or how you wish think should be!

Learn to be just who you are right now. And start to let go all the bad experience in the past. You are a new person everyday with all the good intentions and hard work you want to achieve each day.

Keep on going sweetheart..keep hoping for the best to come. Love yourself, and be the best women you can. God bless your heart.

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