Saturday, January 15, 2011
Real Blogging
Aku suka banget mencari jawaban dari Google mengenai apa saja, begitu ku ketik sebuah pertanyaan, langsung keluar jawaban yang banyak dari website atau blog-blog yang sayangnya isinya sama antara blog yang satu dengan blog lainnya, dan semuanya juga mengandung tema dan kata-kata yang sama persis! alias copy mengcopy atau istilah jawanya jiplak menjiplak. Memangnya mereka tidak bisa ya membuat sebuah essay yang berasal dari buah pikiran mereka sendiri? Jika ada sebuah topik yang menarik disuatu situs yang banyak followersnya, langsung yang lain ikut-ikutan menjiplaknya untuk ditaruh diblog mereka. Aku suka kesal sendiri, apa mental orang kita hanya bisa ikut-ikutan? Kenapa sih manusia-manusia negeriku tidak bisa sedikit lebih kreatif? Meniru, menjiplak, memperbanyak apalagi.. Kadang ada juga ketika aku mendapatkan jawaban yang sekiranya sangat tepat untukku dari google, tapi begitu di klik ke halamannya, eh kosong alias tidak ada apapun tulisannya. Yang paling menyebalkan lagi adalah pop up add yang tiba-tiba nongol menghalangi tulisannya, jadi membuatku frustrasi. Males deeh..
Menurutku sebuah blog yang bagus itu, adalah blog yang isinya autentik berasal dari pengalaman dan pemikiran-pemikirannya sendiri, bukan asal mencontek dan memindahkan hasil pikiran orang lain kedalam blognya. Malah justru terlihat nggak banget deh. Blog itukan seperti jurnal, ya bolehlah mengutip isi dan pengalaman orang lain, tapi bukankah sebaiknya menggunakan bahasa yang lain? Kalau aku sih terus terang memang tidak semua isi blogku ini punyaku. Aku terkadang mengambil resep-resep masakan dari situs lain, atau sharing new's letter yang aku punya untuk kutaruh disini, tapi bukan berarti aku menjiplak, karena biasanya kalau aku sharing mengenai love advice itu, aku selalu mencantumkan nama si penulisnya. Blogku ini cuma untuk sarana berbagi aja, bukan untuk money oriented atau mencari followers sebanyak-banyaknya. Ini murni semuanya tentang duniaku, dan caraku memandang dunia. Jadi, nggak peduli aku punya followers apa tidak, atau menarik atau tidaknya blogku untuk orang lain. This is me.. aku nggak suka ikut-ikutan. Tapi aku bisa terinspirasi oleh blog lain. Ini sih hanya unek-unekku aja mengenai fenomena dunia blog. Aku suka membaca blog orang, tapi yang paling aku suka adalah membaca blog seseorang yang meskipun tulisannya pendek tapi dia menulis tentang sebuah ide dan pemikiran inti. Tipe-tipe orang emang beda-beda sih yaa..ada blog yang penulisnya itu cerdas sekali tapi terkadang cara mengungkapkan sebuah masalah itu terlalu rumit, sehingga yang baca susah untuk memahami maksudnya. Itu karena dia orang yang sangat cerdas. Tapi aku kan orangnya yang simple aja..tidak begitu suka banyak cingcong ibaratnya, just straight to the point. Jadi menyukai orang yang juga berperilaku yang simple dan langsung ke intinya. Tapi mungkin tipe orang yang seperti aku justru yang membosankan bagi orang lain hehehe..Masa bodohlah, tiap orang mencari golongan orang-orang yang sejenis. Orang pandai pasti akan tertarik dengan yang pandai juga, orang simple tertarik juga dengan yang simple.
Jadi kesimpulannya, please dong people..kalau mau bikin situs atau blog itu sebaiknya sedikit lebih kreatif supaya yang mencari jawaban tidak menemukan jawaban yang sangat persis dengan situs lainnya. Bosan..kita seneng deh kalau menemukan sebuah situs yang unik dan berbeda dengan yang lain.
Be creative, and keep it simple!
Ungkapan Hati
How To Be Irresistable
But here's the answer -- it all boils down to one thing, and one thing only. And that's knowing how to get past his defenses and seduce his HEART. And I can teach you exactly how in the website below:
When you ask 100 other women about what they think you should have in order to be irresistible to men, you'll likely receive 100 totally different answers! That's why it's so hard to find out exactly what it takes to make men like us. As usual, it's Alexandra Fox to the rescue. I won't tell you 100 different ways to be irresistible, because when it comes down to it, there's only one way you can make a guy fall madly in love with you. What is it? It's to break his logical defenses (his mind), and appeal directly to his emotions (his heart.) And that's precisely what we'll be talking about in today's e-newsletter!
Appealing to his emotions actually comes in three stages. The closer you stick to the order of these three stages, and the more steadily you progress through these stages, the more strongly he'll feel for you. The three stages are: (1) his physical interest, (2) his intellectual interest, and finally (3) his emotional interest. Let's talk about each one in detail.
The physical interest is where everything starts. You've heard of "physical attraction," right? It's a very important stage as a man develops feelings for you. It's where everything takes off! Appealing to his physical interest is straightforward enough -- when you look as beautiful as you can possibly be, and
when you dress correctly for the occasion/setting, you're basically inviting him in with your appearance. When you catch his eye and attention, you'll naturally catch a piece of his heart! His intellectual interest is the second stage, and this usually takes a few dates or meetings to establish. When you finally start talking and getting to know each other, you'll start out as friends. And your relationship will be punctuated with fun, meaningful, enjoyable conversations. The better you are at carrying a conversation, and the more topics you can easily talk about, the more he's going to like you. And when you've peaked his intellectual interest, he's going to start thinking about the NEXT stage of your relationship! The third stage is triggering his EMOTIONAL interest, and this is where things get pretty exciting. Late in the second stage (intellectual interest), you'll start talking about each other. This is when you reveal to him your beliefs, your challenges, and your goals in life.
I hope you see the pattern so far -- first, you appeal to his eyes. Then, you appeal to his mind. And finally, when you've gotten through his mind, it's time to appeal to his heart! But this is also where you find out whether or not he's ready for a real, long-term relationship. Only the REAL MEN out there will sympathize with your challenges and goals. And they won't stop there -- they'll also feel an ACHE in their hearts to help you achieve your goals! So he's going to find every opportunity he can to spend more time with you. And that's how a solid, long-term relationship starts out!
Remember -- physical, intellectual, and then emotional. Keep these three steps in mind when you're building your relationship with the man you love!
Of course, while you're progressing through the three steps, it's helpful to know whether or not you're doing things right. That's why it's important to observe him during the date -- how he talks, how he acts, how he looks at you. Here are the signs you'll want to see:
#1 - Does he talk slowly and clearly?
If he cares about you, he's going to make sure he's getting through to you. So he speaks slowly and clearly, it means what he's saying is "for your ears only" -- and that's a good sign! On the other hand, if he speaks very quickly and carelessly, it could mean that he doesn't really care too much about getting through to you.
#2 - Does he sit or walk close to you?
If he's interested in you, he'll sit close to you -- plain and simple. He'll walk close beside you, offering
the opportunity to lock arms or hold hands. And when you sit in a booth table, he's going to sit on the same side. These are all signs that you're doing things right! On the other hand, if he keeps "respectful" distance, or when he walks ahead or behind you wherever you go, it usually means he's not really comfortable around you.
#3 - Does he face you at a table?
When you're sitting at a table with him, does he face you squarely? Or does he sit with his shoulder pointing at your chest? His posture will clue you in on just how much attention he's paying to you. If
he's sitting squarely and facing you, then it means he's VERY interested, listening to every word you have to say!
#4 - Does he maintain eye contact?
Another way of telling whether or not you're doing the right thing is to see if he's maintaining eye contact. Staring into your eyes is a natural indication of his emotional interest -- he's basically saying, "Tell me more, I'd love to know everything about you!" On the other hand, if you find him staring at your lips instead, it could mean that he's bored, and he's not really interested in the things you have
to say. It's worse when he's staring at something much LOWER than your lips -- it's an indication that he's not really into long-term relationships! Also, if you find him staring at parts of your body other than your eyes, it could mean that you're doing great in peaking his "physical" interest, but you need a little more work in triggering his intellectual interest!
So ladies, I've just taught you the three steps you'll need to take in capturing a man's heart cleanly,
completely, and for good. When you keep these steps in order -- physical, intellectual, and then emotional – you stand your best chance in building a strong, enjoyable, long-term relationship. -Alexandra Fox-
When you ask 100 other women about what they think you should have in order to be irresistible to men, you'll likely receive 100 totally different answers! That's why it's so hard to find out exactly what it takes to make men like us. As usual, it's Alexandra Fox to the rescue. I won't tell you 100 different ways to be irresistible, because when it comes down to it, there's only one way you can make a guy fall madly in love with you. What is it? It's to break his logical defenses (his mind), and appeal directly to his emotions (his heart.) And that's precisely what we'll be talking about in today's e-newsletter!
Appealing to his emotions actually comes in three stages. The closer you stick to the order of these three stages, and the more steadily you progress through these stages, the more strongly he'll feel for you. The three stages are: (1) his physical interest, (2) his intellectual interest, and finally (3) his emotional interest. Let's talk about each one in detail.
The physical interest is where everything starts. You've heard of "physical attraction," right? It's a very important stage as a man develops feelings for you. It's where everything takes off! Appealing to his physical interest is straightforward enough -- when you look as beautiful as you can possibly be, and
when you dress correctly for the occasion/setting, you're basically inviting him in with your appearance. When you catch his eye and attention, you'll naturally catch a piece of his heart! His intellectual interest is the second stage, and this usually takes a few dates or meetings to establish. When you finally start talking and getting to know each other, you'll start out as friends. And your relationship will be punctuated with fun, meaningful, enjoyable conversations. The better you are at carrying a conversation, and the more topics you can easily talk about, the more he's going to like you. And when you've peaked his intellectual interest, he's going to start thinking about the NEXT stage of your relationship! The third stage is triggering his EMOTIONAL interest, and this is where things get pretty exciting. Late in the second stage (intellectual interest), you'll start talking about each other. This is when you reveal to him your beliefs, your challenges, and your goals in life.
I hope you see the pattern so far -- first, you appeal to his eyes. Then, you appeal to his mind. And finally, when you've gotten through his mind, it's time to appeal to his heart! But this is also where you find out whether or not he's ready for a real, long-term relationship. Only the REAL MEN out there will sympathize with your challenges and goals. And they won't stop there -- they'll also feel an ACHE in their hearts to help you achieve your goals! So he's going to find every opportunity he can to spend more time with you. And that's how a solid, long-term relationship starts out!
Remember -- physical, intellectual, and then emotional. Keep these three steps in mind when you're building your relationship with the man you love!
Of course, while you're progressing through the three steps, it's helpful to know whether or not you're doing things right. That's why it's important to observe him during the date -- how he talks, how he acts, how he looks at you. Here are the signs you'll want to see:
#1 - Does he talk slowly and clearly?
If he cares about you, he's going to make sure he's getting through to you. So he speaks slowly and clearly, it means what he's saying is "for your ears only" -- and that's a good sign! On the other hand, if he speaks very quickly and carelessly, it could mean that he doesn't really care too much about getting through to you.
#2 - Does he sit or walk close to you?
If he's interested in you, he'll sit close to you -- plain and simple. He'll walk close beside you, offering
the opportunity to lock arms or hold hands. And when you sit in a booth table, he's going to sit on the same side. These are all signs that you're doing things right! On the other hand, if he keeps "respectful" distance, or when he walks ahead or behind you wherever you go, it usually means he's not really comfortable around you.
#3 - Does he face you at a table?
When you're sitting at a table with him, does he face you squarely? Or does he sit with his shoulder pointing at your chest? His posture will clue you in on just how much attention he's paying to you. If
he's sitting squarely and facing you, then it means he's VERY interested, listening to every word you have to say!
#4 - Does he maintain eye contact?
Another way of telling whether or not you're doing the right thing is to see if he's maintaining eye contact. Staring into your eyes is a natural indication of his emotional interest -- he's basically saying, "Tell me more, I'd love to know everything about you!" On the other hand, if you find him staring at your lips instead, it could mean that he's bored, and he's not really interested in the things you have
to say. It's worse when he's staring at something much LOWER than your lips -- it's an indication that he's not really into long-term relationships! Also, if you find him staring at parts of your body other than your eyes, it could mean that you're doing great in peaking his "physical" interest, but you need a little more work in triggering his intellectual interest!
So ladies, I've just taught you the three steps you'll need to take in capturing a man's heart cleanly,
completely, and for good. When you keep these steps in order -- physical, intellectual, and then emotional – you stand your best chance in building a strong, enjoyable, long-term relationship. -Alexandra Fox-
Dancing in my room with "nothing on you" B.O.B, just having a little fun in saturday night..:)
Jeg savner dig Mr. Bossy<3
Too Serious..
This is again one of my pet peeves, too serious..always see things in life with close attentions and can't just let go as it is. When there's a problem occured in front of me, i'll always takes things seriously, analysing it and make my own judgement too quick. Always worried on something about myself or what other people think of me. Sometimes i worried too much! I know this is really not cool, but i wish i know how to change this kind of attitude? over analyzed..too sensitive, oh God..wish i can change it. But i'm gonna try to change it slowly..i don't know maybe by see the problems just the way it is and not to make any assumptions yet, and try to relax a little bit. wheew..wondering if ever someone will understand and like everything about me that i don't have to worry like this. I'm wondering if i ever have a relationship, will he, the partner of mine will accept me for who i am? Yea i'm sure he is.."mr. wright".
pet peeves,
Friday, January 14, 2011
Mengatasi Rasa Malu Pada Diri Sendiri
Adakalanya kita seringkali merasa malu pada diri sendiri karena sebuah kegagalan atau kesalahan yang pernah kita lakukan. Kita pernah merasa salah menilai tingkah laku seseorang, atau salah karena tidak mendengarkan kata hati dari awal dan kita merasa malu. Atau ketika kita menyukai seseorang, tapi ternyata orang tersebut tidak memiliki perasaan yang sama pada kita, kita juga merasa malu. Ya beginilah hidup, kadang kita ada diatas dan kadang jatuh kebawah. Kadang hati kita serasa terbang ke atas langit lalu tiba-tiba jatuh seperti roller coaster. Kita mengalami luka ego yang cukup menyakitkan berupa rasa malu. Dan perasaan ini betul-betul menyakitkan, hingga kita seperti seorang yang kehilangan akal, kamu bisa merasakan wajahmu memanas, bahkan mungkin terlihat memerah. Dadamu terasa sesak, seolah kamu ingin sekali berteriak, tapi kamu tak sanggup..hingga air matamu mengalir membasahi pipi. Kamu merasa tak berarti, pikiran negative tentang dirimu sendiri berkecamuk dikepala. Padahal sesungguhnya bukan kamu yang seharusnya malu. Sifat keras kepalamu yang pada akhirnya menjatuhkan egomu. Kamu tidak menuruti kata hatimu, tapi emosi membiarkan sifat itu menang dan pada akhirnya ketika ia menjatuhkanmu, kamu merasa sakit. Tapi rasa sakit ini yang pada akhirnya membuka matamu bukan..? Kamu merasa seperti ditampar untuk melihat kenyataan.
Tapi bersyukurlah karena semuanya belum terlambat, you have nothing to loose. Yang harus kamu balik sekarang adalah melihat siapa orang yang mengecewakanmu ini. Itu akan membantumu melihat dengan jelas, sekaligus menghibur hati bahwa kamu tidak boleh menyalahi dirimu sendiri atas suatu hal. Yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah mengangkat kepalamu dan berjalanlah kedepan tanpa menoleh lagi ke belakang karena kamu sangatlah berharga. Biarlah apa yang telah terjadi hari ini hanya menjadi sebuah pelajaran yang sangat berharga dan cukup menjadi masa lalu yang tak berarti apapun. Let's move on baby! you deserve someone it?
Cinta yang salah itu adalah cinta yang buta, karena kita menjadi bodoh dibuatnya..
Cinta yang nyata itu tak pernah ada keraguan didalamnya..
Dia akan selalu ada ketika kamu membutuhkannya
Dan kamu tidak perlu menunggunya..
Tidak akan ada suatu alasan apapun jika itu menyangkut dirimu
Cinta yang nyata itu tak pernah ada keraguan didalamnya..
Dia akan selalu ada ketika kamu membutuhkannya
Dan kamu tidak perlu menunggunya..
Tidak akan ada suatu alasan apapun jika itu menyangkut dirimu
Drama Queen
Jika aku sedang nonton reality show seperti "The Real Housewife" mereka sengaja menciptakan drama untuk mendapatkan perhatian public. Sesuatu yang sebenarnya sepele menjadi sebuah perkara yang besar supaya menciptakan argumen-argumen yang kekanakan dan tidak penting. Padahal kalau dipikir mereka itu termasuk wanita yang "mature" bukan lagi gadis remaja. Tapi kelakuan mereka seolah-olah mereka masih berusia 17 tahun! Tapi reality show isn't great without drama is it? mungkin banyak kali ya diluar sana drama queen lainnya yang tidak aku tahu. Tapi kalau aku sampai lihat hal seperti itu, aku pasti akan berpikir "ewww.." Kayaknya itu deh contohnya kenapa kita harus belajar control diri, dan belajar untuk defensif dengan cara dewasa. Jika kita merasa tersinggung dengan perkataan seseorang, ada baiknya berpikir positif dan tidak terlalu menghiraukannya kecuali jika memang dia sangat keterlaluan. Kalau dia sampai keterlaluan, reaksi yang bisa kita lakukan adalah membela diri dengan cara diplomatis. Tidak perlu perang mulut (kecuali dia menghina kita), asal pembelaan kita positif dan itu cukup "menyentil" orang yang bersangkutan.
Jika aku ada di posisi defensif bila seseorang menyerangku dengan menghina aku pasti akan menghina dia balik hehehe..Tapi itu kalau kasusnya sudah lebay ya ^_^ if they can be a bitch in front of me..i could be twice more than them. So don't play with me bitch:) Tapi, sejauh ini sih aku belum pernah tuh yang namanya bertengkar dengan perempuan lain. Jangan sampai aku jadi trouble maker deh..Aku pernah sih diperlakukan tidak baik dengan sesama teman smpku yang kelihatannya merasa iri padaku atau gimana lah..di facebook mereka meremove foto reunian yang ada aku disitu. Tindakanku sih hanya bisa diam dan tersenyum simpul karena betapa tindakan seperti itu sangat kekanakan dan justru memperlihatkan sikap iri mereka terhadapku. hahaha..mungkin karena mereka melihatku happy-happy aja hidupnya dan sebagainya. Sutralah..rumput tetangga selalu terlihat lebih hijau kan? Dalam memperlakukan teman yang bermuka dua bagaimana? cukup jauhi dia. Jangan sampai mengumbar masalah pribadi ke dia, jika perlu katakan padanya kalau kamu sedang bahagia dan seterusnya supaya dia bisa bergosip ke yang lainnya dan tambah irilah mereka hehehe..jahat ya..biar aja, mereka juga jahat kok padaku. Seenaknya menilai orang lain dari cerita-cerita yang belum tentu benar tentang aku.
Drama queen,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Back To Painting?
Sudah lama sekali aku tidak lagi melukis dan menggambar, padahal dulu aku suka sekali dengan kegiatan ini. Setiap ada mimpi atau sebuah inspirasi aku selalu melukisnya di buku gambar. Ada keasyikan tersendiri kalau lagi melukis, terkadang bisa sampai lupa waktu segala. Sejak si kecil lahir, hobby yang satu itu semakin terlupakan, habis gimana ya kehidupan menjadi berubah. Dari hanya sendiri, kini sudah ada tanggung jawab lain yang lebih membahagiakan. Ya bukan lagi mengurus diri sendiri lagi prioritasnya, melainkan mengurus si kecil. Biasanya kalau aku ke toko buku, aku gatal sekali untuk membeli peralatan melukis seperti cat air, spidol, pinsil dan lain sebagainya, tapi pada akhirnya itu semua hanya tersimpan di sebuah kotak hobbyku yang berdebu. Biasanya aku suka sekali menggambar wanita cantik dengan menggunakan pinsil 2B. Bagiku wanita itu memang mahluk yang indah, hingga para artispun mengagumi keindahannya termasuk aku juga. Kalau kupikir-pikir saat ini anakku sudah mulai besar, sudah mulai bisa mandiri jadi kemungkinan aku bisa mencari waktu lagi untuk memulai melukis kembali..bagiku, melukis itu bisa sebagai therapy juga. Baiklah..aku akan memikirkannya lagi nanti, smoga saja memang masih ada spare waktu untuk yang satu ini.
Could This Be Love..
Could this be love..?
Staring through the windows of time
Drying off the last year of our bind
Was it real or just a mirage
Love has its way of making you blind
I stared deep into your heart and your soul
And I feel what any woman would want
Why did I run? Why did I hide?
Because the memories bleed on and on
Time goes on and the feelings stay strong
Memories laugh and play with my heart
like thunder in a rainstorm
Tell me is this real or just a mirage
I ask myself...
Could this be love
Or just a memory
Of the two of us together
Lifetime friends forever
You and me a unity
Of friendship and love
As we moved our separate ways that day
Tears ran down my face
and I asked myself
Was I just too weak to face the truth
That love is what I have for you
You`re someone special deep down inside
Your love is true, why did I hide?
Why did I run? Why did I hide?
Because the memories bleed on and on
Time goes on and the feeling stays strong
This word called love- are you the one? That I want
Tell me is this real or just a mirage
I ask myself
Could this be love
Or just a memory
Of the two of us together
Lifetime friends forever
You and me a unity
Of friendship and love
Drying off the last year of our bind
Was it real or just a mirage
Love has its way of making you blind
I stared deep into your heart and your soul
And I feel what any woman would want
Why did I run? Why did I hide?
Because the memories bleed on and on
Time goes on and the feelings stay strong
Memories laugh and play with my heart
like thunder in a rainstorm
Tell me is this real or just a mirage
I ask myself...
Could this be love
Or just a memory
Of the two of us together
Lifetime friends forever
You and me a unity
Of friendship and love
As we moved our separate ways that day
Tears ran down my face
and I asked myself
Was I just too weak to face the truth
That love is what I have for you
You`re someone special deep down inside
Your love is true, why did I hide?
Why did I run? Why did I hide?
Because the memories bleed on and on
Time goes on and the feeling stays strong
This word called love- are you the one? That I want
Tell me is this real or just a mirage
I ask myself
Could this be love
Or just a memory
Of the two of us together
Lifetime friends forever
You and me a unity
Of friendship and love
love songs,
missing you,
Ungkapan Hati
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sayang kamu dimana? lama sekali kamu biarkan aku menunggumu..aku rindu..
aku ingin sekali bercerita, menggenggam tanganmu, menatap matamu, mencium harum tubuhmu..semuanya..
kepingin sekali kamu ada disini. Jika suatu hari nanti kita bertemu, tersenyumlah dan katakan hallo..
Pungently fragrant paperwhite narcissus are easy to force. You can start them from October through January―enough time for several batches of blooms if you plant bulbs every few weeks (always store unused bulbs in a paper bag at room temperature). There are a number of popular varieties, such as Ziva (shown), Galilee, and Ariel.
How to plant: A tall glass or ceramic container with no drainage holes is best. Pour in two inches of pebbles that have been rinsed free of dust. Add a tablespoon or two of rinsed aquarium charcoal (so the water won't smell "off"), then more pebbles. Place three bulbs, root-side down and almost touching one another, on top. Add enough tepid water to reach just below the bottoms of the bulbs. Replenish when the level falls by a quarter inch.
You'll see blooms: In four to six weeks. Once the blossoms die, toss the bulbs; they won't flower again. Reuse the pebbles for the next batch.
Like paperwhites, an amaryllis can be grown in a watertight container. (You can buy an inexpensive enamelware pot like the one shown here at many hardware stores.)
How to plant: Layer pebbles, rinsed aquarium charcoal, then more pebbles, until you've filled about two-thirds of the container. Pour in enough tepid water to just cover the pebbles, then add another thin layer of pebbles. Set a single bulb (or more, in a larger container) on top, root-side down; be sure to leave on the fleshy roots for quick, healthy growth. Scoop in more pebbles, until they reach the point where the bulb narrows; this will help stabilize the plant as it grows. Once a week, work a finger down to feel the roots; if they don't touch the water, add more.
You'll see blooms: In six to eight weeks, sometimes sooner. Once a bulb has been forced, you should discard it. Getting it to bloom again can be difficult.
Spicy Black Bean Chili
- 1 cup dry black beans
- 6 cups water
- 1 medium onion, chopped (1/2 cup)
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 tablespoon cooking oil
- 1 tablespoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed
- 1/2 teaspoon paprika
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon ground red pepper
- 4 cups vegetable or chicken broth
- 1 14-1/2-ounce can tomatoes, cut up
- 1/4 cup dry sherry or water
- 1/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt or dairy sour cream
- 1 tablespoon snipped fresh cilantro
- Rinse beans. In a large saucepan combine beans and water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Simmer for 2 minutes. Remove from heat. Cover and let stand for 1 hour. (Or, soak beans overnight in a covered pan.) Drain and rinse the beans.
- In a large saucepan or Dutch oven cook the onion and garlic in hot oil until tender. Stir in chili powder, cumin, oregano, paprika, salt, and ground red pepper. Cook and stir for 1 minute. Add the beans, vegetable or chicken broth, undrained tomatoes, and sherry or water. Bring to a boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer for 1 to 1-1/2 hours or until beans are tender.
- To serve, ladle chili into individual bowls. Top with a dollop of yogurt or sour cream and sprinkle with cilantro. Makes 4 servings.
beans spicy soup,
Three-Herb Steaks
- 1/2 cup snipped fresh parsley
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup snipped fresh basil
- 1 Tbsp snipped fresh oregano
- 1 to 2 tsp. cracked black pepper
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 2 beef top loin steaks, cut 1 1/2 inch thick
- 2 medium red or yellow sweet peppers cut into 1/2-inch rings, seeds removed
- 1 Tbsp. Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- In a bowl combine parsley, 1/4 cup olive oil, basil, oregano, cracked black pepper and 1/2 teaspoon salt. Trim fat from meat. Rub half the mixture on both sides of steaks. Cover; refrigerate steaks 1 hour. Meanwhile, brush pepper rings with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Season lightly with salt and pepper
- For a charcoal grill, grill steaks on the rack of an uncovered grill to desired doneness, turning once. (Allow 15 to 19 minutes for medium-rare (145 degrees F) or 18 to 23 minutes for medium (160 degrees F)). Grill pepper rings next to the steaks the last 8 to 10 minutes of grilling, or until peppers are tender, turning once. Remove steaks from grill and sprinkle with remaining herb mixture. Cover and let stand for 10 minutes.
- To serve slice steaks across the grain. Serve with sweet pepper rings.
- Makes: 6 servings
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