Monday, January 31, 2011

Beautiful and Cozy Living Room

Lagi-lagi aku suka sekali dengan decor simple, tapi hangat, bersih..

Beautiful Dining Table

Cute Kitchen

Aku suka dapur yang bersih, tapi nggak begitu suka model modern yang kesannya kaku seperti dirumah modern.  Bagiku dapur yang lucu dan colourful bikin semangat untuk memasak.  Contohnya dapur seperti ini nih..

Be with me because you want to,not because you feel you have no other choice!

Girl's Room

Ini untuk nanti jika aku punya gadis kecil dirumah, pilihan kamar anak perempuan ternyata lebih banyak dan bervariasi..Cekidot.

Boy's Room

Mencari inspirasi untuk decorasi kamar darren.. ini beberapa yang paling aku suka..

Most Romantic Room I like!

Finding Job

Hari ini aku mencoba untuk melamar kerja di Novotel Hotel Bandung atas informasi dari sepupuku. Sepupuku ini bekerja di Novotel baru sekitar dua bulanan, di bagian HRD dan memberikan info mengenai sebuah lowongan sebagai front office.  Semula aku ragu, biasanya hotel-hotel itukan mencari front office yang masih muda dan cantik, apakah aku masih pantas untuk posisi tersebut?  Sepupuku sih berusaha meyakinkanku untuk mencobanya saja terlebih dahulu.  Aku sih kurang yakin ya..tapi, akhirnya hari ini kukirim juga email lamaranku ke sana.  Aku sih nggak berharap apa-apa namanya juga usaha.  Kalau memang rejekiku ya Allah pasti akan membuka jalannya.  Aku hanya bisa berdoa saja.  

How To Get Him To Call You Back

It's sad, but not every guy you go out with will call you back. Unless, of course, you have the qualities of the kind of woman that every man is looking for. And I'm talking EVERY man – no exceptions! And I can teach you exactly HOW to be this woman in my "love primer"

How come some men never call you back, even after having a fantastic date with you?  Could it be that most men simply aren't interested in dating a woman more than once?  Or is it because most men simply don't have what it takes to commit to a more serious relationship?  Sadly, it's often even simpler than that.  After years of studying men and relationships, I've realized that when men don't call you back, it's simply because they DON'T FEEL IT for you.

The date may have been fantastic for YOU, but there's no guarantee he felt the same way!  Oh, and by the way -- texting him to call you back won't fix the problem.  In fact, it'll even scare him away --likely because men don't like women who nag them, especially even after you've only had a grand total of ONE date so far!  Here's the thing -- if he didn't call you back, then you may have done something during the date that turned him off.

It could be one of many things, but in today's newsletter, we'll be talking about the 3 of the biggest mistakes that we women make during the first date.  Ready? Let's get started before your
NEXT date comes along!


It's true, even I'll admit it – we women love talking. We love sharing our experiences and telling stories to everyone we meet.  It's THERAPEUTIC to us -- that's why we love meeting our girlfriends for hours
of girl talk, making everyone else in the cafe roll their eyes!  The problem is that we tend to bring
this habit into our dates with men.

And as a result, we tend to talk way too much during the first date -- and he ends up listening to (or more accurately, putting up with) you droning on and on and on.  Naturally, that turns him off -- WAY
off!  If you want him to call you back after the date, you'll have to learn the art of LISTENING, too. After all, men like to talk, too -- and he may even have a few interesting stories to tell you.

So learn how to carry a conversation -- stop, listen, don't butt in with your own stories, and ask follow-up questions, encouraging him to finish his story!  When he knows that you're a great person to talk to, he's going to feel more compelled to call you up after the date -- and even schedule a second date.  Isn't that what you want to happen? ;)


First dates are supposed to be fun, but  that's not easy as it sounds.  At the very beginning, things can be
pretty awkward, and that's why it's easiest to talk about the "little things" first -- such as where you
worked, what kind of job you guys had, etc.  This if fine, of course -- except when you take the "introductions" a little too far.  I'll explain with a story...A client of mine, let's call her "Penny," is currently a member of a politician's campaign team.  Now you know how divisive American politics can be --and to be effective, you'll need to be as involved in politics as you can be.  Penny's mistake was when she took her introductions a bit too far.   After introducing herself as a politician's campaign manager, she went on to talk about her political views, the problems facing the country's political landscape... and many other boring things like that.

Needless to say, Penny's politics turned off all her dates. Penny was an attractive, confident woman -- but she simply didn't know how to carry a date.  So when she told me about her problem, I advised her to lighten up, and use her experience in politics to her advantage during her first dates. For instance,
instead of introducing her job to the guy and then talking more about it, she could say something like:

"I'm a political campaign manager, but seriously, who likes politics? Why don't we talk about the WEATHER, instead?"  Penny tried it on her very next date -- and got a wonderful response!  In one swoop, she did three things right-- she avoided launching into a boring discussion, she tickled her date's sense of humor, and she gave the impression that she's fun and easygoing, which is something ALL men look for!  So here's the takeaway -- focus on keeping the date fun. That's your best chance of getting him to call you back as soon as he gets home.


Another client of mine, MI, was elated when the guy of her dreams asked her out to dinner. She had a swell time, and at the end of the date, the guy promised he'd call her again in a few days.  But guess what? He never called.   And finally, MI got fed up with waiting and called him herself. What he told her
shocked her to no end:  "I don't think we're good for each other."

When MI told me her story, I asked her to give me every single detail. And when she did, I finally found the problem --she simply liked him too much, and she showed it during the date.  She sat too close to him, she laughed at every single thing he said, and she never took her eyes off of him.  Now, you'd think he'd appreciate the attention, right?  Wrong!

Remember, guys go on first dates for FUN -- not to build a relationship. And MI made the mistake of thinking that the first date WAS the first step of their "future" relationship.  So when the guy realized MI was actually in LOVE with him, he felt the pressure -- and left.  But why did he promise to call MI back?
Simple -- to get away from her.  It was the only way for him to end the date as politely as he could -- and then disappear.

Now I know how RUDE the guy may sound like, but trust me -- if you approach every date the way MI did, then don't expect too much.  My advice to MI is the same advice I'm going to give you today -- don't push the relationship!  Don't rush into the "next level" – just focus on having a great time with him. Focus on being fun, attractive, confident -- in other words, focus on being the woman that EVERY GUY is
looking for! -Alexandra Fox-

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Little Sister

I just found out that my sister is sick in Jakarta, she got high temperature for four days already.  She got to take a blood test to find out what kind of treatment she needs.   The doctor warn her about the possibility of Dengeue since she had high temperature.  But the last news that i got from mom, the test is negative.  She had nothing to worry about..the fever only because of her cough.  Ah thank God she'll be fine.  Hopefully she'll be better soon, mom's gonna take care of her for awhile outthere.  I hope mom is okay too..

Well..I'm going to tell a little bit about my little sister.  She's the youngest one in the family, and her name is Kinanti Ayu Fridayani.  My parents gave her last name Fridayani, because she was born on friday 25 years ago.  Between me and her there's a ten years gap in our age, that's why sometimes we cannot be too close to each other.  But of course i love her no matter what.  She is a sweet young lady, the lucky one who was born when my parents are all settled with their carrier.  By the time she was born, we already have car, a house, everything that my parents had achieved.  Not like me, i was born in the poor conditions when they still very young and poor experiences. sister is the smartest one in the family, she's also very polite, and kind.  She had big eyes, and a tall height.  I am so proud of her, though sometimes a little bit irritated with her stubborness, and ignorance attitude.  She still cannot manage her own life, that's why she always got sick.  

It's very different with the age of 25 i can manage my own time, eventhough i lived alone in Jakarta.  I can manage my money, and i always taken a very good care of myself because I knew, if I  was sick noone can help me.  Maybe she's acting the way she is because of mom and dad who likes to baby her all the time.  She's supposed to learn from me, her sister.  But well..eventhough we have the same blood, we still have our own unique character, different from each other.  Next time, I'll tell you a little bit about my other siblings.  The only boy in between us. Get well soon little sista.  Godbless you..

My Bed Stories

Aku paling suka dengan tempat tidurku yang baru saja diganti sprei dan bed covernya.  Bau harum seprai dan bed cover yang wangi serta bersih membuatku merasa nyaman dan sexy.  Rasanya makin cinta aja diriku pada si tempat tidurku yang setia ini hehehe..Iya aku sayaang banget sama spring bed queenku ini, barang ini kalau saja punya nyawa pasti sudah tahu seluk beluk mengenai aku, sejarah apa saja yang terjadi di atas ini. Tidur diatasnya sangaaaat sangat nyaman, nggak pernah bikin badanku sakit.  Yang ada hanya mimpi indah diatas bantal-bantal yang besar dan empuk hmmm..jadi kepingin bobo niy hehe..

Tempat tidurku ini adalah saksi bisu dari semua keadaanku, dari tangisanku, kebahagiaanku, rasa marahku, cuma dia yang tahu.  Dia ini juga tempat yang paling nyaman untukku, aku kerja di komputer juga sambil duduk diatasnya, nonton tv, maksudku dulu waktu aku masih menikah.  Sudah lama juga lho dia ada dikamarku..mmh mungkin sudah tujuh tahunan ya, tapi lihat saja masih kuat dan nyaman, pegasnya pun masih utuh lho! padahal anakku sering sekali lompat-lompat diatasnya..  Hebat juga nih si queen sizeku ini.  Tapi, ya gitu deh karena matrasnya ukuran 20cm yang tebal itu, aku agak kesulitan mencari seprai dengan ketebalan seperti itu, dan biasanya harganya agak mahal jika kualitas spreinya bagus.  

Dulu aku suka belanja bahannya sendiri dan menjahitkannya di daerah tamim Bandung.  Aku menyukai bahan seprai yang dingin dari katun mahal, karena menurutku seprai yang nyaman membantu memberi kita kualitas tidur yang baik.  Setuju kan?  Itu sebabnya aku nggak suka bahan murahan, yang kasar dan panas.  Meskipun agak sedikit mahal tapi kalau kita menjahit sendiri, jatuhnya masih lebih murah dibanding harus membeli sprei kualitas Metro Dept. Store.  Yah ini hanya sekelumit cerita mengenai barang-barang yang sangat berarti buatku. My special queen size bed..

Kupu-kupu..How to Attrack Butterflies Into Your Garden

Aku suka banget sama kupu-kupu, ini ide yang bagus untukku mengundang banyak kupu-kupu di tamanku..tapi apakah ada biji tanaman berikut di Indonesia?

Butterflies, with their gorgeous colors and lilting flight, are such a joy to watch. They add so much beauty to our summers, like seeing flowers flying.  It’s easy to invite more butterflies to make a seasonal stop in your yard. Find out which plants they just can’t resist—and learn a few fun facts about butterflies that you may not know.  Here are 20 plants that will invite butterflies to your yard!
Asters: Late summer to fall.
Bee balm (bergamot): Summer through fall.
Butterfly weed: Summer through fall.
Clover (white or red): Summer to fall.
Coreopsis: Summer to fall.
Dianthus: Spring to fall.
Lavender: Summer.
Lupine: Late spring to early summer.
Mints: All summer.
Passionflower: Summer to fall.
Phlox: Summer to fall.
Purple coneflower: Summer to fall.
Sage: Summer to fall.
Salvia: Summer to fall.
Scabiosa “Butterfly blue”: Summer through fall.
Shasta daisy: Summer.
Thistle: Late spring through fall.
Violet: Spring.
Yarrow: Summer.

Butterfly Mythbusters
Have you ever heard that if you touch a butterfly, you’ll rub off the powder from its wings, and it will die? Or that if a butterfly gets a drop of water on it, it will drown? Ever hear that a torn or broken butterfly wing will grow back? And everyone knows that all butterflies go to Mexico for the winter, right? Actually, none of these statements is true! A lot of myths like these were probably started with the best intentions, so that people wouldn’t harm butterflies.

The truth is that butterflies have evolved to survive and thrive in extreme conditions. They exist everywhere in the world except for Antarctica. Butterflies are definitely stronger than they look: Many species migrate thousands of miles every year, and not just to Mexico!
Adapted from The Family Butterfly Book, by Rick Mikula.
More on Nature & Wildlife (154 articles available)
More from Healthy & Green Living Editors (255 articles available)

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Anjing Menggonggong Aku Berlalu..

Aku ini memang mungkin bukan orang yang ramah..mungkin orang mengira aku ini sombong, suka berpura-pura dan sebagainya hingga aku dijauhkan oleh mereka.  Tapi mereka nggak tahu, bahwa aku ini  memiliki kasih sayang yang sama seperti mereka menyayangi orang lain.  Bahkan saudara sedarah pun, tidak peduli padaku.  Betapa sedihnya aku, setiap aku menulis mengenai apa yang ada di benakku, tak ada satupun saudara atau teman yang memberikan atensinya di facebook.  Aku merasa seperti orang yang tidak terlihat oleh siapapun, alias dicuekin.  Salah apa aku pada mereka, hanya karena aku tertutup apakah orang bisa menilaiku sombong?  Semakin mereka bersikap dingin padaku semakin akupun juga tidak akan peduli pada mereka.  

Dimata keluargaku mungkin aku ini bukan orang yang baik.  Bisa aku lihat dari sindiran-sindiran omku atau orang-orang tua yang lain.  Mereka hanya melihat kelemahanku dan bukan memahami situasi yang tengah aku hadapi.  Mereka seenaknya mengkritik apa yang kulakukan, dan mereka tidak pernah tahu perasaanku, mereka bukan aku!  Mereka nggak tahu apa yang aku alami, tidak pernah merasakan hidup sendiri membesarkan anak, mereka nggak pernah tahu betapa sulitnya aku berusaha untuk mengatasi kehidupanku yang sudah berat.  Aku tidak butuh komentar-komentar orang lain, aku butuh dukungan, support dan kasih sayang melebihi apapun, karena aku sendiri sudah merasa gagal dan hancur!  Inikah yang aku dapatkan dari yang namanya keluarga?  No emphaty at all!! All they know is just critisize, judging, pointing the wrong things, gossiping!  Aku tidak butuh rasa kasihan dari orang lain..tapi aku juga manusia sosial, yang berharap diperhatikan secara tulus.  Aku juga butuh dukungan dari keluarga tempat aku  bergantung dan kembali, tempat dimana seharusnya aku menemukan kehangatan serta kasih sayang yang kuat melebihi siapapun! Tidak mudah untukku berteriak minta tolong..aku berharap keluarga terdekatlah yang tahu dan seharusnya menawarkan bantuannya untukku.. Setidaknya untuk meringankan bebanku. Aku betul-betul tidak tahu pada siapa aku harus berlari? Semua beban derita ini tidak sanggup aku tanggung sendirian.  Aku tidak membutuhkan bantuan uang, aku hanya butuh seseorang yang mau mendengarkan semua gundahku.  Teman yang mau dan tulus berempati pada semua deritaku.

Aku ini seperti orang yang sudah mati, terlupakan dan terabaikan oleh orang-orang yang masih hidup, padahal aku ini masih bernafas dan ada diantara mereka.  Memang benar hanya sedikit orang yang punya jiwa yang murni dan bersih.  Manusia yang memiliki hati nurani biasanya memang hidup terasing dan berada jauh diatas orang-orang kebanyakan.  Paham maksudku?  Orang-orang kebanyakan ada di level bawah, mereka yang masih mementingkan materi, tidak punya rasa empati, hanya bergumul dengan gosip-gosip murahan, membicarakan keburukan orang lain, saling memanfaatkan orang lain, dan merasa diri mereka lebih baik dari orang lain, mereka juga berkelompok dengan sejenisnya.  Mereka tidak mampu menyamakan atau menjangkau orang yang levelnya sudah berbeda jauh diatas mereka.  Orang-orang dengan tingkat spiritual yang tinggi tidak akan bisa turun kebawah berbaur dengan orang-orang dengan level yang masih rendah.

Orang-orang seperti ini cenderung merasa kesepian, karena satu-satunya tempat berdialog adalah dengan Tuhannya. Ah..aku sadar sekarang, mengapa mereka seperti itu.  Karena levelku sudah jauh diatas mereka dan aku bersyukur pada Allah, karena aku lolos dari ujian beratnya.  Aku percaya, semakin Allah mencoba kita, berarti tingkat keimanan kita padaNya semakin lebih baik lagi.  Aku hanya lupa..bahwa aku akan menarik orang-orang yang sama levelnya denganku.  Manusia-manusia yang kuat, dan tahan banting.  Aku tidak lagi peduli, apa kata orang atau penilaian-penilaian orang tentangku, mereka orang-orang yang masih dangkal.  Anjing menggonggong kafilah berlalu.  Aku menjaga mulutku dari pembicaraan-pembicaraan yang tak berguna, aku menjaga hatiku dari iri dengki dan sirik, aku menjaga nama baikku dari fitnah orang-orang yang iri padaku, dan aku menjaga kehormatanku dari tangan-tangan jahil dan nafsu.  

Jadi mau nyuekin aku ceritanya?  oh nggak apa silahkan! sampai kapan kalian akan sadar, bahwa hal yang seperti itu tidak ada gunanya!  Mulai sekarang aku akan memperlakukan kalian seperti kalian memperlakukan aku.  Aku akan baik pada orang yang care padaku, dan bisa tidak peduli pada orang seperti kalian:)  It's payback time people! I don't need your approval to be you think i want your money? naah..who are you to jugde me? Life is too short to only think about matery!  Ketika kalian mati, apa kalian akan bawa semua harta benda, keangkuhan, dan benda-benda yang kalian punya? Cuma amal kebajikanlah yang kalian bawa..Ingat itu.  Lebih baik berlomba-lomba menabung kebaikan terhadap sesama ketimbang sombong memamerkan atau berbuat angkuh terhadap orang yang sedang kesulitan.  Baru punya uang sedikit aja sudah blagu..gimana jadi jutawan kali yaa..somboongnya alaihim kali.  Kasihan banget sih.!  

Alhamdulillah atas pencerahan ini ya Allah..perasaanku semakin lebih baik sekarang.  Terima kasih ya Allah..
Aku sombong ya? peduli amat..lebih baik diam, dari pada sombong karena miskin hati seperti orang-orang kebanyakan.  weeekkss..peace ahh..hahahaha...

sometimes in life its difficult to decide whats wrong.
a lie that brings a smile on Ur face or a truth that brings tears in Ur eyes