Friday, September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Allow Each Person To Choose Their Own Path
On this day of your life, Paramitha, we believe God wants you to know ... that there are many ways to climb a mountain. There are many ways to worship God. There are many ways to live a life. Allow each person to choose their own path.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Be Emphaty To Jombloers
Aku suka tidak habis pikir jika membaca cemoohan-cemoohan sarkastik tentang 'jomblo' di twitter. Apa dikira lucu mentertawakan nasib para jomblo yang menderita? Memangnya orang-orang yang tidak memiliki pasangan itu sedemikian menyedihkan sehingga layak untuk dijadikan bahan banyolan?
Apakah dengan memiliki pasangan sudah berarti dia benar-benar happy? Kalau seseorang itu bahagia dengan pernikahannya atau dengan relationshipnya, tidak akan ada tuh perselingkuhan. Tidak akan ada yang namanya galau, iya tidak?
Tolong deh kita sebagai sesama manusia itu di asah rasa empatinya terhadap perasaan orang lain. Tolong cari cara guyonan atau banyolan yang lebih manusiawi daripada menggunakan ejekan-ejekan atau hinaan terhadap orang lain. Orang kreatif itu melucu dengan benar, bukan melucu karena hinaan. Hinaan itu sama sekali tidak lucu!
Jadi tolong hentikan mengolok-olok para single atau jomblo. Bangkitkan semangat mereka yang single untuk meraih rasa percaya dirinya dengan dukungan dan support agar mereka tetap bersabar dan tawakal dalam menentukan masa depannya memilih pasangan hidup yang terbaik. Hayoo bangkitkan semangat kawan-kawan kita yang masih single, yang belum punya pasangan, yang mungkin sedang resah menanti jodohnya. Sayangi mereka, dukung mereka agar selalu sabar dalam penantian.
Hello para single atau jombloers, tetap semangat ya dan jangan pernah menyerah. Tingkatkan rasa percaya dirimu bahwa kelak kalian akan segera menemukan pasangan yang tepat, yang telah Allah janjikan. Aamiin..
5 Manfaat Cuka Bagi Kecantikan
Wah aku baru menemukan sesuatu yang bermanfaat nih untuk menjaga kecantikan. Ternyata cuka apel itu bisa menjadi obat cantik juga lho buat kaum hawa. Nih aku share linknya yaa..selamat mencoba! 5 Manfaat Cuka Bagi Kecantikan
Change Is The Nature Of Life
On this day of your life, Paramitha, we believe God wants you to know ... that change is the very nature of life, - welcome it. No
glass ever became sand again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened
fruit ever became a flower. Welcome change, and choose what kind of
glass you create, what kind of bread you bake, what kind of fruit you
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Hidup Seperti Pria Bisa Membuat Wanita Sehat
Aku setuju dengan artikel ini..Hidup Seperti Pria Bisa Bikin Wanita Sehat
We Are Human, Not God..
Tuhan itu ADA disetiap ciptaan-Nya termasuk manusia. Tapi manusia sudah jelas BUKAN Tuhan. Jadi jangan mengira kebebasan yang diberikan Tuhan adalah tanpa batas, karena kebebasan kita HARUS TERBATAS.
Itulah sebabnya ada agama. Agama bukan untuk mengkotak-kotak manusia, melainkan sebuah kepercayaan kepada keTuhanan yg Maha Esa. Fungsinya adalah sebagai sarana manusia beribadah kepada Tuhannya melalui kitab-kitab yang dibawa masing-masing rasul-Nya. Tanpa agama, manusia akan bertindak beringas, melakukan apapun yang mereka suka, mengejar apa yang mereka mau. Agama adalah pagar supaya manusia tahu batas.
Jadi sebagai seorang manusia, sebaiknya kita kembali melihat kedalam diri sendiri sejauh mana kita bisa mengambil apa yang tersedia dibumi. Seberapa banyak yang semestinya cukup untuk kita miliki. Meski diberi kemampuan dan kehebatan lebih dibanding mahluk lain manapun, manusia harus tahu diri, harus eling dan sharing dengan mahluk lain. Bukan menjadi superior diatas sesamanya maupun hewan ataupun tumbuh-tumbuhan.
Mari kita hargai sesama, mari kita hargai hewan-hewan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang ada disekitar kita. Karena walau bagaimanapun mereka juga mahluk hidup yang memiliki rasa dan juga memiliki kelebihan-kelebihan yang mereka beri bagi kepentingan umat manusia juga. So human, let us save this earth from the damage. Let us protect those animals and the forests around us. Start thinking and using our heart and brain to free some space for them. If you destroy them, you destroy us and your children as well.
Giving Your Love
On this day of your life, Paramitha, we believe God wants you to know ... that you can only give away what you already have inside yourself. True
giving happens when you are overflowing from the inside, and cannot
help but share. When there is so much love within you that it has to
flow to others or you would burst open. There is no thinking involved,
no willpower in such sharing. It just flows out. If you have to force
yourself to be kind, to love, to feel compassion, you've missed the
first step of filling in your own Self with these emotions.
If I Had My Child To Raise Again Movie
If I Had My Child To Raise Again Movie: We're excited to share with you a short inspirational movie based on the highly acclaimed poem "If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again" by Diana Loomans. We often say children grow up in a flash - that before you know it, they turn from grinning toddlers to insolent teenagers. Perhaps it isn't about the speed in which they grow, it's about how present we are able to be in each and every moment of their lives. It's about how we cherish the time we spend with them. Take just 3 minutes now to watch this short movie. Sit back, turn up your speakers and enjoy!
Monday, September 17, 2012
The Spirit Should Not Grow Old
Bahagia Itu..
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Dewasa Itu Cantik:)
Let Tears And Laughter..
On this day of your life, Paramitha, we believe God wants you to know ... that it's time you cleansed yourself with laughter and with tears. Let tears take out all the agony that is hidden inside you, and let laughter ignite your contagious joy.
His First Bike..
Friday, September 14, 2012
When Your Hands Touches Mine..
Thursday, September 13, 2012
What Do Your Feet Say About You?
Your Feet Say You're Flexible |
You are pretty average in your expressiveness. You can express yourself well, but you don't always want to.
You are a somewhat passionate person. A few things get you very fired up, but you're usually pretty laid back. You are not a very assertive person. If something doesn't come easily to you, it's not worth having. You don't fall in love easily. It's hard for you to connect to people, and you don't have many attachments. You are not afraid of anything. You are brave and courageous, even when most people would be terrified. You are intellectual and philosophical. You are more concerned with thoughts than action. You are a fairly hard worker, but you are also a little spoiled. You like indulge yourself every now and then. You are easily influenced by other people. You're quite impressionable, so you should only be around people who are a good influence. |
Who Are You to Yourself?
You Take Yourself Seriously |
You think other people see you as kind, gentle, and cooperative. You try to be helpful. You want to see yourself as ingenious and clever. You'd like to be a quicker thinker. You identify as a compassionate and accepting person. You pride yourself on being forgiving. |
What Does Your Bed Say About You
Your Bed Says You Have Your Head in the Clouds |
Outward appearances are very important to you. You do your best to look good and have an attractive home.
You are an organized and disciplined person. You do the right thing because you want to, not because people expect you to. You are very high maintenance. You like everything a certain way, and you're grumpy if things aren't the way you like them. In relationships, you tend to be quite dominant. You enjoy taking charge. You tend to be a dreamy, head in the clouds type of person. You think in terms of possibilities. You are a bit of a homebody, but you can also make yourself at home anywhere. |
Kebahagiaan Terbesarku
Hari ini aku bangga sekali dengan anakku Darren. Pagi ini dia berinisiatif membantu gurunya membawakan alat-alat tulis dari ruang kelas, ke ruang lain untuk disimpan. Diam-diam aku memperhatikan dari awal, ketika dia melihat seorang ibu gurunya kerepotan membawa peralatan menulis yang tertumpuk ditangan. Tiba-tiba anakku menawarkan bantuannya ke guru tersebut, "Sini aku bantu bu Ida bawakan krayon-krayonnya." Ya Allah..aku bangga sekali melihatnya..Tak menyangka anakku manis sekali. Ternyata ia anak yang baik hati dan perhatian.
Meski dimataku ia agak terlalu aktif, ternyata dia punya sisi yang mengagumkan. So proud of him! Alhamdulillah, anakku bisa memberi contoh positif bagi teman-temannya juga. Tahukah bloggers, karena inisiatifnya itu, teman-teman yang bersamanya pun akhirnya membantu dia membawakan alat-alat menggambar yang lain. Aku berharap, kelak dia menjadi seorang pemimpin yang baik hati dan penuh perhatian terhadap manusia lainnya. InsyaAllah..Inilah kebahagiaanku yang tak terkira yang selalu aku syukuri. Punya anak yang sholeh. Aamiin.
Dear Darren,
Mama bangga padamu nak, kelak mama harap kamu menjadi anak yang sholeh, pemimpin bangsa yang baik hati, dan penuh kasih sayang pada sesama. Mama harap kamu tumbuh menjadi anak yang jujur, dan penuh perhatian. I love you..mmuahh..
Love you always,
Don't You Dare To Give Up..
On this day of your life, Paramitha,
we believe God wants you to know ... that how bad things may look right
now means nothing, - it's how good they can be with God's help that
life you can absolutely count on one thing, - everything can turn
around in one day, in one minute sometimes. Don't you dare to give up, -
you might be a moment away from a windfall.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Respect Yourself..
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
How Does Your Interpersonal Intelligence Rate?
Your Interpersonal Intelligence Score: 53% |
Your Interpersonal Intelligence is Average
You do well in most group settings, but you also need time to recharge. So while you can work with people during the day, you may crave your alone time at night. For you, it's all about balance! |
What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence |
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well. An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convincing someone of your point of view. A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. |
How Creative Are You
You Are 83% Creative |
Monday, September 10, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Craving Test
You Crave Comfort |
You value harmony above all else. You like to have as calm as a life as possible. You tend to be quite reserved. You prefer to be around those you know best.
You are very focused on what people need and want. You are a good friend to all. You don't try to conform, but you don't find a need to shake things up too much. You're happy with what you've got. |
What Funky Nail Polish Color Are You?
Your Funky Nail Polish Color is Purple |
When it comes to funkiness, you believe a little goes a long way. You may rock some funky purple fingernails or toenails, but you keep the rest of your look pretty classic.
You are very stylish, and accessorizing is your forte. You can pull out the right sunglasses or hat to complete a look. You are willing to take risks but only when they seem right to you. And you don't follow the crowd unless you like where they're going. |
What Kind of Cloud Are You?
You Are a Cirrus Cloud |
You're a bit mysterious and reserved. You mostly keep to yourself and do your own thing. Some people may even consider you allusive. You're hard to track down at times.
People who know you find you to be very transparent. It's always easy to tell what you're thinking about. You tend to drift more than most people. You're always trying out new ideas, friends, and even personalities. |
What's Your Happy Word?
Your Happy Word is "Hope" |
You refuse to give up on anyone, including yourself. You see the best in others. You think happiness should be shared. You spread your message of optimism as much as possible.
You will keep believing when everyone else has stopped. You think good will always prevail in the end. You believe if we trusted each other more, the world would be a better place. All we need is a little hope. |
The Letter Test
You Are a Good Friend |
You are reliable and dependable. You can be counted on, through thick and thin. You are full of common sense and every day wisdom. You are street smart.
You are conscientious and organized. No detail slips past you. People often say you would make a great therapist. You are an excellent listener, and you never judge. |
The Footprint Test
You Hope to Leave Your Mark on the World |
You want to change the world in a big way, and you don't ever want to be forgotten. You are ambitious, aggressive, and even a little crafty. You know how to get ahead.
You are the leader of the pack and a true adventurer. You'd visit the whole planet if you could. You put your own interests first, but you are mindful of the interests of others. There's plenty of room at the top! |
The Happy Pattern Test
Doing Your Own Thing Makes You Happy |
You can't help but think outside the box. As far as you're concerned, you don't even know where the box is. You have a delightful and colorful inner world. People would be stunned if they could see inside your head.
You get a lot of laughter out of life, and others are surprised by how easy it is to make you happy.You have no desire to lead or follow. You prefer to not be a part of the crowd. |
The Eye Test
Deep Down You Are Sensitive |
You're the type of person who notices everything and forgets nothing. You are very in tune with the world.
You feel deeply, and sometimes the silliest things can effect you. You are easily brought to laughter or tears. You don't show the world how fragile you are. You instead show people how insightful you can be. You are good at anticipating what's going to happen in your life. You are often the first one to see what's coming. |
The Coffee Craving Test
You Are Easygoing |
You are just along for the ride, and you're happy to be a part of the world. You think that life is pretty great, and you're looking to find the sweetest parts of it.
You like to surround yourself with friends and family. You feel happiest when you have a large support group.You get a lot of joy from helping the people in your life. You always have some encouragement to share. |
How Do You Get Your Point Across?
You Get Your Point Across by Showing |
You are an easygoing person who feels very comfortable about others.You are enthusiastic about what you love and always ready to share your passion.
You are a true ideas person, and you don't like to keep your ideas to yourself. You don't mind being in the limelight... in fact, you were probably born for it. |
What Chakra Are You?
You Are the Sacral Chakra |
You are open hearted and expressive. You let your feelings be known, without being too emotional about it.
You are very sensual and comfortable with your own sexuality. You are passionate and alive. You feel inspired, happy, and creative. You are able to live the life you want without fear of judgement. You have a lot of respect for yourself and other people. You never violate others' boundaries or let them violate yours. |
A Bicycle Test
Your Road is Paved with Fun |
You believe that life isn't about the destination - it's about the journey. And you're determined to enjoy the trip as much as you can. You try to live in the now.
You ride through life at your own pace. Sometimes you're ahead of the pack, and sometimes you're at the end. No matter what, you do things your own way. You are only looking to make yourself happy. |
Turn Your Work Into A Game
On this day of your life, Paramitha, we believe God wants you to know ... that work begins when you don't like what you are doing. Little
children can do the most amazing things with such joy and fun. You were
little once too, and knew how to turn everything into a game. So, turn
your work into a game, and you will find joy and satisfaction in it.
What are some ways you can start being playful with work?
Friday, September 7, 2012
Karyn White-One Heart
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Hiduplah untuk dakwah. -P.S-
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A Note To Myself
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Oreo Bus..
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