Tuesday, June 12, 2012


"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." -Aristotle
Aku menghargai seseorang yang merasa bahagia ketika bersamaku, daripada seseorang yang ragu-ragu mencintaiku. - P.S-

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short Movie

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short Movie: This short movie reminds us that no matter how long the days may feel, they pass faster than we can possibly imagine. It reminds us to live in the moment before it passes us by forever..  So enjoy your activities, moment by moment with someone you love, and make those days a good memory in the future.

Be A Loving Person

“Be a loving person rather than in a love relationship – because relationships happen one day and disappear another day. They are flowers; in the morning they bloom, by the evening they are gone ...Osho ~

Monday, June 11, 2012

Orang Pintar Itu..

Orang pintar itu ialah yg selalu menjaga dirinya (dari hal buruk) & banyak beramal untuk bekalnya di akhirat kelak (HR Tirmizi)

Someone Who..

Be someone who listens,
and you will be heard

Be someone who cares,
and you will be loved.

Be someone who gives,
and you will be blessed.

Be someone who comforts,
and you will know peace

Be someone who genuinely seeks to understand,
and you will be wise.

Be someone kind, someone considerate,
and you will be admired.

Be someone who values truth,
and you will be respected.

Be someone who takes action,
and you will move life forward.

Be someone who lifts others higher,
and your life will be rich.

Be someone filled with gratitude,
and there will be no end to the things for which you'll be thankful.

Be someone who lives with joy,
with purpose, as your own light brightly shines.

Be, in every moment,
the special someone you are truly meant to be...

My Presence

Someone out there can use your love, your smile, your presence, your support. It is amazing to see how far your positive energy can take someone a long way and uplift them even more. See who you can love and support today and allow your best to shine! 
-Kat Zaghi-

You Are What You Think..

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors.
Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

∞ Ghandi ∞

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Doaku Malam Ini

Semoga pengorbananku akan menjadi kebaikan bagi orang lain dan juga diriku sendiri..- P.S-

Your Goodness..

Butterflies don't know the colour of their wings but humans know how beautiful it is.  You don't know how good you are but others do.

Love Me

Whatever dreams are made of,

whatever hopes might be,

you've given life to each of them

just by loving me.

Love holds a touch of magic,

love makes dreams come true ...

and love came to my life to stay

when I found you.


Guru yang paling baik adalah pengalaman - Kian Santang-

Note: Kian Santang adalah putra dari prabu Siliwangi dari kerajaan Padjajaran.


Thanks Lord For The Great Friends..

Bersyukurlah masih ada teman yang baik hati, yang selalu ada untukmu dan bersamamu selalu.  Terlebih seseorang yang mau berada disisi kamu ketika kamu membutuhkan teman. - P.S-

The Calling In... of a Life Partner... .

•*¨`*•✿ By Sannanda

The invitation is clear... I feel you in my heart... The decision is made within me... years of preparation... to receive you...

Within me the knowing... you will be a mirror... reflecting me... all my beliefs all my wounds... and yes... all the grace within my sacred being...

So I have looked inside... healing my wounds... embracing my loneliness with love... going from alone... becoming all-one with the divine... My heart is radiant... joyfull... and filled with awe for the sheer expression of life itself...

My love... Dear One... I have made myself ready... to welcome you ... You... the mirror reflection of all what I am... I call you... sending my voice into the infinite realms of Universe... and yes... wow... the response from you...

... My love... I hear your call... I am ready... look for me... my path will cross yours... any moment... Be ready... Beloved One...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Write Something Worth..

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." -Benjamin Franklin -

The One Who..

Respect the one who can see these 3 things in you: Sorrow behind your smile, Love behind your anger and Reason behind your silence...♥

The Beauty Of Your Light..

As I look into your bright, joyous eyes, I am reminded of the beauty that you are is within me.

Of all the bright, beautiful Lights in the Universe of Love, it is the beauty of your Light that illuminates my journey Home.

It is this beauty that you give to me and so shall I receive. I accept your gift with all my Love and gratitude for the joining of the oneness of Love.

It is this gift that I give to you as well. For what is offered to me is offered to you. Such is the beauty and the miracle of being aware of God's Love.

It is our connection through His Love that demonstrates that no barriers can come between the destiny of peace. Within our connection do we reflect our Love unto the world reminding everyone of the beauty that is within them.

Alas, we are Home. Amen! ♥

Friday, June 8, 2012

This Is Your Life

What's Your Fragrance Profile?

Your Fragrance Profile

The best calming fragrance: vanilla
The best fragrance for everyday wear: orange
The best fragrance to boost your sex appeal: lavender
The best fragrance for energy: pine

What Kind of Heel Are You?

You Are a Classic Heel

You pride yourself on being detail oriented. You never forget about anyone or anything. You are constantly evaluating your life and trying to improve. You believe in continually making small changes for the better.

You hold yourself accountable for your actions. In the end, you have to live with yourself. You are a perfectionist. You notice and are fussy about every little detail.

A Real Men

There are lots of 'boys' who are traped in a men's body outthere, 
but to find a 'real men' it's like finding a needle in a pile of straws - P.S-

Self Reminder

Being a "HOT" woman is easy, but to be a "woman of virtue" takes self consciousness, courage, and heavenly goals. - P.S-

I Am A Free Spirit

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What's Your Defense Mechanism? Ih..So True!

Your Defense Mechanism is Isolation

When life gets to be too much to handle, you just withdraw. You rather not deal with things. You tend to be a very isolated person. You want to connect to others, but you don't know where to start.

The problem with withdrawing from the world is that it's hard to reintegrate yourself when you're ready. Instead of pulling back when you have problems, it would be better for you to reach out.

I Love That:)

You Should Have Three Kids

Having kids and a family is a pretty big priority for you. You're willing to sacrifice to make it happen. Not many people have the time and money for a third child, but you can adjust and prioritize.

Three kids is a full time job, but you're are totally up for putting your other goals on the back burner.  Having a larger family is something you want to do soon, and you have plenty of time later for your career, travel, and hobbies.

So Sweeet..

You Are Sweet

You are a highly sensitive person. You can't harden your heart to anyone or anything. You want to let something sit with you for a while before acting on it. You like to sleep on decisions.

You've been known to express yourself through creative writing or art. You have so many stories to tell. You're often the most caring person anyone knows. You take pains to make others comfortable.

The Pedicure Test

You Are Respectable

You value other people's feelings. You are very sensitive and sympathetic. You are prepared for whatever comes your way in life. You plan for the worst and expect the best.

Like most people, you crave and need approval. You like to be told you're special. You are hardworking and organized. You try to have a system for everything in your life.



You Crave Peace

You expect the best in people, and you are eternally hopeful. You always stay positive. You don't like it when anyone acts out, and you can't stand chaos of any kind.

The calmer things are, the happier you are. You appreciate the quiet like no one else can. You love to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. You take your time savoring each moment.

PS.  Sorry ya Bloggers..jika terlalu banyak kuis di halamanku artinya aku sedang boring..ring..ring..:) Just kill my time with this fun quizes.  Yes I know it's annoying..but hey..life is not about some serious stuffs, enjoy what we had now.

Patient..Yup That's Me!

You Are Patient

You tend to stick with relationships - through the good and the bad. You're stubborn that way. You are willing to wait for someone to come around. You give lots of second chances.

You are a great listener and tend to give valuable advice. You know your friends well. You have a lot of inner strength, and you can dig deep when you need to. You are resilient.

Smart But Dumb People

Ada orang yang mengatakan, "Orang pintar itu tidak membutuhkan kata-kata bijaksana, hanya orang bodoh yang menerima nasehat".  Wah..wah..menurutku orang ini sombong sekali ya.  Dia bilang orang pintar tidak membutuhkan kata-kata bijaksana? Apa iya begitu? 

Apa dia pikir orang pintar tidak membutuhkan kata-kata penyemangat, motivasi-motivasi, atau nasihat-nasihat baik?  Apa dia pikir orang pintar itu sudah tahu segalanya? Wait! Pintarnya dia ini, dalam arti apa ya? Pintar dalam hal edukasi? Pendidikan?  Lha wong orang yang berpendidikan dan pintar saja belum tentu dia tahu segalanya!  Kok dia bisa bilang orang pintar tidak butuh nasihat?  Kadang orang pintar itu bisa juga bodoh lho!  

Yang mereka tahu hanya sebatas kulit luar saja, seperti teori.  Yaa..mungkin mereka pintar dalam hal mengingat teori-teori pelajaran, atau pendidikan yang mereka miliki.  Tapi apa mereka juga bijaksana? Belum tentu juga!  Buktinya, banyak tuh di luar sana orang-orang pintar dan pandai tapi bodoh.  Mereka pintar tapi otaknya kadang tidak dipakai.  Pintar tapi hati nuraninya lemot alias zero, ya buat apa? Pandai tapi yang dipikirkan hanya duniawi.  Serakah, egois, cuek, korupsi, menipu dll. 

Menurutku, justru orang-orang yang pintar itu adalah orang yang mau menerima nasihat-nasihat dan kata-kata bijaksana. Dan biasanya orang-orang yang pintar itu adalah orang-orang yang mengambil kata-kata bijak sebagai pelajarannya.  Dan orang-orang yang pintar itu biasanya memberi contoh yang baik dan bijak bagi sesamanya juga.  Sementara orang-orang yang sombong itu adalah dia yang merasa sok tahu, itu baru yang namanya stupidity alias kebodohan.  Mentang-mentang dia tahu dia pintar, trus dia merasa "Ah..sok tahu loe, gue lebih ngerti dibanding loe"  Orang yang seperti ini, adalah orang yang justru bodoh.  Tidak tahu menghargai orang lain, sok pede, sok bijak padahal salah. 

Yang paling parah, kata-kata yang saya kutip di awal paragraph tadi bagi orang yang menulisnya dijadikan kata-kata bijak.  Waduh..hati-hati bung kalo bikin quotations. Kata-kata bijak Anda ini bisa diambil oleh orang banyak lho, padahal maksud yang Anda tulis itu menurut saya salah besar.  Sebuah kesombongan bukanlah hal yang bijak.  

Sorry saja ya, aku juga tidak merasa diriku pintar tapi ini sekedar pendapatku saja.  Coba deh direnungkan lagi kata-kata tadi.  Apa benar orang pintar tidak mau mendengar kata-kata bijak? Orang yang benar-benar pintar itu adalah orang yang rendah hati dan mau mendengar.  Sukses itu bukan berarti dia banyak uang karena kepintaran atau kepandaiannya, itu duniawi sekali.  Sukses itu adalah dia yang pintar mengolah isi otaknya dan juga hati nuraninya untuk kebaikan dirinya dan juga sesamanya.  

Pesanku untuk teman-temanku, hati-hati ya kalau mengutip sebuah quotation dari orang lain.  Sebaiknya dibaca ulang deh makna yang tersurat dan tersiratnya.  Ambil sebuah kutipan yang isinya berarti serta positif dan yakinkan bahwa kutipan itu bagus untuk kita dan orang-orang lain juga.


You Are Intuitive

Although you see yourself as a loner, people are drawn to you. You have a natural magnetism. You may seem quiet and withdrawn, but you're paying attention to every single thing around you.

Deep and sensitive, you tend to impress others with your insights. You come up with the most amazing stuff.
You also tend to be psychic - so listen to that inner voice. It will rarely lead you astray.

Ternyata kita memang tidak bisa bergantung pada apapun dan siapapun selain pada Allah.  -P.S-

The Pasture Test

You Are Poetic

You see beauty, colors, and inspiration where other people see nothing. You are a gentle and sensitive soul that craves love and understanding.

You take pride in your interesting ideas, and you feel wounded if others challenge you too fiercely.
You feel most comfortable in places where you know everyone. It's likely you are still in touch with your childhood friends.

The Umbrella Test

Your Purple Umbrella Says You're Graceful

When faced with adversity, you remain together and graceful. You are very balanced, and it's hard for you to let yourself get too down.

You are brainy and philosophical. It's hard for you to lose your broad perspective on life. You accept things as they are. You don't try to change anything that can't be changed.

On a rainy day: you should spend the day reading

Me And Old Car..

Kepingin deh punya mobil mini cooper seperti ini.  Sudah lama aku berniat membeli mobil second hand atau third hand yang imut-imut dan handy kaya gini.  Tapi setelah browsing sana sini, ternyata harganya muahal sekali ya! Duhh sedih deh..tabunganku tidak cukup untuk membeli mobil ini yang ternyata tergolong mobil mewah juga.  Kalau yang klasik saja harganya sudah 100 jutaan, apalagi yang CBU! Aku lihat harganya bisa sekitar 600 jutaan saja! Wow, cukup mahal ya!  Belum sanggup deh aku hehehe..

Iya Bloggers, aku sedang membutuhkan sebuah mobil nih.  Pasalnya anakku setahun lagi akan masuk Sekolah Dasar.  So pasti aku membutuhkan kendaraan untuk mengantar anak sekolah ke tempat yang agak jauh dari rumah.  Bukan hanya itu saja, mobil juga sebagai saranaku untuk keperluan belanja, bisnis, dan bepergian tanpa harus rempong mencari taksi kemana-mana, berpanas-panasan atau kehujanan.  

Tak perlulah yang bagus, sesuai kemampuanku saja yang penting mesinnya masih bagus, bodynya juga rapih, dan interiornya terawat.  Kalau soal merawat mobil sih aku pasti jagonya, karena aku orangnya rapihan.  Biar mobilnya jelek, tapi kalo rapih, selalu bersih dan kinclong, tetep ok dong! :)  Soal perawatan sih gampang, tinggal sering-sering ke bengkel saja, soal kinclongnya, ya tinggal masukkan saja ke salon mobil terdekat hehehe..Gengsi dong..Masa cuma mobil bagus saja yang boleh ke salon mobil? hahaha.. 

Nggak ada deh istilah gengsi-gengsian, yang penting bisa jalan-jalan dan belanja belanje kesana kemari, baik itu dengan teman-teman, sendirian, atau berdua anak saja.  Kalau mogok, ya tinggal minta ibu-ibu yang dibelakang saja untuk membantuku mendorong hihihi..curang yaa..Lagi pula kalo punya mobil jelek itu nggak bakalan takut disenggol mobil lain, lha wong mobilnya jelek kok! hahaha..Yang ada, kalo mobilku disenggol mobil lain kan bisa minta ganti rugi hihihi;)

Ada temanku yang bilang, "Kenapa sih kamu tidak beli motor saja?" Haa? motor? Oh no no no..Bukan apa-apa ya teman, aku lebih mementingkan keamanan soalnya.  Motor itu resikonya tinggi, apalagi memboncengi anak kesekolah.  Takut tersenggol mobil lain, bahkan kecelakaan.  Memang sih, lebih irit dan menghemat waktu banyak secara motor itukan bisa nyempil sana sini, tapi ya itu resikonya besar. 

Jadi..mobil seperti apa ya yang murmer? Gimana dengan yang ini? hihihi..:-)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

What Room Are You Most At Home In?

You Are Most at Home in the Bedroom

You're the type of person who finds sanctuary in your home. Your home is your private space. While you may be a social person outside the home, it's very rare that you invite people into your home.

There's nothing like spending time alone in your bedroom - relaxing and reflecting about your day. You truly treasure your time by yourself. You need to be able to recharge every so often in order to thrive.

This is so damn true!

What's Your Personality Like?

You Are the Funny One

You have a flamboyant personality, and part of that is being a natural comic. You are very observant, and you always have a joke ready for every person and occasion.

You don't hesitate to point out when a situation is uncomfortable, and you are awesome at breaking the ice.
Your sarcasm doesn't play well with every type of person, but your friends get and appreciate you.

What's Your Blogging Personality?

Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate

You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger. You have a heart of gold and are likely to blog for a cause.
You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others.

What Type of Angel Are You?

You Are a Guardian Angel

You care deeply for your friends and family. Like a Guardian angel, you take protecting them seriously. Besides guarding the ones you love, you have your eye out for all of humankind. You are very compassionate.

You are a natural caretaker, and you are very interested in social justice. You want to make the world better for everyone. While you are responsible and conscientious, you are also light hearted. You are easygoing and even quite funny.

Don't Be Fooled By My Smile