Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fabulously Powerful

Yay..I am powerful!  Aku benar-benar pemegang kontrol yang handal!  Aku tak pernah lelah mengejar berbagai impian, tapi juga tak pernah terlalu memaksakan diri.  It means, I never over-schedule myself.  Aku selalu pintar mengatur "me-time" yang berkualitas di sela-sela bermacam kesibukan.  Hasilnya, selain pikiran selalu fresh, tingkat emosional ku pun stabil.  Aku tak pernah berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan maupun amarah.

The City Darling!
Vivian Ward in Pretty Women.  
Best Line: "I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here but let me give you a tip: i'm a sure thing"

Ini nih karakter yang paling cocok sama aku si pretty women yang tegar, mandiri, dan smart.  Anda tak akan mengubah cara bicara, gaya urakan, dan pola hidup yang liar demi lingkungan karena prinsip Anda.  Lingkunganlah yang menyesuaikan diri dengan Anda.  Kecuali jika Anda bertemu dengan pria yang mampu membuat Anda bertekuk lutut, Anda akan berusaha membuatnya merasa nyaman bahkan bersedia mengubah penampilan demi berbaur dengan lingkungannya.  Meski berjiwa bebas, Anda bisa tunduk pada komitmen jika menemukan pria yang mengerti Anda.  Dalam hubungan pertemanan, Anda tak begitu peduli untuk punya banyak teman, selama ada seorang teman yang paling mengerti Anda, itu sudah cukup.

Sebuah Rumah Tanpa Kemarahan, Keributan, dan Keluh Kesah..

Seorang wanita mengadu kepada ayahnya sambil menangis, "Wahai ayahku, semalam aku sempat bersitegang dengan suamiku.  Ia marah karena merasa tersinggung dengan ucapanku.  Menyadari akan kemarahannya, aku pun menyesali apa yang telah aku perbuat, lalu aku meminta maaf kepadanya.  Namun, dia tetap belum mau berbicara denganku dan terus memalingkan wajahnya dariku.  Maka, aku terus berupaya merayunya dengan kemanjaan dan kelembutanku hingga ia tertawa ceria dan kembali menerimaku.  Aku takut Tuhanku mengambil nyawaku pada saat-saat diriku berada dalam kemarahan suamiku."

Sang ayah pun berkata, "Wahai putriku, Demi Dzat yang jiwaku berada di tangan-Nya, jika engkau meninggal dunia sebelum ia meridhaimu, maka aku pun tidak akan ridha kepadamu.  Bukankah engkau mengetahui bahwa seorang perempuan yang dimarahi suaminya itu terlaknat sebagaimana dikatakan dalam Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan al-Qur'an.  Bahkan, bukankah kemarahan suami itu bisa mempersulit sakaratul mautnya dan mempersempit kuburnya.  Maka beruntunglah seorang wanita yang suaminya selalu tentram dan rela kepadanya."  Seorang muslimah yang salehah niscaya selalu berupaya agar terus dicintai oleh suaminya dan juga berusaha agar keharmonisan dalam keluarganya senantiasa terjaga.  

Semua Cobaan Hanya Bersifat Sementara..

Sebuah nasihat mengatakan:

Jangan putus asa jika terpeleset dan jatuh ke dalam lubang yang dalam.  Setelah keluar dari lubang itu engkau akan lebih kuat.  Sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang-orang yang sabar.

Jangan bersedih jika ada anak panah yang menembus tubuh mu, meski ia dibidikkan oleh orang terdekatmu.  Sungguh, akan ada orang lain yang mencabut anak panah itu, mengobati luka, dan mengembalikan kehidupan dan senyuman mu.

Jangan melihat lembaran kertas yang telah kusam dan tulisan buram yang penuh dengan penderitaan dan kegelisahan.  Engkau akan menemukan tulisan itu tidak akan abadi dan kertas-kertas itu bukan kertas terakhir untukmu.

Engkau harus membedakan antara orang yang meletakkan tulisanmu di hadapan matanya dan orang yang menitipkan tulisanmu kepada angin.  Tulisan bukan sekedar untaian kata-kata indah yang akan menghilang.  Dia adalah ungkapan perasaan yang bersemayam di setiap hurufnya dan denyutan impian hati manusia yang membakar setiap penderitaan dengan apinya.

Jangan meniru burung malik al-hazin: burung yang aneh karena menyuarakan kicuan yang indah sambil meneteskan airmata.  Di dunia ini, tidak ada yang berhak mengambil setetes pun dari darah Anda.

Saturday Sexy

Pagi ini dimulai dengan memutar musik jazzy reggae "Waiting In Vain" oleh Maxi Priest, setelah aku selesai mandi pagi sambil mengoles body lotion favorite ku.  Feels sexy.. I love it.

Siang ini rencana ku adalah, aku ingin menjadi seekor sloth.  aku akan menggunakan masker dingin untuk wajah ku, mengganti tempat tidur ku dengan sheets yang wangi dan bersih, kemudian menyalakan dupa wangi beraroma apel atau hmm..lavender.  Lalu nonton dvd favorite ku atau bagaimana jika nonton Ice Age aja..hihihi..

Spice up your your own way to feel sexy!
Ya Allah..Semoga Engkau senantiasa memberi pengampunan dan belas kasih Mu untuk saudara-saudara kami di Jepang..Tiada Tuhan selain Allah. 

Friday, March 11, 2011


Openness Feels Like Home to You

You think a home should be welcoming to all. You want everyone to feel comfortable in your home.

Hospitality is important to you, and nothing makes you happier than entertaining guests.

You pride yourself on having a tidy and modern home. It's important to you not to have a home you'd be embarrassed of.

You never can feel quite at home at someone else's house. Your home is just that tailored to your taste!



Your Primary Mood Color is Yellow

You are a enthusiastic and cheerful soul. You have a real zest for life.

You have as many troubles as anyone else, but you believe it's important to have a sunny outlook.

Life is what you make of it, and you strive to make your life as awesome as possible.

You believe in happy endings. You are willing to put your a lot on the line in hopes that things will work out.

Zen Garden

You Are a Japanese Zen Garden

You are a thoughtful and contemplative person. You like to take time out of your day and just be.

You seek deeper compassion and understanding. You try to find peace wherever you can.

You try to avoid the rat race and pace yourself. You don't like to be stressed out.

You believe a simple life is a happy life. You rather have serenity than stuff.

Peace is yours. Storms may be raging around you, but you can still find peace in your own heart because the God of Peace reigns within you

Mind, Body, Spirit?

You Are Spirit

You are resilient, hopeful, and inspiring. You have a lot of emotional, physical, and mental energy.

You nurture and nourish yourself. You know that you need fulfillment and downtime if you want to be your best.

You stay present in every moment. You don't allow yourself to be distracted or flustered.

You appreciate the life you have been given. You embrace all that is beautiful in the world.

You Fall in Love Slowly

Being in a relationship tends to amplify your personality. It brings out the best and worst in you.

For you, love is exciting and invigorating. Love puts a spring in your step.

You don't have a checklist when it comes to your perfect partner. You're open to whatever happens in your life.

You shy away from intimacy and connection right away. You need shared experiences in order to build up trust.

A Beautiful Waves

You Make Beautiful Waves

Life would be boring if you just sat back and watched it unfold.

You like to make things happen, but in a very ordered and interesting way.

You don't really like chaos. You tend to plan throughly and execute your plans well.

You are very creative, eloquent, and expressive. You know how to accomplish great things, even if you're just playing around.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Kind Of Glamour...

You Think That Confidence is Glamourous

You admire someone who can walk in to a room completely underprepared and wrongly dressed yet still own it.

Glamour doesn't have anything to do with how much money you have or how fancy you look. It's all about what you've got going on with your attitude.

The most enchanting people have taken a good look at themselves and accepted who they are. True confidence comes from high self esteem.

You believe that you can't be truly loved and respected until you love and respect yourself.

Edward :)

Your Dream Guy is Edward

You are a true romantic, and for you, love is a very emotional and passionate thing.

You want to be wooed, charmed, and even seduced. You have old fashioned ideas about romance.

You don't mind being with a protective guy like Edward, as long as he has your best interests at heart.

You like being taken care of completely, even if things get a little intense at times.

Waiting In Vain By Maxi Priest

Your Soul is Welcoming

You are a warm hearted and open minded person. It's easy for you to forgive and forget.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself.

Your near future is a lot like the present, and as far as you're concerned, that's a very good thing.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

What The House Test Says About You

What the House Test Says About You

You consider yourself important, but no more important than anyone else. You love attention, but you don't feel like you deserve more of it than anyone else.

You aren't against being community oriented, but it's not really your thing. You tend to prefer to focus on your family and not the neighborhood around you.

You are a social, friendly, and giving person. You like to bring people together and make them feel happy.

You look attractive, but mostly because your rely on your natural good looks to get by.

You are moved by romance and love. You are optimistic about people, and you love hearing about happy endings.


You Are 70% Peaceful

You are a very peaceful person. All is good in your world, no matter what's going on.

Occasionally you let your problems get to you, but you generally remain upbeat.

Your inner strength is inspirational - much more so than you may realize.


Hands To Heaven By Breathe

This song has a deep meaning for me..