Monday, January 21, 2013

The Way You Treat Others Is The Way You Treat Yourself.

True respect for another comes from self respect. True love for another comes from self love. True forgiveness for another comes from self forgiveness.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Letter To The Unfulfilled Wife.

I may not know you. I may not know your name, where you come from, or where you live. But I know what you’re going through.

I’ve been there. I know you just want to be happy. You just want your marriage, your husband, your home life to be…better. Happier. Easier.

I know you are tired of being sad. Tired of being unfulfilled. Tired of settling. Tired of wanting more. Tired of trying to make yourself stop caring.

I know sometimes you look up and wonder, “What happened to the ME I used to be?” You’ve bent, suppressed, and given up so much of yourself. Sometimes you wonder, “What am I doing here? What’s the point? Maybe my life would be better if/when/ there…”

I know you feel unnoticed and unappreciated. You can’t get rid of the headaches, your eyes are tired, your hair needs attention, your hands are rough, your body is sore, your feet are cracked but most importantly, your heart feels empty.

But you know what? It’s going to be okay.

You know how you start to compare your then and now? You wonder why you were happier and why you felt your Imaan back then? You wonder, “What happened? What changed?”
Yeah, your situation changed…You had that thing, the issues were different, etc. but you changed too. You let your circumstances determine your happiness.

And if you keep doing that, you’ll always be up and down, because that’s how life is. But I don’t want that for you. I want you to get to a place where you can say, “You know what? It’s ok. It’s not worth the arguing, the pain, the tears, and the inner turmoil.”

We think happiness is always when and if. We think happiness is somewhere outside of us…somewhere outside of our current situation. But that’s not true. Your happiness is up to you.

You can “choose” happiness. You don’t have to wait until someone or something makes you happy. Instead of waiting for that one big change to bring joy and sunshine into your life, pay attention to the small drops of delight that abound throughout your day.

Everything will never be exactly the way you want. And if it is, it won’t last long. That’s just how life is. And that’s ok. We have ups and we have downs. The good thing about the downs is that
they tell us to slow down. To pray. To be grateful. To feel empathy for those who have it worse. I saw a quote the other day…”When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hold on.” And that’s what you have to do sometimes. You just hold on.

I know what it’s like to reach that point where you feel like you’re going to break. You’re tired of going through the motions and you know you can’t keep living like this. It’s scary. It’s scary because you don’t know what’s going to happen or what to do next but you know something has to change. And sooner or later, you realize, it’s you. It’s you that has to change. Because at this point, you know that nothing external will make it better. Getting a maid won’t make it better. Having more money or even getting that divorce. You would still be unhappy. And that’s how you know it’s your heart. And so you give in. And you throw in the towel and turn back to where you should’ve been the whole time…with Allah.

You know, your marriage isn’t the center of your life. The reality is you won’t always feel the love, the happiness and fulfillment. I know you didn’t get married to have a roommate and sometimes you feel like your marriage isn’t benefitting you the way it’s supposed to.

But don’t spend too much time being sad. And don’t let anyone stand in between you and your relationship with Allah. Not even your own self. You couldn’t read Quran because you were
just too upset. You couldn’t pray because you couldn’t concentrate. Or you couldn’t sit and do your adhkar because your mind was everywhere.

But you know how you feel better after you take that first step back to Allah? That time you decided to pick up the Quran, maybe because you figured it’s been a while. That time you couldn't stop crying in prayer. And then when you finished, you felt lighter. Well this time, keep going.

Remember the last time YOU did something and it made YOU feel happy? Or the other day when you laughed out loud, for a pretty long time, and you thought, “Wow, I can’t remember the
last time I laughed like that.” Go do it again (assuming it's within the confines of Shari'ah :))

And then smile at yourself. Smile because it’s going to be okay. You may not have everything you want and your relationship with your husband may not be where you want it to be, but Allah sees you. Allah knows you're trying.

And one more thing, don't lose yourself in your marriage, trying to morph yourself into the perfect wife. Keep a little bit of yourself just for you. Because you need YOU.

And remember, you’re not alone.

Thank you.


Help Jakarta..

Jangan pernah salahkan hujan atas banjir yang melanda, salahkan dirimu sendiri karena tak mampu memelihara tempatmu bernaung. My deepest simphaty for Jakarta. - My Words

You Can Find A Moment Of Rest.

Life is full of busyness: work, family, friends, housework, the list goes on and on. Take a few minutes right now to let yourself just rest. Quiet your mind and let the silence relax your body.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mom's Joke

Kata mamaku, jodoh yang paling pas buatku adalah seorang kakek-kakek..hahaha..karena orang yang sudah paham bagaimana mengerti perasaan perempuan dan emosi-emosinya hanyalah pria yang sudah tenang jiwanya, dan lebih bijaksana serta punya kesabaran yang tinggi.  Seriously mom..? miapah?:))

Pure Spirits

~Pure spirits are just to radically different for us to
grasp fully..if you are a fish in the sea,
it's hard to understand the life of a bird ♥

My Bed My Little Office;)

Yah..disinilah ruang kerjaku bloggers, alias di tempat tidur..hehehe..tempat istirahat sekaligus posisi yang tepat untuk membuat daily schedule, planning, blogging, dan sebagainya.  Tidak penting sih, tapi ya namanya juga logs.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

God Has An Important Purpose For You, And Made Everything Possible For You To Succeed.

That's not to say it's an easy purpose, or a convenient one. It might very well seem hard or even impossible, but it only looks that way. The truth is that one day you will look back and see how all the pieces fit together. And how your life has been a complete and utter success.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sometimes It Helps to Go To The Sacred Places Of This Earth.

There is a lot of peace and energy there to fill you up and restore you. Go there in person, or if you cannot, in your imagination. When you get there, miracles do happen.

Friday, January 11, 2013

My Lucky Necklace the symbol to my heart..jie jie..;)
Sebenarnya simbol yang tepat untuk diriku adalah butterfly, next time deh berburu leontin kupu-kupu bergabung dengan cincin dan kunci ini.
Cincin melambangkan kesetiaan, kunci melambangkan security, dan butterfly melambangkan freedom.

Girly Vanity Room

I love this..specially the chandelier and the pretty chair..soo cute!

June 15

Umum: Anda adalah sosok yang peduli pada lingkungan, dan dunia. Anda punya cita-cita yang mulia terhadap dunia di sekitar Anda. Geminian lain boleh jadi sensitif, namun, Anda bukan Geminian biasa. Anda tidak terpaku oleh masa lalu dan selalu memandang masa depan dengan optimis. Anda tak suka akan tekanan dan selalu berusaha mencari kebebasan agar dapat mengaplikasikan ide-ide kreatif Anda. Bakat mengajar/ menjadi guru sudah ada di dalam darah Anda, sehingga Anda sosok yang disukai anak-anak dan selalu mudah menyampaikan pendapat Anda kepada orang lain. 

Cinta: Anda punya intuisi yang bagus terhadap sebuah hubungan, sehingga jarang sekali Anda putus cinta. Anda juga jarang merasa kecewa, karena Anda hampir selalu berpikir dalam-dalam tentang apa yang Anda lakukan. Anda punya pemikiran jauh ke depan, jujur, dan rajin. Sebagai seorang kekasih Anda bisa mengendalikan emosi dan tidak terlalu berharap pada sebuah hubungan yang tidak jelas. 

Keuangan: Anda adalah pekerja keras yang tak kenal lelah, selalu berusaha memberikan apa yang Anda punya dan fokus dalam bekerja. Anda akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik Anda dalam keadaan apapun. Anda juga sosok yang tegas dan berani berkata tidak jika ada hal yang tak sesuai dengan diri Anda. Anda bisa mengerti kondisi orang lain, dan berusaha memahami kekurangan rekan kerja, sehingga mudah bagi Anda untuk bersosialisasi dan bekerja sama dengan orang baru.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bitch It Out..

It is okay to 'bitch it out' your own feelings..It is the process of healing.  But of course you cannot be bully to others, because bitchy and bully are two different things.  Bitchy, is the way you express your anger, to be blunt and expressing your emotions.  While bullying is expressing insults, making fun of people, being abusive with words to destroy other's self esteem. And to me bully is a very very don't do that.  Control your own anger in a different way.
"The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone" (Johann von Goethe)

There Are Times We Are Called To Be A Light In The Darkness.

Now is that time. Be a calm presence of love. Let your heart shine like a beacon in dark times. It is surprising what a difference one light can make.

Just remember: someone loves everything you hate about yourself.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Mari Kita Berpikir

Hinaan, dan celaan adalah permainan bagi manusia-manusia lemah yang ingin diakui.  Mereka ingin membuktikan dirinya bahwa mereka hebat, padahal mereka hanyalah sampah yang menjadi virus mematikan untuk jiwa.  Hinaan dan celaan manusia-manusia negatif seperti itu mudah menular bagi orang-orang yang ababil.

Aku rasa jiwa manusia modern jaman sekarang telah rusak semenjak hadirnya media sosial seperti twitter, facebook, Blackberry dimana orang lain bisa membaca perasaan dan pikiran-pikiran negatif orang lain. Mungkin inilah yang diingankan oleh kaum dajjal, suatu konspirasi untuk menghancurkan moral manusia. Absurd? Silahkan berpikir..
I became sarcastic if i have to deal with an idiot who insult me..- My Words.

Do Not Judge Or Condemn..

Do not judge me for what you see outside of me.  I maybe look happy, smiling, and strong enough to face the world. But to know the real me, you gotta put yourself in my shoe.  And I don't think you strong enough to handle what I've been through.