Showing posts with label zodiac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zodiac. Show all posts

Friday, January 11, 2013

June 15

Umum: Anda adalah sosok yang peduli pada lingkungan, dan dunia. Anda punya cita-cita yang mulia terhadap dunia di sekitar Anda. Geminian lain boleh jadi sensitif, namun, Anda bukan Geminian biasa. Anda tidak terpaku oleh masa lalu dan selalu memandang masa depan dengan optimis. Anda tak suka akan tekanan dan selalu berusaha mencari kebebasan agar dapat mengaplikasikan ide-ide kreatif Anda. Bakat mengajar/ menjadi guru sudah ada di dalam darah Anda, sehingga Anda sosok yang disukai anak-anak dan selalu mudah menyampaikan pendapat Anda kepada orang lain. 

Cinta: Anda punya intuisi yang bagus terhadap sebuah hubungan, sehingga jarang sekali Anda putus cinta. Anda juga jarang merasa kecewa, karena Anda hampir selalu berpikir dalam-dalam tentang apa yang Anda lakukan. Anda punya pemikiran jauh ke depan, jujur, dan rajin. Sebagai seorang kekasih Anda bisa mengendalikan emosi dan tidak terlalu berharap pada sebuah hubungan yang tidak jelas. 

Keuangan: Anda adalah pekerja keras yang tak kenal lelah, selalu berusaha memberikan apa yang Anda punya dan fokus dalam bekerja. Anda akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik Anda dalam keadaan apapun. Anda juga sosok yang tegas dan berani berkata tidak jika ada hal yang tak sesuai dengan diri Anda. Anda bisa mengerti kondisi orang lain, dan berusaha memahami kekurangan rekan kerja, sehingga mudah bagi Anda untuk bersosialisasi dan bekerja sama dengan orang baru.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Gemini Mommy

A Gemini mom will not be a bundle of sentiments.  She will adore her children.  However she won't mollycoddle them.  Just as in marriage, she will take time to get accustomed to motherhood.  But once she does, she will be a fun mom.  She wil almost always catch their lie or schemes.  Poor kids won't be able to outsmart their gemini mommy!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Your Ship Is Coming

Don't force yourself to accept something simply because you once believed you wanted it.  Because you are honing in on your purpose.  By defining what you don't want, you can figure out what you do want.  That second ship isn't far behind. - Gemini-

Monday, March 5, 2012

#Gemini are good in conversation, intellect bent of mind, good communication skills, good learner and judger.
#Gemini woman are smart, sassy, and sarcastic, always having the last word.

Friday, March 2, 2012

In the relationship Communication is the key with two . This relationship may seem very crowded to the casual passer

Monday, February 27, 2012

The partner is usually knowledgeable, sparkling and witty about any subject.
Gemini women will express their views sharply.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

are always there to support those around them while at the same time forever remaining a truly elusive presence.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

always manage to get their way, it's rare for them to be demanding, loud, or argumentative.
A gemini will tell you exactly what s/he thinks no matter how harsh it sounds.
Challenge your Gemini mentally and u'll keep them interested. Understand, though, that they might be a flirt.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A versatility may help them to adapt so they ultimately gain control of a difficult situation.
In relationships have the “act now, explain later” policy.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

pribadi yang lucu, romantis, dan humoris jika bersama seseorang yg dicintainya

  are intelligent rather than bright, learned rather than educated.

Monday, January 30, 2012

likes to fall in love but staying there for too much time makes them claustrophobic so they look for more.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Once a starts to like you, they will be supportive and always by your side
love knowledge -- accumulating it, possessing it, offering it, and adding to it.
gemini horoscope
Gemini Horoscope

Your penchant for variety and need for constant stimulation often finds you the strangest bedfellows