Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Ability Of Human Skin

 ''Allah dropped down the best of speech (the Quran), where it makes the skins of those who fear Him soften towards His remembrance as well as their hearts. Thats Allah's guidance, He guides whom He wishes, and the one who's misguided will have no one to guide him.'' Al-Zumar 39:23

A recent study in Canada discovered that human skin has the ability to hear. The experiment involved participants listening to certain syllables whilst puffing air on to their skin. The results indicated that our brains could receive information from our skins in order to form a picture, a sense or a feeling that describes the surrounding environment.

Allah the Almighty already told us of this discovery more than 1400 years ago. He describes in the verse above that when a person is in a spiritual state, fearing or engaged in His remembrance, He causes their skin to shiver and react to His divine words, and the heart to soften in peace and tranquility.

In other words 'Goose-bumps' are a result of our skin listening and interacting with what's around us and Allah clearly mentioned that in His holy book before any scientist can discover it.

Allah is our only creator and He has the keys to the unseen within ourselves and the universe around us. He gave us this sign to reflect upon the way He created us, only to worship and remember Him. So lets reflect, learn, believe and engage in His remembrance in our day-to-day life.


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