Friday, April 29, 2011

Love Spell

Aurora asked me if I could share this message about love with all of you:

Dear Friends,

When I meet someone that finds out I am a Wiccan, they usually ask me:

"So, you do spells and stuff?" I tell them that yes, casting spells is a part of Wicca for many.  And then they want to know, "Can you cast a love spell for me?" At first I was surprised.

Even people who are suspicious of Wicca, who don't believe in the Goddess, want me to do a love spell for them? It didn't make any sense.  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized:  Love is the most important thing in this world.

And people looking for love are willing to do just about anything to find it and keep it.  So even if it means opening your mind and trying something  new, it's all in the name of love, right?

So I did my best to stop judging my fellow sisters and brothers who were reaching out for help.   Instead, I told them that they could cast their own  love spells very easily, but that there were a few important things they had to know.  First of all, many people want to cast love spells  thinking that finding love will solve all their problems.

But if the problem is with your own self-esteem, then  you are going to attract the wrong kind of love.  If you love yourself, you can attract love.   It's as simple as that.   If you have negative beliefs about your self-worth,  say to yourself, "I love and approve of myself."  Say it out loud. Write it on your fridge.  Say it enough, and you will make it a reality.

Another important thing to remember is possibly the  most essential rule of using magick: harm none. That means not interfering with someone else's free will.  You can't "make" someone love you, just like magick will  not join you together unless you are right for each other.

But if you have the right intentions, then a love spell can help you open your heart to finding the right person.  Here's a simple love spell for all of my brothers and sisters looking for love out there:

You will need a handful of rose petals.

If you have roses given to you by a friend or loved one, use  those as they already have good energy.
Scatter them on the path leading to your home, and on your doorstep, saying: "Love find your way Love come to stay!"  Carry one petal with you as a love charm to attract love to your home.

1 comment:

  1. With the love spell a soul mate come in a life with a lot of happiness.Nice blog.
