Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Snowflake Test

You Are Unique Because You're Clever
Unlike most people, you are able to draw interesting connections and come up with amazing theories.
You are able to take in a lot of information at once. You can see patterns where others can't.

You are rare in your ability to think without boundaries or preconceptions. The whole world is open to you.
Like a snowflake, you are happy to contribute to something great. You like feeling that you matter a little.

What Does Your Favorite Season Say About You

You Are Growth Oriented Like Spring
You are a profoundly creative person. You are always growing and self-renewing.  No matter how old you become, you continue to have a youthful and hopeful energy.

You are optimistic and cheerful. You think the world is a bright and colorful place. You are always inspired, and artistic expression comes easily for you. You make the most of your experiences.

Which Exotic Fruit Are You?

A coconut? I was expecting fruits that more juicy, sweet, and fresh like watermellon?:-)

You Are a Coconut
You are a trustworthy and loyal person. You are a keeper of secrets and confidences. You know that you have to be a friend in order to make friends. And that's why you have so many great ones.

You are warm-hearted, witty, and even irreverent. You have an outrageous sense of humor that gets people laughing. People know they're going to have a blast when you're around. You bring the fun!

What Does Your Desk Say About You

You Are an Organized Worker
You are a very private person. You don't open up easily, and you don't open up to just anyone.

You draw a lot of inspiration and energy from your own internal world. You get bored easily around other people.

You are confident and competent. You tend to not make mistakes, and you trust your judgment.

You are down to earth and practical. You achieve success one step at a time, by paying attention to details.

Bacalah Dari Dua Sudut Kacamata

Aku pernah menulis di blogku tentang bagaimana kita harus berhati-hati dalam memilih kalimat-kalimat bijak atau quotations, atau kata-kata motivasi dari orang lain.  Bukan bermaksud mengecilkan, tapi kadang tingkatan atau level spiritual atau pengalaman seseorang itu belum tentu menjadikan dia bijaksana.  Kata-kata bijak yang dibuat bisa jadi menggunakan bahasa-bahasa santun dan merupakan hasil pemikiran seseorang, tapi belum tentu apa yang dia tulis bisa dibenarkan.  Berikut ini adalah link yang saya copas dari sebuah laman, yang kebetulan sekali mendukung pemikiranku. Apa yang dituliskan penulis dibawah adalah sebuah contoh dari bagaimana kita harus benar-benar berhati-hati dalam menyimak sebuah kata-kata bijak. least ini menurutku, mungkin bloggers punya penangkapan yang berbeda dengan versiku. Silahkan direnungkan..

Berjuang Melawan Diri Sendiri
Oleh: Mohammad Fauzil Adhim

Sebagian manusia memberikan motivasi yang tampaknya benar, tetapi jika kita mengikutinya, maka akan menjauhlah kita dari hidayah. Inilah langkah yang menjadikan kita semakin mengagungkan hawa nafsu, entah apa pun namanya dalam dunia motivasi. Di antara kalimat motivasi yang sekilas bagus, tapi kalau kita ikuti dapat membuat kita terjerumus itu adalah:

"Jangan paksakan apapun yang tidak kau sukai. Jika bukan dari keinginan diri sendiri, maka segalanya hanyalah sesuatu yang sia-sia."

Sungguh, sangat berbeda dengan yang agama kita ajarkan. Kita diperintah untuk bersungguh-sungguh melaksanakan kewajiban, meskipun kita tidak menyukainya. Kita diperintahkan untuk berjuang melawan hawa nafsu kita. Bukan sibuk memperturutkannya. Acuan utama kita saat melakukan sesuatu adalah, ia sesuai dengan tuntunan atau bertentangan. Jika sesuai tuntunan, kita perlu belajar menaklukkan diri sendiri agar apa yang tidak kita sukai tersebut, akhirnya dapat menjadi bagian dari diri kita dan dapat senantiasa kita jalani sepenuh kesungguhan. Jika bertentangan dengan tuntunan, meski kita amat menyukai, maka sepatutnya kita berusaha untuk meninggalkannya. Meski passion kita di situ.

Renungi sejenak hadis ini:

حُفَّتِ الْجَنَّةُ بِالْمَكَارِهِ وَحُفَّتِ النَّارُ بِالشَّهَوَاتِ

”Surga dikelilingi oleh hal-hal yang tidak disukai, dan neraka dikelilingi oleh kenikmatan.” (HR. Muslim).

Semoga Allah Ta'ala limpahkan hidayah kepada kita. Semoga Allah Ta'ala kuatkan kita untuk melaksanakan perintah dan menjauhi larangan-Nya.

Teach Your Child To Love Animals

Yep! Agree!

If You Would Rather Live Than Die, All Is In Your Hands

Life is not lost by dying; life is lost minute by minute, day by dragging day, in all the thousand small uncaring ways.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Be Thankful..

Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge, it will build your strength
and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference. (Unknown)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

First Time Futsal

Hari Selasa yang lalu tanggal 14 Mei 2013, aku menemani Darren bermain futsal di Metro Mall Bandung.  This was his first game of his life. Jadi disini adalah pertandingan futsal untuk taman kanak-kanak sewilayah Bandung.  Kebetulan timnya memang masih belum paham benar mengenai permainan sepak bola sehingga mereka harus berbesar hati ketika kalah 1- 0 melawan tim lain.  Futsal adalah pembelajaran yang bagus untuk anakku dalam mengenalkan arti sportifitas dalam bertanding khususnya olahraga. Dia begitu bersemangat ketika ditunjuk untuk menjadi penjaga gawang timnya.  I tell you he's a good goal keeper..:)

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It Is Important To Care For The Temple Of Your Body

Even more important is your spirit, which is the light within that temple. A beautiful temple may attract others, but it is the light that will touch hearts.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Kapan Ya Bandung Bisa Seperti Ini Lagi?

Don't Force Them To Love You


Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh cinta,
cintakanlah aku pada seseorang yang melabuhkan cintanya pada-Mu,
agar bertambah kekuatan ku untuk mencintai-Mu.

Ya Muhaimin, jika aku jatuh cinta,
jagalah cintaku padanya agar tidak melebihi cintaku pada-Mu

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh hati,
izinkanlah aku menyentuh hati seseorang yang hatinya tertaut pada-Mu,
agar tidak terjatuh aku dalam jurang cinta semu.

Ya Rabbana, jika aku jatuh hati,
jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak berpaling pada hati-Mu.

Ya Rabbul Izzati, jika aku rindu,
rindukanlah aku pada seseorang yang merindui syahid di jalan-Mu.

Ya Allah, jika aku rindu,
jagalah rinduku padanya agar tidak lalai aku merindukan syurga-Mu.

Ya Allah, jika aku menikmati cinta kekasih-Mu,
janganlah kenikmatan itu melebihi kenikmatan indahnya bermunajat di sepertiga malam terakhirmu.

Ya Allah, jika aku jatuh hati pada kekasih-Mu,
jangan biarkan aku tertatih dan terjatuh dalam perjalanan panjang menyeru manusia kepada-Mu.

Ya Allah, jika Kau halalkan aku merindui kekasih-Mu,
jangan biarkan aku melampaui batas sehingga melupakan aku pada cinta hakiki dan rindu abadi hanya kepada-Mu.

Ya Allah Engkau mengetahui bahawa hati-hati ini telah berhimpun dalam cinta pada-Mu,
telah berjumpa pada taat pada-Mu,
telah bersatu dalam dakwah pada-MU,
telah berpadu dalam membela syariat-Mu.
Kukuhkanlah Ya Allah ikatannya.
Kekalkanlah cintanya.
Tunjukilah jalan-jalannya.
Penuhilah hati-hati ini dengan Nur-Mu yang tiada pernah pudar.
Lapangkanlah dada-dada kami dengan limpahan keimanan kepada-Mu dan keindahan bertawakal di jalan-Mu.

(As-Syahid Sayyid Qutb)

You Can't Rid The World Of Sorrow, But You Can Choose To Live In Joy

Sorrow is with us not because we are bad at stopping it, but simply because it's part of being human. What matters is not whether good or bad things happen - both will, but your relationship to them. Just think back over the last 24 hours, - what had you taken hard that you could have taken lightly?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

It's Ok tTo Ask For Help

You are not here to do it all alone. That would be crazy! Do you know how to grow rice, spin yard or make electricity? No one does it all alone. That's why people have each other. Relying on and supporting each other is what makes the world go round. Don't be shy about asking for help.

Bahan Renungan

I narrated the story of Umm Salama losing her husband and her patience and then the Prophet (peace be upon him) proposing to her. However, narrating this story filled me with sadness.

How far have we drifted that we don't even think like the Prophet did, leave alone act like he did!

The Prophet (peace be upon him) and the Sahaba would not leave any widow or divorcee unmarried, they would propose to them as soon as the iddah was over. There are many stories like this in the Seerah.

They had a strong sense of social responsibility towards them and so you would rarely hear of female Sahaba who had to live as divorcees or widows.

Today, this Sunnah is so dead in many places, that if anybody tries to revive it, they tend to be vilified and treated like sinners and people judge their motives. Even those men who do talk about polygamy, many only want younger second wives and won't consider a divorcee or widow.

How far have we drifted from the way of thinking of our beloved prophets and role models? ([ Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar, Head TA at Islamic Online University)

Friday, May 3, 2013

You Have So Much To Offer To The World.

There is no limit to the love you can share, to the happiness you can inspire, to the peace you can bring.