Sunday, May 20, 2012

What Type of Book Are You?

You Are a Fantasy Book

You can't help but see the world as how you want it to be. You are an idealist. You don't put bounds or limitations on your thoughts. You are a down to earth daydreamer.

You can picture whole other worlds and lives. You have a very vivid imagination. You're the type of person who would like to believe anything is possible. You believe there's so much more to this world than what we see.

Her Soulmate

"She was with her flying companion-her playmate.  
The one who was sacred to her, who was the other half of the mysteries of life for her. The one who would always be there for her, helping her, watching her back, picking her up when she fell, listening to her stories-no matter how many times she told them. Loving her even when she was stupid. Understanding her without words. Being inside the innermost circle of her mind. Her soulmate."

Bercengkrama Di Atas Bukit..

Saya belum sempat mengupload foto-foto saya ketika hangout dengan teman-teman di sebuah rumah makan sederhana khas sunda dengan latar belakang pemandangan yang indah dan suasana yang nyaman diatas bukit.  Foto ini saya ambil beberapa waktu lalu sebelum saya kena alergi.  Makanannya kurang begitu enak ya sayang sekali, mereka hanya menjual view saja.

 Ini pemandangan dibelakang saung kami..

Wild Things..

Ceritanya sih kepingin jadi fotografer beneran, tapi sayang..Saya belum punya kamera profesionalnya sih.  Saya suka sekali mengabadikan tumbuhan-tumbuhan liar dan juga kupu-kupu yang saya temui dijalan..

 Untuk mengambil gambar seekor kupu-kupu itu bukan hal mudah lho..sebab dia selalu bergerak cepat!

 Ini rumput liar kapas..

Cute banget..

Ke Pasar Minggu Punclut Yuuk!

Hari ini kegiatan saya di pagi hari adalah pergi ke pasar minggu Punclut.  Ingat tidak Bloggers pasar Punclut tempat aku mendapatkan barang-barang unik seperti Eco Clean pembersih karpet yang murah meriah itu?  Sudah lama juga saya tidak berkunjung ke pasar ini.  Kali ini saya sedang mencari tanaman apa yang sekiranya bisa menjadi koleksi di tamanku.  Hmm..rupanya tak banyak juga koleksi mereka kali ini.  Coba deh kita lihat apa saja sih yang ada di pasar minggu ini? Lalu saya pulang membawa apa ya kira-kira?;)

 Begini nih tampang excited mau pergi hunting..:)

 Darren lagi apa? nunggu mama belanja sayur yaa?;)

 Suasana pasar yang padat dan ramai..

 Eh jajan apa sayang? ouuhh sosis yaa? mmmhh..mama mau dong sayang! berbagi yaa..

 Tuh kelihatan tidak nama pasarnya?

 Ada sayur, ada pakaian anak-anak..:)

 Masukin belanjaan dulu yaa..:)

 Tuh ada jajanan apa ya..sate kulit juga ada loo..

 Cengdem juga ada tuh..hihihi:)

 Ada gorengan juga..lumayan untuk ganjal perut bagi yang belum sarapan..

 Ini yang saya bilang jual bunga-bungaan segala macam jenis.  Lihat deh koleksinya..

 Hmm..pilih yang mana yaaa..? cantik-cantik semuaa..xixixi..

 Ini diaa..saya beli sepasang sepatu plastik murah..lumayan buat jalan-jalan antar anak sekolah saja;) cutekan? Hanya Rp. 25.000 saja.

 Akhirnya saya beli tanaman hias yang ini saja sama satu lagi tuh yang dibelakangnya hanya Rp. 15.000 saja untuk dua buah tanaman hias ini lho..

So hari ini saya tidak begitu banyak mengeluarkan uang untuk belanja tapi dapat sepatu lucu dan tanaman hias untuk menambah koleksi taman saya..Next time kita pergi ke pasar Gasibu yuk..

What's Unique About Your Heart?

Your Heart is Logical

You are wise and discerning. You focus on what really matters in life. You can't fall in love with just anyone at any time. Everything needs to align for you.

You are a crusader. You will go to the ends of the earth to fight for what's right. You have a deep love for the world and humankind. Romantic love is a bit more complicated with you.

Enjoy Every Minute

“I promise myself that I will enjoy every minute of the day that is given me to live.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What Stone Cut Are You?

You Are a Round Cut Stone

You have excellent organizational abilities. You can make sense of any mess. You are driven to fulfill your duties. You take every responsibility seriously.

You are decisive and resolute. You choose well, even when the choice isn't easy. You are quite disciplined. You exercise self-control in all aspects of your life.

Are You Boring or Interesting?

You Are 48% Interesting

Truth be told, you're not the most interesting person in the world. You don't put much effort into expanding your horizons. You're content to stay in your little comfort zone.

You tend to get stuck in a rut, and you often bore people who spend time with you. You are predictable and somewhat narcissistic. You're too focused on yourself to see how boring you can be.

You have the potential to be an incredibly fascinating person. You just have to be a little more proactive.
Shake things up. Try something new. Take a risk. The worst that can happen is that you'll have an amazing story to tell!

What Does Your Least Favorite Color Say About You?

You Are Passionate

You are an intense and opinionated person. You feel strongly about everything. You couldn't imagine being indifferent. Your feelings definitely take hold of you.

You are looking to lead a rich, full, and important life. You shoot for the stars. You don't mind if your life is a little hectic and crazy. You embrace the drama.

What Scent Candle Should You Light?

You Should Light a Coconut Candle

You are simple yet exotic. You are colorful, bold, and wild... but you're not picky or fussy.  In your group of friends, you are the fascinating one. You always have an amazing story to tell.

You're the type of person that no one ever forgets. You make a lasting impression. You yearn to travel more and are always dreaming of your next adventure. You love expanding your horizons.

How Do You Paint the World?

You Paint the World with Deep Colors

You are a true individual. You are very unique. Your friends can count on you to be expressive. You're never at a loss for words.

You are a truly warm person ... though sometimes you can be a bit selfish. You are keyed into your emotions and easily moved. You are quite sensitive.

What Is The Meaning of Your Life?

The Meaning of Your Life is Pleasure

You don't have to be reminded that life is short. You're going to live it up and have fun. You are more afraid of regretting what you didn't do, and you try to do it all.

You want to travel the world, experience passion, eat great food, and have amazing adventures. Whenever possible, you indulge. You want to sample all the world's pleasures, even if your health and finances suffer a little.

What Kind of Coat Are You?

You Are a Pea Coat

You are drawn to the classics. You love a look that's a little old fashioned. When you shop for clothes, you're quite sensible. You want styles and brands that are built to last.

You are a bit of a preppy. You act like you come from old money, even if you don't. You are well mannered and subtle. You stay away from flashy things and flashy people.

The Modern Chair Test

You Are Content

You are modest and humble. You don't think you are better than anyone else in this world. You are a people person and very community oriented. You never forget where you come from.

You are very in tune with your surroundings. You immediately pick up on the vibe of a room. You want to live a peaceful life. You don't have time for toxic people.

Which Heavenly Virtue Are You?

You Are Patience

You believe that virtue has to be worked on. It doesn't come easily or quickly. You just try to improve every day.
Needless to say, you are very patient with yourself and with others. You don't need instant gratification.

You are a measured and fair person. You find it easy to stop and see something from someone else's point of view. You give people many chances and you are quick to forgive. You are incredibly understanding.

What Kind of Bubbles Are You?

You Are Soap Bubbles

You are free spirited and a heck of a lot of fun. You refuse to act your age. You can always find a chance to play a little. You bring whimsy to an otherwise boring day.

It drives you crazy to be cooped up inside for too long. You need to be outdoors to be able to breathe.  It's likely that you crave a nontraditional life. You have to do things your own way!

What's Your Life's Mission?

You Are the Artist

You are unique and inspired. You aren't happy unless you are making art of some sort. Almost anything can be a catalyst for your creativity. You find the whole world stimulating.

You have beautiful visions, and you're good at expressing them. You like people to see what you see. You also have an inventor's spirit. You're always thinking up new ideas and concepts.

What's Your Brain Like?

Your Brain is Sensitive

You are very keyed in to the world around you. You are in tune with every feeling. You understand your own emotions well. You integrate them into your thinking process.

You are very thoughtful and expressive. You are good at conveying your ideas. You like being around other people but never in a superficial way. You like your interactions to have meaning.

What's Your Tea Type?

You Are Chai Tea

You're quite the charmer. You know how to get what you want from almost anyone. You are high-powered and spunky. You bring a lot to the table... sometimes too much!

You are brilliant and pioneering. You never do things the normal way... you do them your way. Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive. Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many.

What Season Tree Are You?

You Are a Winter Tree

You are a still and calm person. You have reached a quiet point in your life. This is a time for rest and rejuvenation. You are seeking sanctuary, especially in your home.

Comfort is important to you, and you pride yourself on being able to offer comfort to others. You have a few friends that you are extremely close to. You develop deep relationships.

The Nail Polish Test

You Are Down to Earth

You are a sincere and truly nice person. When you're kind to people, you mean it. You strive to build close relationships. You can bring stability and support to the lives of others.

You are predictable, stable, and consistent. You take pride in being able to be counted on. You are a team player, and you enjoy pitching in to do your part. You are a very social creature.

What Spice Is Your Soul?

Your Soul's Spice is Peppermint

You are outgoing, talkative, and incredibly social. You love swapping stories and jokes. You say whatever is on your mind, and you always speak freely. You definitely have the gift of gab.

You have a super optimistic attitude, and you have figured out how to be happy. You are lighthearted and carefree. People can count on you to always make the best of things.

What's Your Spirit Flower?

Your Spirit Flower is the Iris

You are social and gregarious. You make other people feel at ease. You are a natural healer. You can make almost anyone cheer up simply by being around.

You take time to reflect on the beauty of life. You have your own private rituals that you draw strength from.
You are a wholesome person. You live a low-key, low drama, and healthy life.

What Does Your Kitchen Say About You?

You Seek Comfort

You are whimsical and a total free spirit. You enjoy things while they last and try not to get attached.

People love that you have a down to earth side to you. You're often the reality check for other's dreams.

You are a complex person. You shy away from the simple and go right into the advanced level!

You work best when you're undisturbed. You can be productive if you don't have distractions.

The Mansion Test

You Dream of a Beautiful Life

There's a good chance that your life has gotten a little too plain and vanilla lately. You'd really like your days to be a little brighter and more inspired. You need more beauty!

Aesthetics and style are very important to you. You try not to let too much ugliness into your house. It's likely that you have your dream house, dream car, dream view, and dream wardrobe etched out carefully in your mind.

Which of the Ten Commandments Are You?

You Are "Thou Shalt Not Steal"

You believe that it's wrong to take what isn't yours, and this goes beyond basic petty theft and shoplifting. You also try not to take other's time away from them, and you try not to take from the planet.

You think it's important to tread lightly and do as little damage as possible. You don't like to use up resources.
You also think it's crucial to be as self-sufficient as possible. You don't ask for a favor unless you truly need one.

The Watercolor Blot Test

You Are Analytical

You are both clever and practical. You strike the perfect balance between two extremes. You spend time with your head in the clouds, but your feet are still firmly planted on the ground.

You tend to be a bit reserved, but those who know you know how much you care. You prefer your own company, but you're always willing to make room in your life for a kindred spirit.

What's Your Grown Up Stereotype?

You Are The Introvert

You are a thoughtful person who could also be described as downright intellectual. You enjoy spending time by yourself, and this leads to a lot of thinking.

You tend to have a few close friends instead of lots of acquaintances. Your bonds with your friends are strong.
While you may not be outgoing, you are a great conversationalist. You have many interests and as a result, many things to talk about.

What Kind of Shirt Are You?

You Are a Tank Top

You are a lively, energetic person. You are often on the move, and it's important for you to dress comfortably.
It's likely that you are quite healthy and fit. How else would you look good in a tank top?

You are fashionable and stylish. When you wear a tank top, you make sure that it's chic and not trashy.
You are bold and courageous. You don't mind showing a little skin every now and then!

The Zen Rock Test

You Are Intuitive

You are in touch with your "six sense." You don't try to understand the world around you... it just comes naturally. You are highly sensitive to the point of needing to protect yourself from pain and suffering.

The world can overwhelm you at times. You let yourself escape whenever you need to. You are selfless and extremely giving. You only want to help those around you.

The Desert Test

You Are Together and Wise

You have a broad, mature outlook on life. You know that there are ups and downs, and you feel like you can weather them.

You feel like you can't depend on anyone but yourself in this world. You feel quite alone sometimes.

You feel relieved about your past and those you have loved. You are happy to be moving on with the future.

You succeed by nurturing yourself. You believe it's important to take care of yourself today so that you are strong for whatever comes.