Showing posts with label love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

If The Heart Isn't There..

If The Heart Isnt There How Can The Body Speak?
If The Heart Doesnt Seek , How Can The Body Seek? ~Rumi♥

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Babies Giggle..

When babies look beyond you and giggle, maybe they're seeing angels....

Monday, September 17, 2012

Our first and last love is..self love.

Friday, September 14, 2012

When Your Hands Touches Mine..

"When a man's hand touches the hand of a woman.. They both touch the heart of eternity."
~Khalil Gibran

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cinta Itu..

Apa arti cinta itu? Menurut saya, cinta adalah ketika kamu ikhlas menerima keadaan apapun yang terjadi padamu apakah itu baik atau buruk buatmu dan kamu masih sanggup memberi ketulusan hatimu untuk mereka yang menyakiti hatimu atau memperlakukan kamu dengan tidak baik.

Cinta itu, kebaikan hati memberi apapun yang mampu kamu beri untuk orang lain, senyummu, pertolonganmu, hartamu, dan sebagainya.

Cinta terhadap diri sendiri akan berdampak besar bagaimana kamu mencintai dunia dan alam sekitarmu.

Cinta itu adalah senyummu ditengah duka nestapa, jawabanmu ketika kamu merasa tak sanggup tuk berkata apa-apa, diammu ketika kamu tak sanggup memiliki, dan kebesaran hatimu menerima maaf dan meminta maaf pada dia yang telah melukaimu.

Tak ada yang sia-sia ketika kita mencintai.  Meski itu cinta yang tak berbalas sekalipun.  Karena cinta adalah benih yang kau tanam di kehidupan, dan akan tumbuh menjadi sebuah pohon berbuah cinta di kemudian hari.  Jangan pernah berpikir bahwa segala sesuatunya tidak adil, karena segala yang kau tanam pasti akan mendapatkan balasan.  Jika bukan sekarang pasti nanti.  Bila kau tanam keburukan, dusta, penganiayaan, penghinaan, kesombongan pada orang lain, pada akhirnya kamu pula yang akan merasakan itu semua. Pun sebaliknya.

Cinta itu keluasan sabar..sabar dalam susah, sabar dalam menahan diri, sabar ketika dizalimi, sabar, sabar dan sabar.

Cinta itu sama seperti malaikat.  Tulus, memberi, menjaga, mendengar, memperhatikan, dan memahami.  Selalu ada bersama kamu dan dia.  

Cinta itu boleh dirasakan tapi tidak bisa memaksakan.  Bila cintamu belum terbalas oleh dia yang kamu cintai, yakinlah bahwa kamu akan dicintai oleh seseorang yang lebih mencintaimu, dan orang itu jauh lebih baik dari dia yang kamu puja sebelumnya.  Hingga suatu saat kamu pun akan mencintai dia pula seperti dia mencintaimu.  Aamiin..

The Power of Love Movie

The Power of Love Movie: Love is one of the most powerful experiences that can be enjoyed by anyone - young or old, big or small, rich or poor. It's what can bring us the greatest fulfillment, sense of success, joy, and pure happiness. We invite you now to celebrate the love in your life with this inspirational movie aptly named "The Power of Love." Turn up your volume, sit back, relax, and enjoy.

Monday, August 13, 2012

God put thorns around the Love's door to stop anyone
who's not a Lover from entering.~Rumii♥
If you have to leave me..I will understand, but hope oneday I crossed your mind and your heart will whisper you something..The truth.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Love should bring out the best in you - not the worst in you...

If it brings out the worst in you, then you are probably battling to be understood and seen clearly or you are just in it for the wrong reasons and don't care enough.

Love shouldn't hurt - it should be a discovery process of getting more deeply connected. 
Challenges and misunderstandings allow this deepening process to happen - but if instead it ends up tearing you and a loved one a part, then there is no trust in the other or yourself and the default setting is on fear, blame or ego-reactions...

A relationship is not worth entering if you are not holding the highest intention, if you lack self-love and if you do not live in integrity... It is not fair to hurt others because of your own lack of spiritual and self development...

There is no difference with this arena of our life, and how we react to and handle our relationship with life.

If we can't see the divinity in ourselves, then how will we be able to see it in our World or in the relationships we attract. It will just end up being a projection that disappoints if we don't fully own it and embody it...

We will just see the darkness, issues and dramas, and never know hope or transformation...

This is the one arena that we are asked to work on more than anything else - our relationship with ourselves, others and Mother Earth...

If we don't clean this area up we will always be confronted with hidden agendas, disease, toxins, demonic entities and disasters... Sometimes it takes these things to appreciate what we have and to discover the remedy and antidote within... Sometimes it leads one further away from that...

If we can see this current reality as a reflection of the health of our collective consciousness - then we can see how crucial it is that we step up and fully participate in this shift and transition to a higher existence.

Waking up means fully understanding that when we see dark conspiracies, it is our higher awareness that will take it down and our inner soul work...

It is our shadow that we are facing, and as long as we neglect and take for granted our organic gifts and birthright - an artificial world will step in and take over, using dark manipulation and the power we give away, as the battery it runs on...

Focus on improving all relationships - life is a relationship, so is our connection with Source energy... It requires our attention, the best of who we are and our devotion...

As long as we are out of balance and in drama and conflict - we are investing in the wrong future...

Invest in the Ascension and be Love, be Wisdom, be Genuine and be the Divine Being that You are...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Please Be Honest..

Jika seseorang mencintai Anda dengan jujur, tetapi Anda merasa tak mampu membalas cintanya, berkatalah jujur pada-nya bahwa Anda tidak mencintainya, itu lebih baik daripada membuatnya menderita dengan pesan-pesan ganda yang membuatnya berharap pada ketidakpastian.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Marry For The Sake Of Religious Devotion

Abdullah ibn Umar reported that Allah's Messanger sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: " Do not marry only for a person's looks, for their beauty might become a cause of moral decline.  Do not marry for the sake of wealth, as this may become a source of sin.  Marry rather on the grounds of religious devotion." (HR. Tirmidhi)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Someone's perfect in my eyes is he who understand and accept me for who i am.