Monday, May 21, 2012

What Color Girl Are You?

You Are A Blue Girl

Relationships and feelings are the most important things to you. You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict. If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.  You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart.

What Type of Passionate Woman Are You?

Your Passion is Pink!

You're the type of woman that would never get described as passionate...Oh but you can be passionate at times - you just don't let it show. Your passion most shows through in your sweet and optimistic attitude. And chances are, most people are very passionate about you!

Your Thoughts

"The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts." Marcus Aurelius

Makan Siang Bersama..

Kegiatan saya hari ini adalah bercengkrama dengan anak-anak dan juga d'moms dirumah salah satu teman kami..Yang saya suka adalah melihat rumah-rumah sederhana dipinggir kali..bagus sekali bila difoto dengan kamera profesional..ahh seandainya saja saya memilikinya.

 Belajar yuuk anak-anak..

 Mengawasi anak-anak belajar bersama..

 Rumah dipinggir kali that caught my attention.  Tidak terlihat seperti rumah kumuh..

Take Time For Yourself..

Take some time to smile when you’re sad.. to rest when you’re tired.. to love if you’re feeling empty.. & to let go if you need to. Time endures and time heals.
In this life, just take some time for yourself….

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Are You a Romantic or Realistic Girl?

You are a Romantic Realist

Okay, so you fall in the middle. You know that love isn't like a greeting card...Yet you can always find a greeting card to describe your feelings.

You are the best of both worlds Girly yet independent, dreamy yet serious. Almost any guy can find balance with you.

What's Your Love Profile?

You Are Flirtatious

Your positive traits

Your lively, outgoing attitude attracts people to you everywhere you go. You can talk your way into - and out of - any situation you desire. You're adaptable enough to flirt with anyone - and people tend to fight over you.

Your negative traits:

You get easily bored in relationships, and tend to jump from person to person. You tend to be a bit of a player - and have a high tolerance for drama in relationships.
Not the most empathetic person, you tend to tell lovers to "get over" their problems.

Your ideal partner:

Is intelligent and quick witted enough to keep you interested. Is a bit of a shape shifter, providing you with the variety you crave. An open minded person, who's willing to have a non-traditional relationship.

Your dating style:

Exciting. If your date shows you a new experience (like Egyptian food or scuba diving), you're very happy.

Your seduction style:

Experimental: it's rare that you try the same thing twice.
Ultra kinky - you do stuff that's not even in books yet.
Hot and cold... sometimes you're just not into the whole sex thing.

Tips for the future:

Settle down a little. Sometimes good things come with time - so don't let people go so fast. Acknowledge that you're a player and flirt. If your mate can't live with this, find someone who can. Give your partner a little more attention. You don't have to be a social butterfly all the time.

Best color to attract mate: Sunny yellow

Best day for a date: Wednesday

What Does Your Facebook Profile Say About You?

You Are Outgoing in Real Life

You are modern and up on the latest trends. You resist getting stuck in a rut.

You are confident and sure of yourself. You may not be prefect, but you're happy with what you've got.

You are happily productive and balanced. You like to work hard, but you always make a little time for your friends.

You consider yourself to be a very interesting person. You love express your opinions.

What Element is Your Body?

Your Body's Element is Air

You are competitive, assertive, and dominant.  you live to win, and it really makes you angry if you lose.

You are brilliant and competent. No matter what you're doing, you now your stuff. People tend to be intimidated by your intelligence. It's hard to measure up to you.

Your energy tends to be: ebbing and flowing

Your power color is: white

What Do People Think Of Your Face?

Your Face Says You're Reflective

At first glance, people see you as down to earth and reliable.

Overall, your true self is reserved and logical.

With friends, you seem thoughtful and interested in ideas.

In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.

In stressful situations, you seem sad and helpless.

The Sunglasses Test

Your Sunglasses Say You're an Enigma

You are chic, bold, and mysterious. You are larger than life and very sexy.

You need to be shaded from people who are dull and ordinary. You feel sunniest when you're around fabulous, exciting people

The Crown Test

You Would Rule with Your Heart

You are image conscious and drawn toward beauty. Your feelings are always at the forefront of your mind. You dislike the impersonality of logic. You don't think facts always paint the whole picture.

You won't let anyone intimidate you. You can pull out the big guns when you need to.  Most people don't know how easy it is to hurt your feelings. You may not wear your heart on your sleeve, but you are sensitive.

The Five Factor Values Test

You are Loyal, Humble and Tolerant


You value loyalty a fair amount. You're loyal to your friends... to a point. But if they cross you, you will reconsider your loyalties. Staying true to others is important to you, but you also stay true to yourself.


You don't really value honesty.  You do value getting your way, no matter what. And if a little lying is required to do that, no problem.  A few white lies never hurt anyone (at least, that's what you tell yourself!)


You don't really value generosity. Your needs always come first, no matter what. And you'll possibly help someone else out... But only if it helps you in return.


You value humility a fair amount. You tend to be an easy going, humble person. But occasionally your ego takes over. You have a slight competitive streak - and the need to be the best.


You value tolerance highly. Not only do you enjoy the company of those very different from you...
You do all that you can to seek it out interesting and unique friends. You think there are many truths in life, and you're open to many of them.

What Do People Love About You?

People Love That You Are Open and Confident

You're the type of person that's easy to get close to. You're very comfortable in your own skin. You have no problem showing people who you are, and you're genuinely interested in them in return.

You are an accepting and involved friend. You are truly curious about what is going on in other people's lives.
You may be the first in your group of friends to express concern when someone is having a hard time or making bad decisions. It's only because you care so much.

The Funky Front Door Test

You Are Modern

You embrace the world and every person in it. You live courageously. You stay engaged with life and with other people. You believe in yourself and in everyone you know.

You are a natural team player, and you truly enjoy cooperating with others. You are a free spirit, but deep down you are reliable and trustworthy. You never want to let anyone down.

What Type of Book Are You?

You Are a Fantasy Book

You can't help but see the world as how you want it to be. You are an idealist. You don't put bounds or limitations on your thoughts. You are a down to earth daydreamer.

You can picture whole other worlds and lives. You have a very vivid imagination. You're the type of person who would like to believe anything is possible. You believe there's so much more to this world than what we see.

Her Soulmate

"She was with her flying companion-her playmate.  
The one who was sacred to her, who was the other half of the mysteries of life for her. The one who would always be there for her, helping her, watching her back, picking her up when she fell, listening to her stories-no matter how many times she told them. Loving her even when she was stupid. Understanding her without words. Being inside the innermost circle of her mind. Her soulmate."

Bercengkrama Di Atas Bukit..

Saya belum sempat mengupload foto-foto saya ketika hangout dengan teman-teman di sebuah rumah makan sederhana khas sunda dengan latar belakang pemandangan yang indah dan suasana yang nyaman diatas bukit.  Foto ini saya ambil beberapa waktu lalu sebelum saya kena alergi.  Makanannya kurang begitu enak ya sayang sekali, mereka hanya menjual view saja.

 Ini pemandangan dibelakang saung kami..

Wild Things..

Ceritanya sih kepingin jadi fotografer beneran, tapi sayang..Saya belum punya kamera profesionalnya sih.  Saya suka sekali mengabadikan tumbuhan-tumbuhan liar dan juga kupu-kupu yang saya temui dijalan..

 Untuk mengambil gambar seekor kupu-kupu itu bukan hal mudah lho..sebab dia selalu bergerak cepat!

 Ini rumput liar kapas..

Cute banget..