Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Be A real Men For Me

Aku sedang dihadapkan pada ujian cinta, ketika seseorang yang pernah dekat denganku menginginkanku untuk tetap bersamanya.  Tapi apa yang ia tawarkan tidak bisa mengikuti keinginanku.  Aku menginginkan sebuah hubungan yang aman, nyaman, dan, nyata dengan tujuan yang sama berakhir happy ending yaitu pernikahan, make a family together that's the final goal.  Tapi untuk kearah sana, sebuah hubungan itu juga harus bebas bukan?  bebas dari adanya bayang-bayang orang ketiga diantara kita, dan itu yang tidak aku inginkan.  Untuk apa bersamanya jika ia masih bersama dengan orang lain yang sudah menjadi miliknya?  Aku juga bukan perempuan bodoh dan lemah yang desperate..Aku ini wanita yang tahu apa yang aku inginkan, dan bukan gadis kecil berusia 25 tahun yang bisa dijadikan mainan.  

Aku menginginkan seseorang yang matang, yang akan menjadi partner yang seimbang untukku, seseorang yang memahami kebutuhan-kebutuhanku, yang mampu menjadi imam dan kepala keluargaku.  Untuk bisa menggapaiku dengan seluruh jiwa, hati, waktu dan diriku, aku menginginkan seorang pria sejati.  Yang step up to the plate untuk bisa menjadikanku miliknya.  Seseorang yang berani maju, berjuang, dan berani menyelam kedasar samudra untuk mendapatkanku.  Itulah yang dinamakan cinta sejati.  Jodoh itu akan membuka jalan takdirnya. Mampukah ia melakukan segalanya demi cintaku? 

Yang kubutuhkan adalah seorang pria single, tidak terikat dengan pernikahan, yang betul-betul tulus, sayang, perhatian, sabar, serta mampu menstimulasiku untuk membuka diri  Menyibak tabir misteri yang ada di benakku untuk mendapatkan kunci kedalam hati ini.  Itu saja..aku tidak mau berbagi kasih dengan siapapun, aku ingin menjadi orang nomor satu dan juga yang terakhir di dalam hidupnya.  Satu-satunya orang yang sangat istimewa bagi dirinya.  Bukan orang kedua atau ketiga dan juga bukan simpanannya.   Untuk saat ini, aku akan berjalan sendiri sambil terus berdoa pada Allah untuk mempertemukanku dengan jodohku yang sebenarnya.

Karakter Penting Dari Cinta Jangka Panjang

Biasanya kita sering terjebak dalam cinta buta, dimana ketika kita mengenal seseorang, kita jatuh cinta tanpa mempertimbangkan berbagai hal penting yang mendasar dalam hal membina sebuah hubungan jangka panjang.  Kita senantiasa menuruti nafsu dan emosi kita, sehingga pada suatu titik dimana pada akhirnya cinta harus berakhir kandas karena perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada pada masing-masing pasangan.  Inilah beberapa hal penting yang harus kita perhatikan sebelum mengatakan "ya" pada cinta:

  1. Penampilan Fisik, aspek yang satu ini akan berpengaruh pada hubungan mereka di masa depan, apakah ia akan berubah jika fisik kita tidak sama seperti saat kita berjumpa untuk yang pertama kalinya?
  2.  Kedewasaan Emosional, apakah dia secara emosional dewasa dan fokus? atau masih terikat dengan masalah-masalah emosionalnya.  Bagaimana hubungan pasanganmu dengan keluarga dan teman-temannya? apakah dia memiliki support emosional ataukah ia suka mengontrol? apakah dia menyadari masalah-masalah yang ia miliki dan bersedia untuk mengatasinya?
  3. Bagaimana gaya hidupnya, ini termasuk juga tentang karir dan kehidupan sosialnya, kesenangan yang sama, kegiatan-kegiatan di waktu luangnya, dan energi levelnya.  Apakah kalian punya minat yang sama atau justru bertentangan.
  4. Kesetaraan Financial, apakah kita memiliki kesetaraan fiansial, kesamaan goal dalam hal menabung, dan pandangan-pandangan mengenai pengaturan keuangan.
  5. Struktur Nilai, apakah kalian memiliki pandangan-pandangan yang sama seyaperti, loyalitas, integritas, kejujuran, nilai-nilai kekeluargaan dan pertemanan, agama dan tingkat spiritual, tujuan-tujuan hidup, dan bagaimana ia memperlakukan keluarga dan lingkungan sosialnya.  Apakah pasanganmu mampu melaksanakan janji-janjinya?  Apakah ia bisa dipercaya? Apakah kalian akan selalu ada satu sama lain di segala situasi?
  6. Pernikahan dan Intimacy, setiap orang memiliki pandangan yang berbeda-beda mengenai pernikahan, yang harus dipertanyakan dalam hubungan kita adalah apakah kamu dan dia memiliki pandangan yang sama mengenai pernikahan? Apakah dia mencari pasangan jiwa? apakah kalian berdua menginginkan hubungan yang dekat diatas aspek fisik?
  7. Tingkat Kecerdasan yang sama, faktor inteligent yang sama meningkatkan kesempatan pengalaman-pengalaman yang sama, intelektual interest, and tujuan-tujuan berkarir.  Apakah kalian memiliki pandangan-pandangan yang sama mengenai topik-topik seputar olahraga, phylosophy, atau berita-berita.
Crucial Characteristics of Lasting Love

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Shoulder To Cry On, Tommy Page

Seandainya aja ada seseorang yang mengatakan ini padaku..

Life is full of lots of up and downs,
And the distance feels further when you're headed for the ground,
And there is nothing more painful than to let you're feelings take
you down,
It's so hard to know the way you feel inside,
When there's many thoughts and feelings that you hide,
But you might feel better if you let me walk with you
by your side,

And when you need a shoulder to cry on,
When you need a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone,
You won't be alone, cause I'll be there,
I'll be your shoulder to cry on,
I'll be there,
I'll be a friend to rely on,
When the whole world is gone,
you won't be alone, cause I'll be there.

All of the times when everything is wrong
And you're feeling like
There's no use going on
You can't give it up
I hope you work it out and carry on
Side by side,
With you till the end
I'll always be the one to firmly hold your hand
no matter what is said or done
our love will always continue on

Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on
everyone needs a friend to rely on
When the whole world is gone
you won't be alone cause I'll be there
I'll be your shoulder to cry on
I'll be there
I'll be the one you rely on
when the whole world's gone
you won't be alone
cause I'll be there!

And when the whole world is gone
You'll always have my shoulder to cry on....

I'm Always Dreaming Of You,

I miss you..

Pappardelle With Beef And Mashroom Ragu



  1. Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large saucepan or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Season the beef with ½ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper and cook, turning occasionally, until browned on all sides, 3 to 5 minutes. Transfer to a plate.
  2. Heat the remaining tablespoon of oil in the saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the onion, carrots, garlic, rosemary, and ¼ teaspoon each salt and pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, 6 to 8 minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook, stirring, until slightly darkened, about 1 minute more.
  3. Return the beef to the saucepan and add the chicken broth and tomatoes. Simmer, covered, stirring occasionally, until the beef is fork-tender, 60 to 75 minutes.
  4. Add the mushrooms to the saucepan and cook, covered, stirring occasionally, until tender, 10 to 12 minutes more. If the sauce is too thin, simmer, uncovered, until thickened to the desired consistency.
  5. Meanwhile, cook the pasta according to the package directions; drain and return it to the pot. Add the beef ragù and Parmesan and toss. Serve with additional Parmesan.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Hot Chocolate mexican spicy


  • 1 serving hot cocoa mix (plus the ingredients called for in the package directions)
  • 2 pinches ground chipotle chili pepper
  • 2 pinches ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons sweetened whipped cream


  1. Prepare the hot cocoa mix according to the package directions.
  2. Mix with half the chipotle and half the cinnamon.
  3. Top with the whipped cream and sprinkle with the remaining chipotle and cinnamon.
By Sara Quessenberry,  January 2011

18 Things You Can Get Rid

Just Say No to Too Much Stuff
Stuff. For many of us it's worse than any four-letter word. That's because "stuff" can weigh you down and
hold you back, says Gail Blanke, author of Throw Out Fifty Things. And, in the end, much of what we accumulate in life isn't all that important. As Marilyn Bohn, author of Go Organize!, points out, "No one ever says, 'I wish I'd kept more stuff.'"
Still, getting rid of our discards can be a challenge. Carla Eskelsen, a mom in Farmington, Utah, admits she had trouble letting go of stuff until she figured out how to manage her "pioneer DNA." Once she figured out that donating and recycling "honored" her pioneer ancestors, she found it much easier. "It's about sharing and blessing others instead of keeping it all for yourself," she says. Here's how you can share and bless others with all of your stuff—and end up with a cleaner, more peaceful home while you're at it.

1. Kitchen Utensils
Is your utensil drawer so full you can barely open and close it? You're not alone. When Robin Austin started cleaning her kitchen in preparation for a move, she found she had plenty of duplicate utensils, the result of a new marriage that combined households and six kids. Many of us also buy new utensils but forget to get rid of the old.
Here's a smart way to figure out what you're really using, from Motherboard Mom Jeanne Smith, Overland Park, Kansas: Toss everything—all the spatulas, rubber scrapers, pie servers, and so on—into a box. As you use a utensil from the box, put it back in the drawer. After a month, check what's left in the box. Keep those once-a-year items that remain in the box, like a turkey baster or candy thermometer. But donate the rest.

2. Coffee Mugs
Another item many moms find hogging valuable cupboard space: coffee mugs. "We had over 20 coffee mugs," says Kansas mom Dawn Schnake. She and her husband each chose four mugs to keep and donated the rest to a church rummage sale.

"Even if you received something as a gift, it's okay to let it go," says organizer Marilyn Bohn. "You only need to keep what works for you."

3. Plastic Containers
Mary Pankiewicz, owner of Clutter-Free and Organized in east Tennessee, suspects that plastic containers have a secret life (probably hanging out with those AWOL socks and hangers). How else can you explain why so many lids and bottoms don't match up? She suggests holding a "lid party" to match up those errant tops and bottoms. Pankiewicz recently took her own advice. "I had 25 lids with no bottoms and six bottoms with no lids," she says. After swapping with friends, she recycled the rest of the mismatched items.

4. Little-Used Kitchen Stuff
When was the last time you used that Bundt pan? If it was months ago, maybe you should give it to a friend. That's what Suzy Ayres and a pal did when they performed a joint kitchen cleanup. They took everything out of their cabinets and only put back what they used regularly. "The things that we left out that didn't get used much, we had to choose. If we put one thing back in the cabinet, we had to pick one thing to donate," Ayres says. The two also traded items: "She had lots of muffin pans and I didn't."

An added bonus to the plan: They now know what's in each other's kitchens, and don't need to buy some of those rarely used items, like a Bundt pan. "We've been trading the same ice bucket back and forth for years," Ayres says. "I can't even remember who it belongs to!"
5. Vases
Got vases from the last three Valentine's Day bouquets? Take them back to the florist, says Marla Cilley, who lives in Transylvania County, North Carolina, and runs the flylady.net, an Internet site devoted to housecleaning and organization.  "It takes away your creativity and takes over your mind," Cilley says.

6. Food
Cupboards full of food you're not sure you're going to use? Some solutions:
•Check the expiration dates on everything in your pantry, fridge, or freezer. If it's about to expire, put it on the menu for that week, says professional organizer Bohn.
•Motherboard Mom Dawn Schnake gives her sons what they call "muffin pan snacks" to get rid of those almost-empty bags of cereal, crackers, and chips. She fills each of the 12 muffin cups with a different snack and throws in some veggies, cut-up fruit, and cheese cubes. "The boys think they've sat down to a feast," she says—and she gets her pantry cleaned out.
•If you know you're never going to use an item—and it's still good—give it to your local food pantry.
•Have an "Eat Out of the Pantry or Freezer" week, says Marla Cilley, flylady.net. You'll be surprised at how creative you can get with your menu planning when you're only using the ingredients on hand. She also suggests this as a way to inspire creativity and frugality: "When you throw away food, imagine you're throwing dollar bills in the trash can!"

7. Spices
They don't mold and don't appear to go bad, but spices don't last forever, not even cayenne pepper. (Cinnamon's an exception to the rule.) "Dried is one thing, tasteless is another," says organizer Blanke. Give your spices the smell and taste test and if they've gone bland and boring, dump them. To find out how old your McCormick or Schilling brand spices are, go to http://mccormick.com/Spices101/HowOldSpices.aspx. And when you buy new spices, mark down the date on the package with a Sharpie.

8. Receipts
Computers were supposed to usher in a paperless society, but it hasn't happened quite yet. "Most of us are still drowning in paper," says organizer Pankiewicz. She suggests an annual cleanup. Check with your accountant about how long to keep important papers like tax returns but, in general, materials that support tax returns (receipts and so on) can be tossed after seven years.

9. Magazines
Do you have a stack of magazines by your bed that you haven't read? If two months have passed and they're still sitting there, consider donating them to a retirement home, hospital, doctor's office, or school. Many take magazines for art projects (if not for reading material). If, like former magazine editor Cherie Spino, a mom of four in Toledo, Ohio, you "can't throw a magazine away without reading it," do the flip-and-rip. Spino rips out recipes or articles she wants to keep and throws the rest into the recycling bin. She's putting the recipes in a binder.

Organizer Bohn suggests tearing out articles and putting them in a folder you can grab when you know you'll be sitting and waiting (think doctor's office). Or, if you're a tech-lover, you can get many popular magazines as an app for your phone or electronic reader.

10. Mail
It's a common bad habit: Grab the mail, flip through it for anything interesting, and then set it on "the pile" that accumulates until the day you start searching for overdue bills. "Scan and stand" is the system recommended by organizer Pankiewicz. "Standing is the trick," she says. Don't be tempted to sit down: Bring in the mail. Leave your coat on. Find a place by the wastebasket, recycling bin, or shredder, and stand and handle each piece of mail. Put bills in a basket or pretty gift bag, take magazines to where you read them, scan any newsletters and bulletins for important information, and discard the rest. "Your goal is to make the mail disappear," she says.

11. Unread Books
"Books are our friends," says organizer Blanke. "I know my husband won't ever get rid of his dog-chewed copy of Rudyard Kipling's Kim that he's read 50 times." So, keep your favorites—the ones you'll read again or you use for reference—neatly in a bookcase. In fact, if you're a book-lover with a big collection, a whole wall of books can make a dramatic statement and keep them organized. But, if you have lots of volumes that you have no intention of reading any time soon, donate them. Blanke suggests giving them to www.booksforsoldiers.com. "You really are paying it forward when you donate things," she emphasizes.

 12. Clothes
Here's a sad truth: You're probably not going to lose the weight to fit into those 10-year-old clothes you have in the closet. Just give it up and give them away, says Pankiewicz. This doesn't mean you're giving up on ever being healthier or thinner, it just means you aren't going to be held hostage by some old clothes that don't fit, need repair, or were on sale (but you never liked). Donate them all and we guarantee you'll feel "lighter."
Need closet culling tips? Here's what some Motherboard Moms do:

•"I can't stand to have a closet full of clothes that I don't wear," says Michelle Speak, mom of three in Parker, Colorado. She sorts through her clothes each season, weeding out what she hasn't worn, although she'll make a few exceptions for items like skirts that she wears infrequently.
•Mom Suzy Ayres has an easy way to tell what she's worn. At the beginning of a new season, she turns all of her hangers around backward. After she wears something, she puts it on the hanger and turns it around the right way. Anything still turned backward is donated at the end of the season. "Right before cooler weather hit this year, anything I knew I couldn't part with, I wore it so I could put it in the 'save' pile," she says.

13. Kids' Clothes
Michaela Freeman, a mom in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, keeps clothes for her children a year after the end of each season in case things still fit. What doesn't is passed to friends with young children. "How can you put a price on helping another person?" she asks. She's benefited as well. Friends with older kids pass clothes on to her youngsters.

14. Kids' Artwork
Of course every piece of artwork your child ever did is a masterpiece. But that doesn't mean you need to keep it. If it's not something you want to put on the wall or in a portfolio to save, take a photo and toss it. You can develop a digital "art gallery" or put photos in a photo album and you'll take up a lot less space. After all, think about it: If you keep four pieces of paper per week per child, by the time they've graduated from high school, you'll have one huge collection, points out Bohn. "Take a picture and let it go!" she says.

15. Electronics
Power cords, USB cords, and other paraphernalia for electronics clog up our desks and cabinets, says Chris McKenry, owner of Get It Together LA!, a professional organizing company in Los Angeles. "It's a jungle," he says. "And there's not room for the things you need."

Sort through that "jungle" and match cords to gadgets. Old cell phones can be donated to women's shelters. Other old electronic items, like some printers and computers, should be properly recycled. "It's against the law in some cities to put electronic waste in the trash," warns McKenry. Check with your city for E-waste collection sites. Ditto for old VHS and cassette tapes. McKenry suggests transferring them to your computer for digital storage and then putting the tapes in E-waste collections.

16. Linens
"Most of us have way too many towels and sheets," says The Fly Lady. "Some people no longer even have beds that the sheets fit!" She recommends two sets of sheets per bed and keeping the extra set under the foot of the mattress or in a drawer in the bedroom to free up room in the linen closet.

17. Medicine
Check your medicine cabinet for expired prescription and over-the-counter drugs, but don't flush them or throw them in the trash. Instead, take them to your local pharmacist for proper disposal.

18. Toys
Start teaching your children early to donate the toys they're no longer using, says organizer Blanke. "I know one mom who tells her kids Santa won't come until they give away the toys they're finished with." Here, other Motherboard Mom solutions to too many toys:

•Carol Showers Brown, mom to three in Manassas, Virginia, also taught her kids to donate toys. "We lived in Bangkok and the orphanages there were so grateful for toys, even used ones." Her kids would fill a basket with toys to give away several times a year. "It worked really well because the kids picked out what toys they were ready to part with," she says.
•Remember that preschool song of "Clean up, clean up"? At Diana Dawson's Austin house the song was more likely "Wade through it," she says. That's why she set "dump-it deadlines"—if the kids' stuff wasn't picked up by a certain time on a certain date, she would gather their things and donate them. Sure enough, the first time she had to follow through with her daughter. "The most difficult were the books on the floor, and I donated those to her elementary school," Dawson says. "The school librarian told her she appreciated the donations and other kids enjoyed her books." Her children and a group of neighborhood kids also put on their own garage sale of their toys to raise money to adopt a family at the holidays.
•Mom Michelle Speak has donated many of her children's toys as they've outgrown them, but not all. "I've kept the toys I can imagine my grandchildren would play with." Put the special, keepsake toys away in a well-labeled box.

Choose To Be Positive Rather Than Negative

Manusia dan Pola Pikir

Aku nggak akan mengulas panjang lebar mengenai hakikat manusia, karena aku bukan seorang penulis dan juga bukan seorang ahli.  Aku ingin menulis suatu pencerahan yang baru aku dapatkan saat ini ketika aku berusia 34 tahun, dan ingin secara instan berbagi apa yang aku rasakan dengan bloggers yang masih muda.  Semua orang pasti sudah merasakan pahit dan manisnya kehidupan, dengan segunung penderitaan dan juga kebahagiaan.  Semua kejadian yang dialami kita, disertai pula dengan berbagai macam emosi seperti kesedihan, kecemasan, senang, bahagia, kesal, marah dan sebagainya.  Terkadang kita suka terlalu larut dalam emosi itu secara berlebihan hingga menjurus pada depressi.  

Depresi itu apa sih? definisi depresi itu bisa blogger cari dari google deh, tapi yang aku tahu depressi itu suatu keadaan dimana kita merasa sangat-sangat tertekan dengan kondisi emosi yang rumit yang disebabkan adanya permasalahan yang tidak dapat diatasi oleh seseorang.  Kondisi tersebut diciptakan karena ketidakmampuan seseorang mengatasi emosi-emosinya sendiri.  Manusia terikat dengan pikiran-pikirannya sendiri, dan tidak mudah mengendalikan perasaan-perasaan negativenya.  Kita cenderung fokus pada sebuah masalah dan perasaan apa yang kita rasakan ketimbang mencari solusi dan membiarkan semua perasaan itu hingga pada akhirnya semua berjalan dengan baik.  Itulah sebabnya mengapa kita tidak boleh lengah dari beribadah pada Tuhan YME.  Kenapa? karena aku ini sudah menemukan jawabannya!  Dengan shalat pikiran terasa tenang, karena kita sendiri pada akhirnya bergantung hanya pada Allah SWT.  Kalau kita mendapatkan kesulitan, kembalikan semua urusan hanya padaNya cuma itu!  Manusia itu sebenarnya bukan hanya terdiri dari daging, kulit, tulang dan otak saja.  Sebenarnya kita harus melihat jauh lebih dari itu bahwa kita ini punya jiwa.  Jiwa itu yang bahasa sainsnya disebut Energy.  Soul=energy.  Energy itu cuma ada dua, energi positif dan negatif.  Energy negative itu berupa kesedihan, kegelisahan, kecemasan, kemarahan, iri, dengki, sirik, dan sebagainya. Contohnya, seumpama kita lagi ada masalah dengan pacar, misalkan cemburu..biasanya kita cenderung fokus pada pikiran-pikiran dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti, "kenapa sih dia kok begitu?, kok teganya dia melakukan hal seperti itu terhadapku?", dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain yang ada di dalam kepala kita.  Perasaan kita menjadi campur aduk, antara marah, kesal, rindu, kangen dan sebagainya dan semakin fokus kita pada perasaan itu semakin kita menjadi stress sendiri.  Padahal nggak perlu kita sampai terjebak kedalam kesengsaraan lebih dalam jika kita sadar bahwa diri kita sebagai manusia itu sebenarnya berupa energi!  begitu kita sadar bahwa "aku adalah energi"  maka ketika kita sedang merasa berada pada keadaan buruk dan negatif, kita harus segera switch kesadaran kita untuk berubah menjadi positif.  Setelah kita memutuskan untuk merasa lebih baik, otomatis perasaan itu berangsur angsur akan hilang, berganti menjadi perasaan positif penuh dengan harapan-harapan baru, optimisme baru dan cara pandang yang lebih baik dalam melihat sebuah masalah.  Masalah yang tadinya kita pikir berat, ternyata hanya sebuah masalah kecil yang kita besar-besarkan. That's simple! Cukup dengan "switch" negativity into positivity.  Kalau ada perasaan jengkel langsung switch ke hal-hal yang lebih berguna misalkan mendengarkan music, membaca buku, mengambil udara segar, atau apapun ketimbang memasang wajah bete dan gundah gulana.   Kira-kira tulisanku ini bisa dimengerti nggak ya?  Pokoknya intinya merubah kesadaran kita dari negatif menjadi positif itu saja.  Kalau sekarang perasaan blogger lagi sedih langsung aja bilang tidak, bangkit and do something! Let the problem be..It will be solved sooner or later.  Kesimpulannya adalah pola pikir kita aja, gimana cara kita mengendalikannya..paham maksudku?

Memang nggak mudah sih kalau kita belum mendapat pencerahan dari diri sendiri, karena memang pengetahuan kita mengenai diri sendiri sebagai manusia hanya 50 persen saja.  Kita nggak sadar kalau  kita mahluk sempurna yang diciptakan Allah ini sebenarnya memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa  lho.  Buktinya, ada orang yang bisa berjalan diatas air atau melayang keudara itu karena dia tahu rahasia dibalik potensinya sebagai manusia, cuma memang nggak banyak yang tahu aja tentang rahasia ini.  Nah kalau untuk urusan  menata hati, dan pola pikir kita cara tradisionalnya sih cuma dengan sholat! supaya hati kita tenang dan tidak mudah terganggu hal-hal yang negatif.  Sholat itu menenangkan hati lho..karena kita percaya hanya pada Allah si empunya hidup, yang sudah mengatur semua kejadian-kejadian dalam hidup kita.  Kita hanya perlu menjalaninya dengan sabar, dan tidak mudah menyerah.   Ingat ya kita ini energi! you are the only one who choose and create the energy you wanted to be.  Bad or good it's your choice.  I want to be the good one..so I'm not gonna let myself trap in a bad energy or people.   Keep hoping, have faith,  and do the best thing we can do. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Shrimp Soup


* 1/2 cup sour cream
* 1 teaspoon ground cumin
* 1 3/4 teaspoons kosher salt
* 1 tablespoon olive oil
* 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
* 4 tomatoes, cut into 1-inch chunks, or one 14.5-ounce can diced tomatoes, undrained
* 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
* 2 jalapeños, seeded and thinly sliced, or hot sauce to taste
* 1 15.5-ounce can hominy, drained
* 1 pound fresh or frozen medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
* 1/2 cup fresh cilantro leaves (optional)
* 1 lime, quartered


1. In a small bowl, combine the sour cream, cumin, and ¼ teaspoon of the salt. Cover and refrigerate.
2. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and cook for 1 minute.
3. Add the tomatoes and their juices, the pepper, and the remaining salt and bring to a simmer. Cook for 10 minutes.
4. Add the jalapeños or hot sauce and hominy and simmer for 5 minutes.
5. Add the shrimp and simmer until pink and cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes.
6. Ladle the soup into bowls, top with a spoonful of the cumin cream, and sprinkle with the cilantro (if desired). Serve the lime on the side.

Friends (Korean Drama)

Ini dia film drama paling aku sukaaaaaaaaaaa banget..won bin..everlasting drama..gak ada bosennya deh nontonnya.  Inti dari film ini, if it's meant to be, it's meant to be..love will survive even with times.


Aku pasti termasuk perempuan cantik hehe..geer amat sih..nggak..jadi ceritanya gini, aku pernah dengar tentang sebuah penelitian yang mengatakan bahwa anak kecil itu suka sekali melihat hal yang indah-indah.  Katanya anak kecil itu suka berfantasi.  Pikiran anak kecil itukan polos, masih senang berkhayal, jadi mereka senang mengamati sesuatu yang mereka pikir cantik.  Konon nih kata para peneliti, seorang bayi atau anak kecil suka memandangi wanita cantik lebih lama lho.  Aku jadi ingat, waktu aku sedang makan di GM Jakarta seberang gedung Sarinah ada seorang anak laki-laki melihatku agak lama, ketika aku balik melihat kearahnya sambil tersenyum, eh si pria kecil itu langsung senyum balik ke aku!  Senyumnya tuluus banget! aku merasa seperti sedang disenyumi oleh seorang malaikat kecil!  Tahu nggak blogger, senyum itu terus melekat dihati lho sampai sekarang..it's amazing how magic those little smile of him.  Aku jadi merasa geer sendiri, dalam hati aku berpikir berarti aku ini termasuk golongan cantik kali ya.  huahahaha..ada yang merasa mual tuh..nggak apa lagi lebih baik memuji diri sendiri hehehe..  Jadi coba deh perhatikan sekitarmu bloggers..ada bayi yang sedang memperhatikanmu nggak? 

Being With The Right People

Top 10: Scary Girlfriend Behaviors

 Top 10: Scary Girlfriend Behaviors

Untungnya aku bukan tipe perempuan kaya gini!

Feeling Good By George Michael

This song makes me feel sexy..^_^

Death Masks

Perkembangan teknologi dan science itu begitu menakjubkan yaa..i watched The History channel on indovision, about "The Death Mask", dimana para ilmuwan mengungkap mengenai wajah asli dari para politikus dunia seperti George Washington, Julius Cesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, sampai dengan artist besar dan juga penjahat kelas dunia seperti Shakespears dan John Dillinger melalui analisa death mask.  Death Mask itu adalah kumpulan cetakan lilin dari wajah para tokoh-tokoh dunia yang di cetak sebelum pemakaman mereka, dan disimpan dengan sangat hati-hati.  Dengan menggunakan teknologi yang canggih saat ini, mereka mengungkapkan seperti apa wajah terakhir para tokoh-tokoh dunia tersebut.  Mereka memulai dengan penelitian mengenai apakah death mask yang mereka temukan itu adalah asli atau palsu.  Kemudian mereka membuat foto tiga dimensi dengan komputer dan scan.  Hingga pada akhirnya kita bisa melihat foto empat dimensi yang benar-benar akurat dengan wajah asli yang pernah kita lihat hanya dari lukisan.  Amazing! Siapa lagi berikutnya tokoh dunia yang akan di cetak wajah terakhirnya nanti?