No matter how attractive, smart, or confident you are, it's normal to feel a bit nervous before the first date. Naturally, you'll want the date to turn out great but do you know how? I can show you the ingredients of a sizzling first date
Let's say you secure a date with a hot new guy this weekend. How would you feel? If you're like most women, you'll feel a bit of pressure to make the date turn out great.That's normal, of course -- who DOESN'T want a great date? Unfortunately, many women tend to fall into several different traps, even before the date has rolled around:
#1 - Sometimes women get so nervous that they cancel the date at the last minute.
#2 - Sometimes they get so nervous that they debate with themselves whether or
not they're GOING to the date -- and end up getting to the date incredibly late.
#3 - Sometimes they get so nervous that they end up giving an awkward date.
#4 - Other tragedies that nervousness brings about!
How about you, Ginggi? Ever flaked out on a date? Or ever felt so nervous that the date turned out quite badly? That's okay. I'm pretty sure every woman
goes through something like that at least once in their lives. And since they didn't teach this in school, we often have to learn these things ourselves Of course, that's where the good news comes in -- in this newsletter, I'll be teaching you the four (4) key ingredients to turn any first date into a sizzling good time!
Key #1 - Show Up On Time!You won't BELIEVE how many first dates go bad simply because the woman doesn't
come on time. Don't let that happen to you! I'm pretty sure you know how long it
takes you to get dressed, do your hair, put on some makeup, etc. Keep that in mind especially during the first date you'll want to be at the venue exactly on time. Most of the better men out there take their commitments very seriously, and would like the women they date to do the same. So if you come on time, it shows
them that you're genuinely interested in them -- and that makes them feel more
comfortable around you. Just come on time, and your chances of a sizzling date go up considerably!
Key #2 - Look Good!That's an understatement, of course you'll have to look GREAT! Be gorgeously beautiful. After all, men are VISUAL creatures -- and the fastest
way to their heart is by improving his view a bit. Looking good can be tricky, though. No
two of us are exactly alike, so what might look good on me might not look good on you. (I usually love wearing white, but they looked TERRIBLE on me
during a fat year!) So to find out precisely what looks good on you, experiment. Find an outfit that hugs your form and shows off your most
flattering curves. If you have great breasts, make sure your outfit doesn't hide them. If you have a sexy neck, you might want to tie your hair in a
ponytail. And so on Experiment your new look by going into town. (Malls and plazas are great places for this experiment.) If men give you a
second look -- and especially if they look you up and down -- then you know you got a winner! I suggest getting at least two gorgeous outfits, one more formal than the other. That way you'll have something great to wear no matter where the first date happens!
Key #3 - Have The Personality To Back Up The Looks!Looking good is one thing -- having the personality to back up the looks is another thing. I'm pretty sure you know how a great-looking guy who has a rotten personality is TWICE the turn-off. Unfortunately, the same rule applies to us, too. When men meet women who look great, but aren't really smart enough to carry a good conversation, the first date often ends up boring. (They'll probably still want a second date, but only to see if they can take you to the bedroom... and it often stops there.) So it pays to be a bit bookish. Not many people know about this, but I was a bit of the nerd back in school. And until
today, whenever I get some down time, I tune in to the Discovery Channel.I know... nerdy! But guess what – men actually LOVE talking about intellectual, scientific topics. It's a lot more of a turn-on than when you watch gossip TV all the time! So invest in your mind. Read books, learn new skills, watch the Discovery Channel. Have a child-like curiosity
towards life. You'll be attracting smarter, more sophisticated men that way!
Key #4 - Be A Tease!This one's my favorite, by the way, because sometimes even the most intellectual conversations can turn boring after a while. To REALLY catch a man's attention, you'll need to create something totally different It's something I like to call SEXUAL TENSION. Believe me, ALL MEN like talking even
remotely about sex. And whenever you give them the hint that you find them interesting, men almost immediately connect the dots -- and begin to wonder just what it would be like to get intimate with you. If you've been reading my articles and
e-books for a while, then I'm pretty sure you've learned certain "tricks" to make him think about sex. Examples are simply hinting about sex, giving double-meaning remarks, and saying one thing but doing the opposite By the way, this is for my more
conservative readers out there. Don't worry that being a tease may go against your beliefs, values, or faith. Here's what I believe: Just because you're comfortable with the topic of sex DOESN'T mean you do it all the time! You can go ahead and tease and flirt and joke around. As long as you keep things
out of the bedroom until things get more serious between you and the guy, you'll
be fine. Trust me!
First Impressions LastIt's true when they say that in dating and relationships, first impressions last. If the first date takes off badly, it's still possible to make up for the embarrassment in future dates -- but the memory of the first date will always linger So don't ruin the first date. Don't turn it into an embarrassing memory. Instead, make it as sizzling hot as you possibly can! Make it memorable for all the good reasons.