Tuesday, November 27, 2012

There Are No Wrongs That God Cannot Make Right.

So you've been hurt or maybe you hurt someone else. God can fix it. God may be nudging you this very moment to ask for forgiveness or be willing to forgive. Trust God, listen and act. There is no wrong that God cannot make right.

Monday, November 26, 2012

What Temperament Are You?

You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament
Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace. You are very consistent - both in emotions and actions. You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional. You are a great friend and lover. You don't demand much of others. While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything. You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams. You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

Your Heart Takes Love Seriously
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.

Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship.

You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

Transformation Is Possible At Any Time.

A person can transform, a situation can transform, even the planet can transform. Never lose hope. Under the proper conditions of love, faith, and belief, transformation is quite possible.

Pray For Palestine..

Inalillahi Wa inailaihi rajiun.. Ya Allah Yang Maha Besar, aku mohon berikan perlindungan, kasih sayang, kekuatan-Mu kepada seluruh umat-Mu di tanah Palestina Ya Allah..Turunkan kebesaran, dan keadilan-Mu kepada mereka yang tertindas dan terzalimi oleh iblis-iblis yang mengusik ketentraman mereka.  Doaku untuk anak-anak yang menjadi korban, tempatkan mereka di dalam surga-Mu Ya Allah.  Dan kuatkan iman kedua orang tua, serta sanak family yang telah ditinggalkan.  Aamiin Ya Rabbal Alamin.

Mohon maaf teman-teman sekalian bila saya mengupload gambar yang sangat kurang layak di publikasikan seperti ini, tapi ini adalah kenyataan di luar sana yang terjadi di jalur Gaza.  Melihat gambar ini, hati saya hancur berkeping-keping.  Sebagai seorang ibu, hati siapa yang tidak hancur melihat putra-putri mereka menjadi korban kekejaman iblis Israel.  Anak-anak yang tidak berdosa, harus menghadapi hal-hal yang menakutkan, bahkan kehilangan nyawa secara mengenaskan.  Ya Allah..sakit hati saya melihat kondisi seperti ini.  Airmata saya tak bisa dibendung melihat sorot mata tak berdosa itu tak berdaya.  

Ya Allah..terimalah ia disisimu, tempatkan anak ini ditempat yang terindah dimana ia bisa rasakan kedamaian abadi serta kebahagiaan.  Beri kesabaran dan ketabahan bagi ibu yang ditinggalkannya.  Ya Allah..Jangan Engkau palingkan wajah-Mu dari bumi Palestina.  Mohon beri kedamaian bagi para syuhada disana, dan turunkan azab-Mu yang pedih pada bangsa Israel yang telah melangkahi larangan-Mu.  Aamiin YRA.

Untuk rekan-rekan, sahabat-sahabat saya sesama muslim, marilah kita bantu saudara-saudara kita di Palestina.  Jika kita tak sanggup memberi bantuan tenaga, setidaknya kita bantu mereka dengan doa.  Tolong jangan menjadi manusia yang tak punya hati nurani terhadap masalah ini.  Bagaimana jika kita berada di posisi mereka? Sanggupkah kita bertahan? Doa adalah tanda cinta kita kepada mereka, dukungan tak kasat mata, serta kekuatan dahsyat yang tak terkira. Hanya dengan meminta dukungan Allah-lah yang bisa menghapus segala ketidakadilan. Allah adalah sumber kekuatan Maha Dahsyat yang sanggup membalas perbuatan brutal iblis di dunia.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I Know I'm Strong

Aku kuat karena aku bertahan meski kaki gemetaran..
Aku kuat karena aku memaafkan meski hati terluka.
Aku kuat karena aku tahu aku bukan seorang yang sempurna tapi mau menjadi yang terbaik.
Aku kuat karena aku sabar dalam penderitaan.
Aku kuat karena aku berhasil melampaui rasa pedih kehidupan.
Aku kuat karena aku seorang ibu.
Aku kuat karena aku punya harapan.

Diatas segalanya aku bangga pada diriku sendiri.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


I agree with this statement wrote by Alison:

"Be aware that as we approach the end of 2012, the more light, love and positivity we send out, the more negative and darkness gets thrown back at us.

I'm finding it more frequent, and thankfully I am well able to deal with it, unless I'm t
ired and then I find it's better to be alone being inspirational on here, listening to my favorite music or in my garden where I'm always with spirit...

Please be aware that is just what is happening right now as the earth attempts to balance itself and us as part of the whole.......Just keep shining and be aware that if you get tired - Rest, do things that you enjoy and remember to breathe in Gratitude always.......♥ ♥"

love and light

Just because her eyes don't tear doesn't mean her heart doesn't cry.. ~ Silent Quotes
God put thorns around love's door to stop anyone who's not a lover from entering. ~Rumi♥

Your Heart Feels

You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel ^_^

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Miss You And Your Little Princess

Semalam aku bermimpi tentang dia yang pernah mengisi hidupku..didalam mimpiku, aku bersamanya dan anak perempuan kecilnya.  Putri kecil itu tersenyum ceria bersamaku, dan aku merasa nyaman berada bersama mereka berdua.. That is a sweet dream i ever had about them.  Miss them both..
Aku hanya ingin dimengerti dan diterima apa adanya, kekuranganku dan kelebihan-kelebihanku


My definition of a soulmate is this: a soulmate is someone you can completely be yourself with. Someone with whom you share unconditional love, and, when you look into their eyes you have the feeling of being "home." We often only think of a soulmate as a romantic partner, but if you accept my definition you can broaden that to be your kids, siblings, co-workers, friends and even your pets!

The truth is, even before your romantic soulmate arrives, you already have many soulmates in your life.

And, the fastest way to magnetize your romantic soulmate is to begin focusing some love, appreciation and gratitude on them.

Remember, what you put your attention on GROWS.

By focusing on the love already in your life, more love flows to you.

Conversely, if you are focused on the love that is missing, you are using the Law of Attraction in reverse and all you can get is more of the feeling of missing.

Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to shower all of your soulmates with your love and fill your heart with gratitude for having them in your life. 

To get you into a heart space for this, I've just created a new complimentary eight-minute feelingization that will take you from your head to your heart and fill you with a delicious experience of love.  (and feel free to share it far and wide) You can access it here:  http://youtu.be/aXNLJxhWE58

Feel Good Poem Movie

Feel Good Poem Movie: In today's busy world, we all need a reminder of what is truly important. I can say with conviction, that there's no better way to do that than watching, and re-watching, this beautiful 3 minute movie. There are moments in everyone's life that put a smile on their face... here's a few that are sure to resonate with you.

What Words Describe You?

Mine is Beautiful, honest, and pure..what's yours?

Tuhan pernah berbisik

Ketika aku kirimkan seseorang padamu, aku tidak memberkan seseorang yang sempurna karena engkaupun tidak sempurna.
Aku mempertemukan mu dengannya sehingga kalian dapat saling berbagi, dan bertumbuh bersama.   
Begitu juga jika kamu memiliki seseorang, terimalah seadanya.  Yang membawa kebaikan kepada dirimu, menyayangimu, mengasihimu dengan tulus dan sepenuh hati.
Mengapa kamu harus berlengah dan mencoba membandingkannya dengan yang lain?  Ingat..jangan pernah mengejar kesempurnaan, karena kelak kamu akan kehilangan yang terbaik yang sudah kamu raih dan kamu akan menyesal.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Nasihat Om Mario Teguh Untuk Pria

Wanita mencintai laki-laki
yang sangat jelas tentang cintanya,
tentang lamarannya untuk menikah,
tentang rencana dan pekerjaan
untuk kesejahteraannya,
dan yang sangat jelas tentang
untuk tidak membagi cintanya
dengan wanita lain.

Mario Teguh - Loving you all as always


You don't have to be serious to be spiritual.  Laughter is good! Levity is good! When you allow yourself to be joyful, that joy radiates to all those around you. God honors you and your laughter.

Saturday, November 17, 2012