My definition of a soulmate is this: a soulmate is someone you can completely be yourself with. Someone with whom you share unconditional love, and, when you look into their eyes you have the feeling of being "home." We often only think of a soulmate as a romantic partner, but if you accept my definition you can broaden that to be your kids, siblings, co-workers, friends and even your pets!
The truth is, even before your romantic soulmate arrives, you already have many soulmates in your life.
And, the fastest way to magnetize your romantic soulmate is to begin focusing some love, appreciation and gratitude on them.
Remember, what you put your attention on GROWS.
By focusing on the love already in your life, more love flows to you.
Conversely, if you are focused on the love that is missing, you are using the Law of Attraction in reverse and all you can get is more of the feeling of missing.
Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to shower all of your soulmates with your love and fill your heart with gratitude for having them in your life.
get you into a heart space for this, I've just created a new
complimentary eight-minute feelingization that will take you from your
head to your heart and fill you with a delicious experience of love.
(and feel free to share it far and wide) You can access it here: