Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Let You Go..

Melepaskan seseorang bukan berarti tak lagi mencintai, hati yang tulus mencintai adalah dia yang mampu melawan semua egonya demi kebahagiaan pihak lain.  Melepaskan bukan berarti menjadi musuh, tapi belajar untuk menerima kenyataan bahwa kamu memang tidak pernah ditakdirkan untuk bersatu.
 - P. S- 


"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all." -Aristotle
Aku menghargai seseorang yang merasa bahagia ketika bersamaku, daripada seseorang yang ragu-ragu mencintaiku. - P.S-

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short Movie

The Days Are Long But The Years Are Short Movie: This short movie reminds us that no matter how long the days may feel, they pass faster than we can possibly imagine. It reminds us to live in the moment before it passes us by forever..  So enjoy your activities, moment by moment with someone you love, and make those days a good memory in the future.

Be A Loving Person

“Be a loving person rather than in a love relationship – because relationships happen one day and disappear another day. They are flowers; in the morning they bloom, by the evening they are gone ...Osho ~

Monday, June 11, 2012

Orang Pintar Itu..

Orang pintar itu ialah yg selalu menjaga dirinya (dari hal buruk) & banyak beramal untuk bekalnya di akhirat kelak (HR Tirmizi)

Someone Who..

Be someone who listens,
and you will be heard

Be someone who cares,
and you will be loved.

Be someone who gives,
and you will be blessed.

Be someone who comforts,
and you will know peace

Be someone who genuinely seeks to understand,
and you will be wise.

Be someone kind, someone considerate,
and you will be admired.

Be someone who values truth,
and you will be respected.

Be someone who takes action,
and you will move life forward.

Be someone who lifts others higher,
and your life will be rich.

Be someone filled with gratitude,
and there will be no end to the things for which you'll be thankful.

Be someone who lives with joy,
with purpose, as your own light brightly shines.

Be, in every moment,
the special someone you are truly meant to be...

My Presence

Someone out there can use your love, your smile, your presence, your support. It is amazing to see how far your positive energy can take someone a long way and uplift them even more. See who you can love and support today and allow your best to shine! 
-Kat Zaghi-

You Are What You Think..

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors.
Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

∞ Ghandi ∞

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Doaku Malam Ini

Semoga pengorbananku akan menjadi kebaikan bagi orang lain dan juga diriku sendiri..- P.S-

Your Goodness..

Butterflies don't know the colour of their wings but humans know how beautiful it is.  You don't know how good you are but others do.

Love Me

Whatever dreams are made of,

whatever hopes might be,

you've given life to each of them

just by loving me.

Love holds a touch of magic,

love makes dreams come true ...

and love came to my life to stay

when I found you.


Guru yang paling baik adalah pengalaman - Kian Santang-

Note: Kian Santang adalah putra dari prabu Siliwangi dari kerajaan Padjajaran.


Thanks Lord For The Great Friends..

Bersyukurlah masih ada teman yang baik hati, yang selalu ada untukmu dan bersamamu selalu.  Terlebih seseorang yang mau berada disisi kamu ketika kamu membutuhkan teman. - P.S-

The Calling In... of a Life Partner... .

•*¨`*•✿ By Sannanda

The invitation is clear... I feel you in my heart... The decision is made within me... years of preparation... to receive you...

Within me the knowing... you will be a mirror... reflecting me... all my beliefs all my wounds... and yes... all the grace within my sacred being...

So I have looked inside... healing my wounds... embracing my loneliness with love... going from alone... becoming all-one with the divine... My heart is radiant... joyfull... and filled with awe for the sheer expression of life itself...

My love... Dear One... I have made myself ready... to welcome you ... You... the mirror reflection of all what I am... I call you... sending my voice into the infinite realms of Universe... and yes... wow... the response from you...

... My love... I hear your call... I am ready... look for me... my path will cross yours... any moment... Be ready... Beloved One...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Write Something Worth..

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." -Benjamin Franklin -

The One Who..

Respect the one who can see these 3 things in you: Sorrow behind your smile, Love behind your anger and Reason behind your silence...♥

The Beauty Of Your Light..

As I look into your bright, joyous eyes, I am reminded of the beauty that you are is within me.

Of all the bright, beautiful Lights in the Universe of Love, it is the beauty of your Light that illuminates my journey Home.

It is this beauty that you give to me and so shall I receive. I accept your gift with all my Love and gratitude for the joining of the oneness of Love.

It is this gift that I give to you as well. For what is offered to me is offered to you. Such is the beauty and the miracle of being aware of God's Love.

It is our connection through His Love that demonstrates that no barriers can come between the destiny of peace. Within our connection do we reflect our Love unto the world reminding everyone of the beauty that is within them.

Alas, we are Home. Amen! ♥