Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yang Diinginkan Wanita Ketika Sedang Ngambek

Wanita dan pria merupakan dua orang yang berbeda pandangan. Perselisihan antar keduanya pun sering kali terjadi.  Terkadang pria tidak mengerti dengan jalan pikiran pasangan. Sedangkan wanita menganggap kekasihnya tidak sensitif. Ego yang besar membuat wanita sulit mengungkapkan apa yang mereka inginkan, sehingga marah dan aksi ngambek bisa terus berjalan. Nah, untuk kaum pria daripada bingung bagaimana cara mengambil hati si dia ketika marah, ini dia beberapa hal yang diinginkan wanita ketika sedang ngambek, seperti dilansir Future Scope.

1. Dimengerti
Jika wanita marah, pasti karena suatu sebab. Tidak banyak wanita yang bisa mengungkapkan isi hatinya ketika ia sedang marah, wanita hanya ingin dimengerti. Untuk pria, cari tahu sendiri apa yang menyebabkan wanita marah dengan tidak terus mendesak wanita untuk mengatakannya.

2. Mengaku Salah
Wanita akan merasa lebih lega ketika pria mau mengakui kesalahannya. Sikap gentlemen pria tersebut akan dihargai oleh wanita.

3. Minta Maaf
Satu lagi kata-kata sakti yang diinginkan wanita dari pria adalah kata-kata sakti permintaan maaf dari pria. Tidak hanya mengaku bahwasalah, tapi juga meminta maaf atas perbuatan yang telah dilakukan kepada wanita. Sekecil apapun kesalahan itu, permintaan maaf dari seorang pria akan sangat bermakna.

4. Tidak Didiamkan
Banyak pria ketika wanita sedang ngambek, pria malah mendiamkannya. Bukannya memberikan solusi, sikap pria tersebut malah membuat wanita semakin kesal. Meski sedang marahan, wanita tidak suka didiamkan. Di hati kecil wanita, mereka tetap suka jika pria tetap menghubungi dan mencarinya.

5. Memberi Surprise
Memberikan surprise merupakan salah satu bentuk tanda penyesalan dan permintaan maaf pria. Ketika marah, tentu wanita mengharapkan sesuatu yang manis diberikan oleh pria untuknya. Seperti membawakan cake yang bertuliskan ‘forgive me’ atau memberikannya satu buket mawar.

A Good Spouse

A good spouse is like the best book. Sometimes the cover may not be so elegant but the contents are like bars of gold that u can treasure for a lifetime!

Beauty, elegance, cheerful and serene settings ~
Nurtures with love the mind, body, heart and soul.

`*.¸.* ´* peace * ´¯`•.¸¸.L ♥ V E

Don't Disclose Secrets:

“Among the worst type of people in the sight of Allah (subhaanahu wa ‘ta’aalaa) on the Day of Judgment is a man who enjoys his wife’s company, and she enjoys his company, then one of them goes and discloses the secret of the other.”
[Sahih Muslim, 10/8, Kitab al-nikah, bab tahrim ifsha' sirr al-mar'ah; Al-targhib wa'l-tarhib]

The chaste Muslim does not disclose his/her spouse's secret, and does not talk to anyone about whatever secrets and other matters there may be between them. The serious Muslim is above that; he/she would never sink to the level of such cheap and shameless talk as goes on amongst the lowest type of people. Time is too precious to be wasted in such vulgar behavior. They would never accept for themselves to be counted as one of those people whom the Prophet s.a.w described as one of the worst types.

Never Let The World Change Me..

I will never let the world change me; I just want the world to love with me. You are life’s greatest gift; give your heart, your soul, and your truth to life gifting the beauty of your love for all. Never take life for granted, appreciate the beauty that life has given you. It is time to dream of a better life; it is time to live a better dream. Never let life control you, you take control of your life. True love can be so easy to find, seek within the beauty of your heart and let’s love forever. Gift your love for our love, we are all one love ~♥~ Lee Held ~♥~

What We Can't Have Or Don't Have..

"May we never let the things we can't have, or don't have, or shouldn't have, spoil our enjoyment of the things we do have and can have. As we value our happiness, let us not forget it, for one of the greatest lessons in life is learning to be happy without the things we cannot or should not have."
Richard L. Evans

Friday, April 27, 2012

~The pious wife~

Marriage to her is one half of the deen,
The benefit Allah has put in her is yet to be seen.
She wears her hijab for her Lord, to please and obey,
She turns to Allah for salaah at least five times each day.

She prays in the night and makes sure to awake you,bea
And sprinkles you with water if sleep should overtake you.
She protects her chastity with firmness because she does not desire,
To displease Allah and end up in the tormenting fire.

She asks the people who know when matters need to be rectified,
She is not blinded by self righteousness and foolish pride.
She is humble and kind to her husband as Allah has commanded,
Never leaving him alone, isolated, nor stranded.

She opens her mouth only to say what is best,
Not questioning her husband when he makes a request.
She takes care of herself and never ceases to try,
To beautify herself so to please his eye.

She is a pleasure Allah has given to us in this life,
Be thankful to Allah alone for His blessing.