Thursday, January 27, 2011
Romantics Words For Him
Words are powerful, and the words you say to him can either nurture and strengthen your relationship – or bring it crashing down in a miserable break-up! To know exactly how words affect his emotions, and to learn how to use your words to make him fall MADLY IN LOVE with you, Sometimes, I give lectures and seminars to groups of women around the country. Mostly small groups of less than 50 women, but I still have a lot of fun meeting them and listening to their love problems -- and giving them life-changing solutions! After giving these talks for several years, I've learned something very important -- the way I speak to my audience has a big effect on how they respond to me. And certain words have a much bigger effect on them than others. It's not just me, either -- I've also realized, especially during our open
forums, that virtually every woman in the world "talks" to herself. This self-talk is often unconscious, and --unfortunately -- it's also often sad and depressive. Many of my clients look at themselves small -- "I'm not pretty," "I'm not sexy enough," "I'm not as smart as I want to be."
And you know what happens? That's the message they bring to the men they meet. "I'm not attractive enough to be your girlfriend, but I hope you'll accept me and love me anyway." Hello! Ladies, words are POWERFUL. And the words, the emotions, the messages you bring across to the men you meet actually DICTATES how he's going torespond to you. Do you want him to respond to you in a positive way?
Then learn the right things to say! And in today's letter, I'll be giving you three powerful phrases that help build your bond with the man in your life, and also make him more likely to RETURN your love.
Ready? Here's the first phrase. Feel free to write this down!
Surprised? These two words have helped my clients and readers turn first dates with new men into fantastic, heart-to-heart meetings that blossomed into wonderful relationships! But how does it work?
Simple -- I'm pretty sure it's hard to ask personal questions during the first date, but when you add these two words after your question..."So what do you do for a living? Just curious." "What do you do for fun? Just curious." "Are you single? Just curious."...instantly, answering your question becomes SO MUCH EASIER for him! Without these two powerful words, your questions may come off as too forward.
He might start thinking that you're one of those needy, desperate women who rush into relationships with the first man who comes their way. But when you're "just curious," he'll think you're just that -- just curious and he gives you an answer! Practice saying these two words after your questions. It will help build the connection between you and him, and can lead to a longer, more satisfying conversation -- instead of the usual awkwardness that accompany most first dates!
As you go on more and more dates with him, the conversation evolves. If you started out by talking about your jobs, your living arrangements, and your interests, then later on, you'll start talking about your goals, your values, and your love life. This is where the phrase "tell me more" is at its most powerful. When he's telling you the deeper, more intimate details of his life, he actually wants you listen and appreciate him. And when you say, "Please tell me more," then you show him that you're genuinely interested in his life! And when he knows you're interested, and when he knows that you actually value his views, he's going to like you more and more.
forums, that virtually every woman in the world "talks" to herself. This self-talk is often unconscious, and --unfortunately -- it's also often sad and depressive. Many of my clients look at themselves small -- "I'm not pretty," "I'm not sexy enough," "I'm not as smart as I want to be."
And you know what happens? That's the message they bring to the men they meet. "I'm not attractive enough to be your girlfriend, but I hope you'll accept me and love me anyway." Hello! Ladies, words are POWERFUL. And the words, the emotions, the messages you bring across to the men you meet actually DICTATES how he's going torespond to you. Do you want him to respond to you in a positive way?
Then learn the right things to say! And in today's letter, I'll be giving you three powerful phrases that help build your bond with the man in your life, and also make him more likely to RETURN your love.
Ready? Here's the first phrase. Feel free to write this down!
Surprised? These two words have helped my clients and readers turn first dates with new men into fantastic, heart-to-heart meetings that blossomed into wonderful relationships! But how does it work?
Simple -- I'm pretty sure it's hard to ask personal questions during the first date, but when you add these two words after your question..."So what do you do for a living? Just curious." "What do you do for fun? Just curious." "Are you single? Just curious."...instantly, answering your question becomes SO MUCH EASIER for him! Without these two powerful words, your questions may come off as too forward.
He might start thinking that you're one of those needy, desperate women who rush into relationships with the first man who comes their way. But when you're "just curious," he'll think you're just that -- just curious and he gives you an answer! Practice saying these two words after your questions. It will help build the connection between you and him, and can lead to a longer, more satisfying conversation -- instead of the usual awkwardness that accompany most first dates!
As you go on more and more dates with him, the conversation evolves. If you started out by talking about your jobs, your living arrangements, and your interests, then later on, you'll start talking about your goals, your values, and your love life. This is where the phrase "tell me more" is at its most powerful. When he's telling you the deeper, more intimate details of his life, he actually wants you listen and appreciate him. And when you say, "Please tell me more," then you show him that you're genuinely interested in his life! And when he knows you're interested, and when he knows that you actually value his views, he's going to like you more and more.
Conversation is a great way to build that deeper, more emotional bond that your budding relationship needs! What's more, later on, he's going to ask YOU about your goals, values, and -- perhaps most importantly -- your love life. Since you showed your interest in HIS life, he's going to show an interest
in yours, too. And that's where things REALLY get fun!
Before you comment on "Hey, hard worker," let me explain for a bit! At the beginning of your relationship, it's a good idea to compliment him lightly. A good way of doing this is by showing your approval of his appearance: "I love your suit!" "I like the color of your eyes." "That's a nice tie. You sure know your way around fashion!"
Later on, though, as your conversations get deeper and more intimate, it's a good idea to show your approval of the deeper things, too. For instance, if he's an entrepreneur -- "Hello, hard worker!" If he's a fireman, policeman, or paramedic -- "Hi, hero!" If he's into community service -- "I love how you spend so much of your time helping others. It's so noble." When your compliments move from the
physical to the more emotional, it means that your relationship is maturing nicely.
It also means things are going right, and if you keep saying the right words, your relationship can develop into something that will last a lifetime! Sure -- I know I've mentioned in some of my previous newsletters that actions speak louder than words. But trust me, words speak pretty loudly themselves -- and, as I've shown you in this newsletter, they have the power to move the relationship in the right
direction. So make your words count!
Yes, words are VERY powerful. Knowing the right things to say is a great addition to your "love toolkit,"
and I highly recommend you develop this crucial dating-and-relationship skill. Trust me, I've met so many women who lost their boyfriends and husbands simply because of a careless or thoughtless word. I don't want you to make that mistake in your OWN love life! As you get better with your conversation
skills and choices of words, you can come up with your own style.
Trust me, coming up with your own personal style of flirting with men is one of the most enjoyable dating skills you'll ever learn! If you want to get started, here's the secret -- it's all about knowing what
makes men tick. When you know exactly what makes men "graduate" from physical attraction to TRUE LOVE, then the words will come easy and naturally!
in yours, too. And that's where things REALLY get fun!
Before you comment on "Hey, hard worker," let me explain for a bit! At the beginning of your relationship, it's a good idea to compliment him lightly. A good way of doing this is by showing your approval of his appearance: "I love your suit!" "I like the color of your eyes." "That's a nice tie. You sure know your way around fashion!"
Later on, though, as your conversations get deeper and more intimate, it's a good idea to show your approval of the deeper things, too. For instance, if he's an entrepreneur -- "Hello, hard worker!" If he's a fireman, policeman, or paramedic -- "Hi, hero!" If he's into community service -- "I love how you spend so much of your time helping others. It's so noble." When your compliments move from the
physical to the more emotional, it means that your relationship is maturing nicely.
It also means things are going right, and if you keep saying the right words, your relationship can develop into something that will last a lifetime! Sure -- I know I've mentioned in some of my previous newsletters that actions speak louder than words. But trust me, words speak pretty loudly themselves -- and, as I've shown you in this newsletter, they have the power to move the relationship in the right
direction. So make your words count!
Yes, words are VERY powerful. Knowing the right things to say is a great addition to your "love toolkit,"
and I highly recommend you develop this crucial dating-and-relationship skill. Trust me, I've met so many women who lost their boyfriends and husbands simply because of a careless or thoughtless word. I don't want you to make that mistake in your OWN love life! As you get better with your conversation
skills and choices of words, you can come up with your own style.
Trust me, coming up with your own personal style of flirting with men is one of the most enjoyable dating skills you'll ever learn! If you want to get started, here's the secret -- it's all about knowing what
makes men tick. When you know exactly what makes men "graduate" from physical attraction to TRUE LOVE, then the words will come easy and naturally!
-Alexandra Fox-
Empat Rahasia Perempuan
Sulit bagi pria untuk memahami keinginan pasangannya saat sedang bercinta. Biasanya, para wanita memang hanya mau berbagi rahasia seksualitas mereka pada sahabat dekatnya. Penasaran apa yang menjadi rahasia seksualitas para wanita? Askmen mengungkapnya.
1. Hasrat bercinta wanita bangkit menjelang menstruasi. Jasmine Leigh, seksolog yang dikutip dari Askmen menyebutkan bahwa hasrat bercinta wanita, atau libido biasanya bangkit menjelang dan saat menstruasi. Di masa-masa tersebut, hormon progesteron dalam tubuh wanita meningkat, sehingga memudahkannya untuk mencapai kepuasan seksual.
2. Mementingkan kualitas seks ketimbang kuantitas. Banyak pria yang merasa jantan saat berhasil menahan puncak kenikmatan seksnya. Apalagi jika kegiatan bercinta semakin panjang dan lama. Padahal sesungguhnya, wanita juga tidak menyukai kegiatan bercinta seperti itu. Wanita lebih mementingkan kelembutan pasangannya saat tengah bercinta, bukan pria yang bertindak bagai mesin.
3. Bersedia mencoba sesuatu yang baru. Wanita pun sama dengan pria. Terkadang hal baru dalam dunia seksualitas membuatnya tertarik. Banyak wanita yang bersedia melakukan 'pengalaman' seks baru dengan pasangannya. Jadi, para pria tak perlu ragu untuk meminta pasangannya mencoba hal baru saat bercinta.
4. Hasrat bangkit di pagi hari. Menurut Leigh, hasrat bercinta wanita juga bangkit di pagi hari. Tepatnya sebelum pukul 08.00 pagi, libido wanita tengah naik. Bagi Anda yang ingin memberi sensasi baru pada kehidupan seksual, memilih waktu bercinta di pagi hari bisa jadi pilihan.
Ayu Kinanti
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Takkan Terganti, Marcell
Suka banget lihat klipnya..
Plant a Garden by Color | Real Simple
Plant a Garden by Color | Real Simple
Aku suka banget yang namanya gardening, jadi ini untuk menambah inspirasi yang kepingin punya taman bunga.
Aubrey, Bread
I miss him..
we don't talk anymore, but I'll never ever forget the times we had :')
Yang Disukai Pria dari Wanita Pemalu
Naa ini nih aku setuju banget sama artikel yang satu ini, karena aku memang termasuk cewek pemalu juga. Akhirnya aku mendapatkan jawaban yang selama ini aku cari..salut deh untuk mbak Ayu Kinanti (ngomong-ngomong namanya kok persis kayak adikku ya..)
Ayu Kinanti
Yang Disukai Pria Dari Wanita Pemalu
Wanita pemalu biasanya sulit membaur dalam kehidupan sosial. Jangankan mengakrabkan diri dengan lawan jenis, dengan teman sesama perempuan saja terkadang mereka sulit. Namun bukan berarti para wanita pemalu tersebut sulit mendapatkan pasangan. Karena ternyata banyak hal yang dari diri wanita pemalu yang disukai pria seperti yang dituliskan Shine. Wanita yang supel dan memiliki banyak sahabat memang sangat menarik perhatian. Namun terkadang, ketergantungan mereka terhadap gengnya membuat para pria 'mundur teratur'. Dalam memilih pasangan, wanita supel sering kali tak hanya mengikuti kata hatinya semata, melainkan juga pendapat sahabat-sahabatnya. Hal tersebut terkadang membuat pria merasa terintimidasi.
Tak hanya itu, wanita supel biasanya tak memiliki potensi lain yang tersembunyi di dalam dirinya. Sikapnya yang sangat terbuka membuat pria mudah menebak dan menilai mereka.
Sebaliknya saat mendekati wanita pemalu, pria lebih merasakan banyak tantangan. Ia tak hanya harus berusaha mendekati si wanita, namun juga harus mengorek isi hatinya yang terdalam. Yang pasti, semua pria menikmati tantangan itu.
Bersama wanita yang pemalu, pria juga merasa menjadi nomor satu. Karena wanita pemalu tak memiliki banyak teman dekat pria, maka siapapun yang menjadi pasangannya akan merasa tersanjung. Selain itu, wanita pemalu juga umumnya sangat setia, perhatian serta penyayang.
Setujukah Anda?
Yang Disukai Pria Dari Wanita Pemalu
Ingin Menjadi Kakak
Sewaktu aku menemani anakku bermain diluar, tiba-tiba anakku berkata, "mah, sekarang darren panggilannya kakak aja" aku tercenung, dan kemudian bertanya padanya, "mengapa harus dipanggil kakak? darren kan belum punya adik". Lalu ia menjawab, "darren ingin punya adik maa..supaya bisa dipanggil kakak". Ya Allah..sepertinya anakku terlalu kesepian. Pertanyaan seperti ini terkadang membuatku trenyuh juga..Aku hanya bisa berkata padanya, bahwa untuk memiliki seorang adik ia harus lebih banyak bersabar. Tapi aku juga sadar, bahwa ia masih sangat kecil dan polos, mungkin suatu hari nanti aku akan menjelaskan padanya mengenai bagaimana proses terjadinya seorang adik. Nantilah kalau dia sudah bisa diajak berinteraksi.
Ia pun pernah tiba-tiba memanggil-manggil "daddy"nya ketika ia sendirian. Aku mendengar eyangnya bertanya padanya, "siapa yang kau panggil sayang?" anakku menjawab, "darren lagi panggil daddynya darren". Kemudian eyangnya, bertanya lagi "memangnya darren kangen sama daddy?", anakku menjawabnya dengan pelan, "iya.." Ya Allah..harus bagaimana aku ini? Bagaimana caranya membuat anakku merasa diperhatikan? Padahal ada aku ibunya disampingnya. Apakah didalam hatinya ia merasakan kekosongan itu? kerinduannya pada sosok ayahnya? Kumohon Ya Allah..berikanlah jawaban kepadaku apa yang harus kulakukan?
Ungkapan Hati
Whole-Grain Spaghety With Garlicky Kale and Tomatoes
- 6 ounces whole-grain spaghetti
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, chopped
- kosher salt and black pepper
- 1 bunch kale, thick stems removed and leaves torn into bite-size pieces (about 8 cups)
- 2 pints grape tomatoes, halved
- 1/3 cup chopped roasted almonds
- 1/4 cup grated pecorino (1 ounce), plus more for serving
- Cook the pasta according to the package directions. Reserve ¼ cup of the cooking water, drain the pasta, and return it to the pot.
- Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the onion, garlic, ¼ teaspoon salt, and ⅛ teaspoon pepper. Cook, stirring occasionally, until beginning to brown, 4 to 5 minutes. Add the kale and cook, tossing frequently, until tender, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook, tossing frequently, until the tomatoes begin to soften, 1 to 2 minutes more.
- Add the kale mixture, almonds, pecorino, and reserved cooking water to the pasta and toss to combine. Serve with additional pecorino.
Naik Haji..
Kepingin banget naik haji, apalagi jika bisa pergi haji bareng suami tercinta, matipun aku nggak akan penasaran lagi. Sebab the ultimate dreamku ya bisa pergi haji bareng suami. Kapan ya kira-kira impianku bisa terkabul? Dengan ibadah haji, maka sempurnalah ibadahku sebagai seorang muslim. Semoga saja ketika terkabul aku masih mampu menjalankan ibadah itu.
Gossip Kualat..
Hari sabtu tanggal 22 Januari 2011 kemarin, aku, ibu, anakku dan adik perempuanku jalan-jalan ke Ciwalk..we have such a great time together doing stuffs like shopped, eat, and gossips. Hari itu setelah capek jalan dan belanja belanje, jalan sana jalan sini, akhirnya kita memutuskan ke acara yang paling ditunggu-tunggu "MAKAN". Nah akhirnya makan deh kita di Texas, tempat favorite anakku yang murah meriah. Oke..kita makan sambil ngobrol-ngobrol ringan mulai dari kehidupan kerja adikku, pacarnya hingga pada akhirnya kita bergosip mengenai cowok, mantan-mantan kita, dan kriteria-kriteria cowok seperti apa yang kita suka. Pada saat aku mengungkapkan sebuah rahasia kepada mereka sontak aku tertawa hahaha.., dan saking exitednya ceritaku, tiba-tiba aku tersedak mash potatoe yang sedang berada didalam mulutku, hingga aku agak sukar untuk bernafas. Agak panik aku langsung menenggak minuman yang ada dihadapanku dan beruntunglah makanan yang tersangkut itu akhirnya masuk ke dalam perut.
Omg..ternyata pada saat kejadian seru seperti itu, aku diperhatikan oleh beberapa orang cowok yang duduk didekat kami. Ya Tuhan! malu banget aku, mana merekanya senyam-senyum gitu seolah-olah mengejekku dalam hati, "makanya kalo lagi makan jangan gossip mbak.." Ya sudahlah..aku belagak cuek aja, ngapain sih mereka ikut-ikutan memperhatikan kami yang sedang ngobrol! huh dasar..Nggak lagi-lagi deh ngomongin orang pas lagi makan.
Suddenly by Billy Ocean
Short-Sweet-Sour Chicken with Cashew
- 1 cup long-grain white rice
- 18 ounces frozen chicken nuggets
- 1/2 cup apricot preserves
- 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons cider vinegar
- 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger
- 1 tablespoon canola oil
- 4 stalks celery, thinly sliced
- 1/2 pound snow peas
- 1 chili pepper (such as serrano or jalapeño), seeded and sliced
- 1/2 cup roasted cashews
- 2 scallions, thinly sliced
- Cook the rice according to the package directions.
- Meanwhile, cook the chicken according to the package directions. (If there’s a pan-frying option, choose it; otherwise, bake.)
- In a small bowl, whisk together the preserves, soy sauce, vinegar, and ginger. Set aside.
- Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add the celery and cook, tossing, for 2 minutes.
- Add the snow peas and chili pepper and cook, tossing, until the vegetables are just tender, 1 to 2 minutes.
- Add the chicken, sauce, and cashews and toss to coat. Serve over the rice and sprinkle with the scallions.
The Green House Effect
Chicken Rice Bowl
- 1 cup long-grain white rice
- 1 large egg
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts, thinly sliced (2 large)
- 3 tablespooons canola oil, plus more, if necessary
- 1/2 pound Brussels sprouts, thinly sliced
- 1 1-inch piece fresh ginger, peeled and cut into matchsticks
- 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
- 3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
- 3 tablespoons rice vinegar
- 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
- 1 red chili pepper, thinly sliced
- 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
- 2 scallions, thinly sliced
- 2 tablespoons chopped roasted peanuts
- Cook the rice according to the package directions.
- Meanwhile, in a large bowl, beat the egg. Place the cornstarch in another large bowl. Add the chicken to the egg and toss to coat. A few pieces at a time, lift the chicken out of the egg and coat in the cornstarch, tapping off the excess; transfer to a plate.
- Heat 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. In 2 batches, cook the chicken, turning occasionally, until golden, 3 to 5 minutes (add more oil for the second batch, if necessary); transfer to a plate.
- Heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil in the skillet over medium heat. Add the Brussels sprouts, ginger, and garlic and cook, tossing occasionally, until beginning to soften, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, and ¾ cup water and cook, stirring occasionally, until the Brussels sprouts are crisp-tender and the liquid begins to thicken, 2 to 3 minutes more.
- Return the chicken to the skillet, along with the chili, and cook, tossing, until heated through, about 1 minute. Add the sesame oil and scallions. Serve over the rice and sprinkle with the peanuts.
Rumput Tetangga Terlihat Lebih Hijau
Yang namanya manusia itu memang cobaannya banyak sekali, apalagi yang namanya iri, cemburu itu pasti ada, tapi jangan sampai deh menjadi dengki. Cemburu..nah ini nih godaan terbesar kita. Dulu aku sama sekali nggak pernah punya rasa seperti ini, yang ada hanya ketulusan hati. Akhir-akhir ini, kok aku makin tergoda dengan sifat jelek ini ya? Apalagi bila berkaitan dengan yang namanya cinta.
Sebenarnya akar permasalahan dari rasa ini adalah rasa insecure, dan merasa diri kita kecil. Mungkin rasa tidak percaya pada diri kita sudah demikian parahnya sehingga ketika kita melihat orang lain, kita merasa diri kita nggak berarti apa-apa. We tend to look down ourself! we tend to COMPARE ourself with others. Kita selalu tergoda untuk melihat kehidupan orang lain yang terlihat hebat, sempurna dimata kita, dan melihat kedalam diri kita sendiri apa yang tidak kita miliki. Kita lupa melihat kemampuan dan kehebatan yang ada pada diri sendiri karena tidak terlihat dan tidak kita sadari. Mungkin saja apa yang terlihat dari luar indah belum tentu didalamnya baik.
Sejujurnya kita juga harus bisa memahami mengapa seseorang itu bisa mempunyai sifat insecure atau tidak percaya diri, tidaklah bijak bila kita menilainya negatif, karena dibalik semua sifat itu ada sebabnya. Entah dulu mereka sering dikecewakan dan disakiti oleh orang lain sehingga menyebabkan seseorang menjadi merasa tidak berharga dan lain sebagainya. Ya yang namanya manusia, bila hal itu terlalu sering terjadi pada dirinya ia pasti akan memiliki perasaan seperti itu. Makanya perlakukan orang lain dengan respect! ingat karma..kehidupan ini sesungguhnya adalah mata rantai. Jika kamu memperlakukan orang lain dengan buruk, seperti efek domino kehidupan juga akan menjadi buruk. Karena satu dosa kecil bisa menjadikan sebuah kehidupan menjadi negatif!
Inilah saatnya kita harus segera sadar, bahwa bersyukur pada apa yang telah Tuhan berikan itu menjauhkan kita dari hal-hal seperti ini. Jika memang harus, coba tulis apa kelebihan-kelebihan kita dan fokus pada hal-hal bagus tersebut. Nggak ada gunanya kita membandingkan diri kita dengan orang lain, yang belum tentu juga bagus. Setiap orang itu memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, dan setiap orang itu adalah unik. YOU ARE UNIQUE..Lihatlah pada apa yang kamu miliki saat ini, kesehatan yang baik, kehidupan yang tenang, anak yang sehat dan rupawan, dsb. Alhamdulillah ya Allah..atas hikmah serta hidayah ini, aku bersyukur pada rezeki dan nikmat yang telah Kau berikan padaku. Amin..
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